Are you looking for a business mentorship and entrepreneurship program? The SFM Digital business system is an online ready made business system. It offers a built in mentorship program too, for budding online entrepreneurs.
Start by building your digital sales funnel, and using the pre-existing products using the step by step modules. You can then choose a marketing strategy and access coaches and mentors to help you build your online business from scratch.

The SFM (Six Figure Mentors) offers a digital business system and mentorship program which anyone can access. Start here to access module 1 for free.
Business Mentorship And Entrepreneurship Program
The SFM’s business mentorship and entrepreneurship program offers a number of options for anyone wanting to start out online.
Their product range includes a number of options:
- Mentors-All-In/Essential Member – offers a number of trainings and live events, pre-recorded webinars and trainings, over 10,000 training resources and an all in one business system.
- Elite/Launch You – Accelerate – Offers the first in a high ticket product range. As a reseller, you can earn 40% commissions by selling products valued at $2500 and access a number of coaches, mentors and online groups.
- DEA – The Digital Experts Academy offers a number of in-depth courses helping you to become a full time online entrepreneur. You can access 1 on 1 affiliate marketing coaching and mentoring through a variety of products and services. You can start here through the Mentors All In Package and choose the appropriate course through your dashboard.

Benefits Of Joining A Business Mentorship And Entrepreneurship Program
Becoming an entrepreneur is challenging at the best of times. If you’ve never ventured into the online space, there’s plenty to learn. Many people “have a go” at becoming an online business owner, and fail miserably! It’s often because they don’t get the right help and advice from the start.
With the SFM Digital Business System, and mentorship programs, you’ll get a running start with the right tools, resources and most importantly, support. Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek‘s community of entrepreneurs offers a support system which is hard to rival. Through it, anyone can learn to build a profitable online business, if they have the drive and commitment to do so.

Since joining the SFM’s online business community, I’ve been able to join various groups and trainings, as well as access personal mentors and coaches. Many of the issues I’ve had were mindset related roadblocks and affiliate psychology. But following and modelling those who have succeeded online is the best way to know the right path. Going it alone online is pretty hard; both psychologically and technically.
Becoming An Entrepreneur – Roadblocks To Success
Some of the major roadblocks to success online come in the form of mindset issues. If you can follow someone else, and copy what they are doing, anyone should be able to succeed online right? For many reasons, people hold themselves back from success in many endeavours, whether online or offline. An online business is no different. Even with the best tools and resources, people can struggle. This is often because they are bringing an old mindset with them to a new arena.

The traditional age thinking teaches us to save and live below your means. Live frugally and spend as little as possible. But digital businesses thrive on spending money on advertising. Without spending money, your business will suffer because no-one will see it. Here lies a potential conflict between the thinking of an entrepreneur and that of an employee. Entrepreneurial thinking requires a shift from the norm.
Equally, bringing an employee mindset to a business is fraught with problems. In a job, you get paid for turning up. In a business, you don’t – you get paid for results. This is one reason why so many new to online businesses struggle. They try for a while and don’t see any results. Believing this to be a fault of the business, they quit too early, when in fact it is their mindset at fault.
Your Mindset – Your Greatest Ally Or Biggest Problem
Your mindset with an online business can be your greatest ally or your largest liability. Unless you get your mind working for you, and your business, it can easily work against you. As Henry Ford said; “whether you think you can or you can’t, you’re right”

With an average of around 6000 thoughts every day, it can be difficult to focus on something and sustain the momentum. Unless you can control your thinking, and focus on your objective for the longer term, it’s easy to drift off course unless you take charge of your thinking. This is what happens to many would-be entrepreneurs. They start out with an online business and quit when things get tough.
What often differentiates those who succeed online with those who fail, is simply their focus and mindset.

The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried” – Stephen McCranie