It doesn’t matter how good your pre made affiliate websites look, there’s still going to be one factor that’s missing: traffic!
With pre made affiliate websites you get a lot of stuff done for you: ready made affiliate links in your copy, done for you banners and, with some, even a fully built email marketing follow up series. But one thing you will need to do is build traffic.
And building traffic to an affiliate website does take time. Depending on what your niche is, it can take a considerable time. But there’s a few considerations you should have before jumping in a buying pre made affiliate websites.

Pre-Made Affiliate Websites
The main considerations you should take stock of with pre made affiliate websites are:
- Your niche
- The business model
- Can you create content in your niche?
- The relative competition
- Your marketing strategies
With a website there’s two main marketing strategies: free and paid. It doesn’t matter how good your products are or what your business model can give you, whether you are successful or not comes down to one thing: marketing.
Unless you get good at marketing your website, no-one will buy your affiliate products and you won’t make any sales. So let’s start at the bottom of this list with marketing!
Pre Made Affiliate Websites – Marketing
So you’ve got your shiny new website and it’s all set up with banners and affiliate links. Now we just wait for the sales to roll in right!? Wrong! No one will visit your site. Imagine you’ve just bought a garage in the middle of a dessert and you’ll be close to knowing how many people are going to roll up wanting their tank filled! It’s the same for a website. Only much worse! Your website is like a small store buried under millions of others just like it, hidden down an alleyway where nobody visits!
Paid Traffic

In order to get people to your affiliate links you’re going to need to do one, or both of two things: pay for marketing or build content. With a compliant site you can drive traffic to your “online store” within minutes. Set up a marketing strategy using Google Adwords, Bing, Yahoo, Facebook or YouTube. Then send targeted traffic to your site based on their search criteria, age, location and a number of other demographics which suit your target audience.
With targeted traffic you can test and measure your marketing strategy. After running a number of adverts over a long period of time, you’ll start to see which ones work and which don’t. Then you can focus in on the winning adverts and cut off the losing ones. Eventually, you’ll be able to determine which make a profit and scale up. This also depends on your business model too, of course. (More on this later).
“Free” Traffic
I say “free” in quotes because it takes a lot more effort and time to generate the same kind of traffic from free marketing than it does for paid marketing. Paid marketing is instant and scalable. You can easily determine what works and what doesn’t. With organic content creation, it’s much more time consuming, difficult to scale, and takes time before you see the results of your efforts. But it’s free!
You can generate free traffic to your website in a number of ways:
- Blogging
- YouTube’ing
- Social Media platforms
- Back linking
- Article marketing
- Email marketing

In short you create free traffic by creating content and getting eyes on it. A simple strategy is to look for all the possible questions your customers could ask about your products, and create content based around the answers.
One simple blogging strategy is to find long tail keywords which have a low SEO difficulty. This involves finding keywords which have less competition than most and building content around those keywords. They also need to be a good match for prospective customers too!
The Relative Competition – Pre Made Affiliate Websites
If you’re going into a competitive niche, such as money making online, health and fitness products, dating or wealth creation for example, you’re going to find both competition for free marketing strategies and paid marketing alike.
Paid marketing will be expensive because you are competing with other lucrative businesses. So you’ll be competing with them for expensive keywords and traffic. There’s also lots of content for similar businesses on the internet too, so getting your content found will be more difficult in these kinds of niches.
With less competitive niche topics, you’ll find paid marketing is cheaper and there’s less “noise” in the search engines too. So it’s something worth considering. With a pre made affiliate website which offers Forex marketing products, for example, it’s going to be very difficult to use paid marketing. Unless you have a very good business model behind you, which allows you to spend large amounts on advertising, it’ll be prohibitively expensive to use paid marketing.

Likewise if you look on Google for the organic results around this topic, it’ll be extremely competitive. Look at the image above which show both paid results at the top and a large number (17 million, 100 thousand) for competing websites just under the search bar.
So in this topic, even pre made affiliate websites which offer a great opportunity to make large value recurring sales, you’re still going to need to pay large amounts for advertising, or work incredibly hard creating content – without any guarantees!
Can You Create Content In Your Niche?
With a pre made affiliate website, you can either use paid marketing or create content. Let’s assume you’re going to create content rather than run paid advertising. If you go this route, be prepared for the long haul. In almost every niche now there is a good amount of competition. This is why it’s worth finding affiliate products in a sub-niche (or micro niche) so there’s less competing content for your specific products. See best micro niche for blogging.
If you’re choosing this route, it’s a good idea to know your subject too, or at least have a passion or interest in it. This way, you can endure the long term and not burn out. I made the mistake of blogging in a niche I had no knowledge in, or interest in! It was a long slow process of getting burned out and packing it in!
So before you buy pre made affiliate websites, it’s worth considering how you will market them. If you’re going the free route, choose a product which relates to some interest you have. This way you can endure a long term marketing strategy around creating useful content for your website visitors.
Pre Made Affiliate Websites – The Business Model
Many pre made affiliate websites will give you a cheap product which only pays you a small commission. This means you can’t afford to use paid marketing strategies to promote it. Amazon plugins, for example, let you quickly build an affiliate website which is full of affiliate products.
Unfortunately though, Amazon only pays its affiliates between 1-11% commissions on your sales. This means it’s pretty much impossible to pay for marketing and still come away with a profit. So you’ll need to get traffic some other way; and this can be tough.

Recurring Commission Products & High Ticket
Products which offer recurring commissions are far better because you can make much more from the same amount of work. For each sale of membership product, or a software product, you’ll continue to earn again and again. This makes much more sense for affiliates, particularly if they hope to use paid strategies for their marketing.
High ticket products too give the affiliate much more leverage when it comes to using paid marketing. With a high ticket product range and products which pay recurring commissions also, you can earn much more for each sale. Plus it gives you more opportunity to use paid marketing and scale up more quickly. Free marketing strategies are slow and difficult to scale up.
Multi-tier sales allow affiliates to benefit from other affiliates’ sales, who they have referred to a program. With a multi-tier program, you can build a team, help them succeed and benefit from their success.
Having a built in sales team and a range of digital products also is a massive advantage for an affiliate. With a range of products, you can benefit from products purchased later by your referrals. If you’ve referred a customer, a sales team will close these sales on your behalf.
Learn more about this business model and access a pre made affiliate website, a ready made sales funnel and choose a range of digital products to place in your “digital store”. Click here for a free video series and learn more. You’ll also be able to access a world class training resource and learn how to market your online presence through multiple avenues.