Why You’re Stuck In Your Affiliate Business

There’s a few reasons why you could be stuck in your affiliate marketing business. Perhaps you’ve just started and have been watching videos, absorbing information and learning? You could be stuck in “information overload” – processing what you have learned. Or perhaps you’re full of doubt, fear or scepticism? If you don’t believe you can … Continue reading “Why You’re Stuck In Your Affiliate Business”

Overcoming Procrastination In Your Affiliate Marketing Business

So what are the best ways of overcoming procrastination in your affiliate marketing business. You know what I’m talking about. With great intentions for our business, it can still be easy to fall into bad habits and accomplish nothing. It’s easy to get sucked into social media channels and waste your time! You need a … Continue reading “Overcoming Procrastination In Your Affiliate Marketing Business”

Self Image, Paradigm And Circle Of Influence

Why is the self image, paradigm and circle of influence so important for affiliates? If you’re an affiliate, the chances are you don’t come from a background of entrepreneurialism. More likely you’ve come from an employee background and that usually means you’re surrounded by other employees rather than entrepreneurs. Have a look around at the … Continue reading “Self Image, Paradigm And Circle Of Influence”

Skills Needed For Affiliate Marketing

What are the skills needed for affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is a performance based business model. When you sell an affiliate product, you earn a commission. Don’t make sales though and you won’t earn any commissions. So the main skill needed to become successful with affiliate marketing is marketing. Unless you learn how to successfully … Continue reading “Skills Needed For Affiliate Marketing”

What’s Better Than Goals?

“What’s better than goals” is a good question? After all, it’s coming up to 2024 (currently Dec 28th 2023 as I write) and it’s the time for New Years Resolutions! Those commitments are seldom kept though. By March most have stopped going to the gym and their lives haven’t changed much. But why is that? … Continue reading “What’s Better Than Goals?”

How To Find An Affiliate Marketing Mentor

Wondering how to find an affiliate marketing mentor? I found a group of mentors and coaches who helped me with my affiliate marketing business. You can access them by signing up on this website for the free videos and joining the community. Or checkout this page and apply for mentorship with me. An affiliate mentor … Continue reading “How To Find An Affiliate Marketing Mentor”

Affiliate Marketing Mentors

Are you looking for affiliate marketing mentors? Welcome to affiliate marketing mentors online – a resource for struggling affiliate marketers. When I started learning affiliate marketing over 15 years ago, I tried everything. I tried all sorts of tactics for selling products and for marketing websites. Some of them worked and produced a small amount … Continue reading “Affiliate Marketing Mentors”

How To Make More Sales Online

Wondering how to make more sales online? If you’re an affiliate who has already made sales online, or you’re just starting out, listen up! In this article I’m going to discuss how to make more sales online through the various strategies which affiliates use. Not all affiliates use the same tactics to make sales. Some … Continue reading “How To Make More Sales Online”

Access Your FREE Copy Of Affiliate Marketing For Beginners (Ebook)

Get Your FREE Copy Of Affiliate Marketing For Beginners directly to your inbox and shave years off your affiliate journey! You’ll also get access to the same FREE videos series which completely changed things for me as an affiliate (Starting An Online Business From Scratch). Name: Email: Save yourself years of struggle – Access Below … Continue reading “Access Your FREE Copy Of Affiliate Marketing For Beginners (Ebook)”