Affiliate Marketing Mindset

Your affiliate marketing mindset is either your biggest asset or your biggest liability, when building an affiliate business. Not everyone will succeed with affiliate marketing. Those who do, and turn it into their main source of income, are in a minority. Around 97% of people who “try” affiliate marketing will quit – see affiliate marketing … Continue reading “Affiliate Marketing Mindset”

Mindset Shift From Employee To Entrepreneur

There’s a necessary mindset shift from employee to entrepreneur if you are to become successful. Without it, it’s all too easy to repeat work and thought patterns which don’t serve you or your business. As an employee you’re in the role of a “technician” working a small part of a greater whole. The buck stops … Continue reading “Mindset Shift From Employee To Entrepreneur”

Growth Mindset and Affiliate Marketing

A growth mindset and affiliate marketing should go hand in hand. For a long time I looked to affiliate marketing as a means to only make money. “Where’s the money?” I thought. But over time I’ve come to appreciate that there’s a great “gem” to be taken from working an affiliate marketing business. That gem … Continue reading “Growth Mindset and Affiliate Marketing”

Online Business Mindset

To have an online business mindset is to be the visionary and not just the technician. Many who transition to online businesses make the mistake of bringing their old employee mindset with them. In Michael Gerber’s The E-myth Revisited, he points out the difference between the mindset of an employee and that of an entrepreneur … Continue reading “Online Business Mindset”

Super Affiliate Mindset

Just what is the super affiliate mindset? How do super affiliates become super affiliates and what sets them apart from the underachieving masses? For starters super affiliates think differently to low achieving affiliates. Most affiliates will rush in with a “get rich quick” mentality, hoping for an easy win. When things don’t go according to … Continue reading “Super Affiliate Mindset”

Why Gratitude Is The Affiliate’s Superpower

There’s a few reasons gratitude is the affiliate’s superpower. One of the main things you’re going to experience as an affiliate is frustration. All affiliates will, at some stage, want to throw their laptop through the window! How you react in those moments will determine whether you continue to pursue your affiliate business or not! … Continue reading “Why Gratitude Is The Affiliate’s Superpower”

The Tipping Point In Blogging

There is a tipping point in blogging, where your previous work culminates in a steady growth in traffic. Ultimately there becomes a “tipping point” where it goes supersonic. More traffic means more shares and backlinks and this in turn can “tip” your traffic upwards so you experience exponential growth very quickly. Here’s what it looks … Continue reading “The Tipping Point In Blogging”

Why You’re Stuck In Your Affiliate Business

There’s a few reasons why you could be stuck in your affiliate marketing business. Perhaps you’ve just started and have been watching videos, absorbing information and learning? You could be stuck in “information overload” – processing what you have learned. Or perhaps you’re full of doubt, fear or scepticism? If you don’t believe you can … Continue reading “Why You’re Stuck In Your Affiliate Business”

Overcoming Procrastination In Your Affiliate Marketing Business

So what are the best ways of overcoming procrastination in your affiliate marketing business. You know what I’m talking about. With great intentions for our business, it can still be easy to fall into bad habits and accomplish nothing. It’s easy to get sucked into social media channels and waste your time! You need a … Continue reading “Overcoming Procrastination In Your Affiliate Marketing Business”