Super Affiliate Handbook

I wish I would have had a super affiliate handbook back in the early 2000’s when I first heard the word “affiliate marketing”. Back then I was struggling trying to sell my own ebooks, with very little success. I put myself on a course and since then was hooked on the idea of making money online through selling other people’s products.

Super Affiliate Handbook
Who am I?

I ditched the ebook idea and started promoting a course I had bought by a guy called Peter Lexis. He’s not around anymore in the online space, or at least I don’t think he is. But I learned a few things from him and from the many other courses I took.

Super Affiliate Handbook

Despite working for several years, jumping from course to course, nothing seemed permanent from affiliate marketing. I made the odd sale here and there, but really, I didn’t know what I was doing! I needed a super affiliate handbook – or some guidance from the “super affiliates” who had made it online! Eventually after a lot of failures online and many attempts, I found an online business community which gave me the direction and support I desperately needed.

Super Affiliate Handbook

This was in 2014 and I was pretty broke at the time, so wasn’t able to invest much initially. But I was able to access a number of mentors and coaches and online trainings which anyone can access through this link.

Skip to 2020 and I’m still there! Still learning and growing my online business. But now I’m armed with much more knowledge and experience through having had the support of an online business community. I’m not a “super affiliate” myself, but I’m learning from several mentors who could be called super affiliates. Here’s what I’ve learned that super affiliates do differently.

Super Affiliate Handbook – Get Support

Affiliate marketing is tough. I struggled for years before making a consistent income from affiliate marketing. I did many things which were a waste of time and didn’t understand the different business models of affiliate marketing. One of the wisest things I did was getting support. I was able to join webinars and seminars which were run by 6 and 7 figure affiliates who had already failed more times than I had tried!

Getting support was the best money I spent online. It’s not a business that can be learned from a single course and a few videos. It’s a pursuit which can take several years to get good at.

Me and Jay Kubassek
Me and Jay Kubassek on a Momentum Day in London with The SFM

Use The Best Business Models

Another mistake I made was jumping straight in without getting the right knowledge up front. Again this comes down to getting the right information. The wrong information can cost you dearly as it did me! With the wrong information you can struggle for years, as I did.

I spent months and years building content and throwing it up in the hope Google would rank my websites; picking the wrong kinds of products too, (initially using Amazon and eBay), like many new affiliates do. Amazon pays between 3% and 11% commissions on its products which is a tiny percentage. With digital products you can earn 40% + on your sales; by using recurring commissions products, high ticket products and multi-tier commissions, you have a more profitable business model which can be more effectively scaled up quickly.

the six figure funnel

By using only physical products with low commission levels, you’re stuck with slow marketing strategies which can take years. You can’t afford to use paid marketing with many of these kinds of products because you simply won’t be able to profit while running paid adverts.

I made this mistake early on as an affiliate. I spent months and years creating content, pointing my affiliate links to companies who paid peanuts. My content disappeared into the stratosphere and never got seen!

Super Affiliate Handbook – Position At The Top

Super affiliates position themselves at the very top of a business system so that they can earn the most commission from their effort. Take a look at the business structure below which shows a product range and level of earning potential from commissions.

a high ticket affiliate program

To position yourself as an affiliate to earn the best commission levels means investing in a business system like this one. The more you invest initially, the more you are capable of earning through sales you make.

Super affiliates realise that a greater earning potential means more can be spent on advertising while still being profitable.

With smaller valued products and services, you simply can’t spend as much because you won’t recoup your budget on sales, let alone make a profit. Super affiliates know this so they put themselves at the top of the commission structure.

Super Affiliate Handbook – Marketing

Once you have a business system (sales funnel) set up and running, you can send visitors (leads) into your sales funnel. There’s many ways to do this, but super affiliates think big! They know that with a digital product range and globally accessible audience, they can scale up and sell to many people all over the world.

With smaller value products you need to create content and work a lot harder to generate sales which aren’t worth as much. But with a six figure sales funnel, you can use paid marketing and scale up very quickly.

Super Affiliate Handbook

So, super affiliates start by testing and measuring their funnel with paid advertising. Initially they’ll start with a small budget which is easily affordable. As they run paid adverts from advertising platforms such as Facebook, YouTube or Google Adwords, they’ll collect data. With enough data they can make informed decisions as to whether a campaign is working or not. With those which aren’t working, they cut. Those which are profitable are scaled up through increasing their daily budget.

Knowing Your Numbers

A good digital business system will produce $4 for every $2 spent on advertising. Once you have such as system, you can easily increase your budget, sending more targeted visitors into it. Providing you’ve done your homework and know your numbers, you can start increasing your daily budget.

Super affiliates don’t start out being super affiliates. They start small just where everyone else starts out. But over time once they are consistently making profit by spending money, they simply up their budget and spend more money to make more money!

Super Affiliate Handbook

Super affiliates can spend upwards of $20,000 a month driving targeted leads into their sales funnels. This amount sounds ludicrous, but of course a smaller budget will have been meticulously scrutinised over many weeks/months of sales and slowly increased.

Super affiliates don’t just throw money at their business without good justification. That’s just gambling. Instead they learn to “play” with small amounts first. When they know a consistent marketing strategy regularly produces a profitable outcome, they scale.

Tracking All Leads And Sales

Everything an affiliate does should be tracked. That way, when an affiliate makes a sale, they know where it came from. Pareto’s principle of 80/20, means that 80% of the outcomes come from only 20% of the causes.

Many of an affiliate marketers attempts will fail. Often 80% of advertising campaigns will fall flat! The super affiliates know this but keep going. They only need to find the 20% which work, and they have a winning lottery ticket! Once they discover the advertising campaign which produces a profit consistently, they can simply leave it running and scale up.

Super Affiliate Handbook

By tracking all their adverts, leads and sales, they get to learn where their sales come from. Over time and with consistent effort, they can learn from their data and determine which adverts are best to focus on and which are best to end.

Modelling Success

This “super affiliate handbook” wouldn’t be complete without mentioning modelling of success. Without the help and support of others who have already succeeded online through affiliate marketing, it’s so much more difficult to take the right steps and keep going when times get tough.

With other super affiliates to help and guide you, you only need to choose never to quit and eventually you’ll succeed! There’s so many facets to affiliate marketing that it’s very difficult to do alone.

Get the help of others who have already succeeded online. Join an online community and get started today. Click this link to learn more and access a free video series.

Super Affiliate Handbook

You can also join a free webinar with 7 figure online entrepreneur Stuart Ross by clicking on the image below.

Super Affiliate Handbook
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