Hi my name’s Tim Halloran and I’ve been an affiliate marketer since the early 2000’s. I started out looking at affiliate marketing due to not getting enough work. I was struggling as a stunt performer for television and film productions. In the frequent stretches between work, I picked up jobs and did whatever I could:office jobs, driving HGV’s, take away driving, working on building sites etc.. But there was no future in many of the jobs I worked and they were very low pay.

So I looked to the internet as a possible solution; trying many different tactics including eBay, Adsense, buying and selling and eventually I found affiliate marketing.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing seemed pretty simple and straight forward to me. It just seemed very ‘neat’. You didn’t need any products of your own, you didn’t have to hold any stock or even deal with customers directly.
At first I struggled with affiliate marketing. It’s not an easy business until you start to see some levels of success. See my article on 23 affiliate mistakes newbie affiliates should avoid.
But I persevered knowing the situation I was in wasn’t going to improve by itself. I tried many online courses and joined many training systems and strategies. Some of what I learned did work, but it was always temporary.
When I joined an online community, I started seeing affiliate marketing differently. I was able to interact with people and ask questions. This struck me as really useful and I was amazed after so much scepticism and having had so many difficulties. It’s difficult to be optimistic when you’ve struggled for a long time. It’s far easier to just say that affiliate marketing doesn’t work instead!

A Long Journey…
Affiliate marketing has been a long journey for me. It’s definitely not for the faint of heart. But I always wanted to have the freedom and time to do things which always seemed out of reach. With affiliate marketing, you can create both time and financial freedom and work in a way which suits you.
I now work from home and run a part time martial arts school in Leeds. I also occasionally still do stunt work when it crops up but am able to earn from my laptop through promoting affiliate products which can help others gain more freedom and control over their lives.
If you’re interested in getting started with affiliate marketing you can access a free video series through this link and meet Stuart, one of my personal mentors.
I have also started offering personal mentoring for affiliate marketers on a one to one basis. Learn more at my main website escape9tofive.com