Affiliate Marketing Help

If you’re a struggling affiliate like I was, you will get a lot of benefit from finding affiliate marketing help. Back in 2014 I was a struggling affiliate looking for help in earning some money online. Despite having taken several online training courses, I was nowhere near success as an affiliate. I made the odd sporadic sale, but in truth I didn’t know what I was doing!

The problem was I had no money and was also super sceptical of anyone asking for it! But trying to do everything on your own as an affiliate is tough. Affiliate marketing is hard even with help and support! On your own the chances of success are vastly reduced.

affiliate marketing help
Me and Jay Kubassek at a meeting in London in 2015

Eventually I found an online community which was actually real. Despite being massively sceptical, I went to my first physical meeting and found other affiliates. Back in 2014 affiliate marketing was far less known than it is today. So finding online tutors and coaches was nearly impossible. I had already taken a few courses but I didn’t find an actual mentor until then. You can join the same program where I found help through this free video series.

Affiliate Marketing Help – Why You Need It

You need affiliate marketing help if you are new to affiliate marketing. It’s a tough business and today there’s far more competition than there was even only 10 years ago. Getting your content, for example, in front of people is a much bigger challenge today than it used to be. There’s so many people doing the same, you need to stand out somehow.

Without help and support you can be trying multiple tactics for a long time without getting anywhere! As a newbie, you don’t have a strategy which is proven, so all your tactics are likely to fail at least at first. This is super demoralising and it’s easy at this stage to quit, thinking that affiliate marketing just doesn’t work!

But you need to push on here because the first sale is just around the corner! Belief therefore is an important ingredient in success as an affiliate marketer. You need to believe in yourself and in what you’re doing. Without it, you’ll likely drop out.

Affiliate Marketing Help – You Are The Average Of Your Five Closest Friends

If you’re going it alone with affiliate marketing, you probably don’t have other affiliates doing the same as you. That means your circle “of influence” is working against you rather than with you. Well meaning friends will even encourage you to quit rather than push on.

affiliate marketing help

They will tell you affiliate marketing is a scam, and not to trust it! This is hardly helpful when you’re attempting something so difficult as affiliate marketing. With help and support, you can find encouragement and accountability. It’s far too easy to quit when all the people around you don’t believe in what you’re doing, and are telling you it’s a waste of your time!

You become the average of the people you spend more time with. So by getting help and support, you can surround yourself with entrepreneurs and business owners who can offer training, help, support and accountability.

Changing Your Tactics & Types Of Products

Before getting affiliate marketing help, I jumped from one course to another. This also meant jumping from one marketing strategy to another too! No wonder I didn’t get anywhere with my affiliate marketing. Because I didn’t get help initially I made a lot of mistakes. I got my Google Adwords account banned, I wasted time on non productive activities and I failed many times!

affiliate marketing help

In 2014 when I found this online business community, I decided to start again from scratch! I also changed my marketing strategy and changed the products I was promoting. I learned to promote subscription affiliate products which paid recurring commissions and this made a massive difference to my ability to earn consistently.

Also I learned about high ticket affiliate marketing, which was a total game changer. What is high ticket affiliate marketing? A high ticket product typically pays out over $500 per sale. I was promoting products which paid $40 per sale and less!

Affiliate Marketing Help – A Change Of Mindset

Mindset is an important part of affiliate marketing too. Before I got help my mindset was that of desperation! I was desperately trying to make money online – any money. But I didn’t invest in myself or my understanding of affiliate marketing. As such, I jumped from one idea to another and never got any traction. But over the years my mindset shifted. I learned how to focus on money producing activities and avoid wasting so much time. Pareto’s principle states that 80% of outcomes are derived from 20% of actions.

With affiliate marketing this is very true also. Once you have some experience as an affiliate you can look on your results and those activities which created them. Then, focus all you time and attention on those actions which have the largest impact. As a beginner, I was building websites, running adverts and trying all kinds of tactics. But my mindset was flawed because I was desperate and rushing from one thing to the next without giving any one aspect the necessary time and attention. See also psychology of affiliate marketing.

Access The Community

You can also access the community directly through the banner below. You’ll get access to an all in one business system and training program. Plus access over 10,000 training courses through Linkedin Learning. There’s a 30 day money back guarantee so you can also take some action risk free! What are you waiting for! Access here!