Online business mentors can help you build an internet based business from anywhere. You don’t even need any experience or to have your own products either.
Before I found a community of online business mentors, I struggled to earn any money online. I tried various strategies including Forex marketing, buying and selling from eBay and even selling my own ebooks. After putting myself on a training course, I eventually found a business model which anyone can use called affiliate marketing.
With affiliate marketing, anyone can earn from the internet by selling other people’s products and services online. But this isn’t an easy thing to do; especially alone. You need online business mentors to teach you how to do it properly if you’re serious about building a profitable online business which can replace an existing income.
Online Business Mentors – The SFM
The SFM Mentors offers an all in one digital business system and training program which anyone can benefit from regardless of experience. You can promote an existing business model which includes multiple digital products and resources (see SFM Digital Business System). Or, learn digital marketing strategies through their online training programs to promote physical products or your own business.

The SFM online business mentors program includes access to a variety of coaches and mentors through their various programs. Access a free video series here to learn more.
The SFM was founded in 2010 by Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek to help people earn through the digital market place. Since then they have built a community of thousands of people from all over the world.
I was able to meet Stuart and Jay at an event in London shortly after joining the community. Here’s me with Jay at Momentum Day in London 2014.

Online Business Mentors
Prior to the 2020 pandemic, The SFM offered regular events and training seminars around the world for their members. Since 2020, things have changed a little and they have altered their online business mentors program to give more value to their members online. Through online events, webinars and 1 on 1 affiliate coaching and mentoring sessions, the SFM offers a number of courses to help online businesses.
Here’s a mastermind event with several other members and coaches:

Here’s me on a local meet up in Chester, UK (pre-2020) with other SFM members. (I’m in the red jacket).

Help With An Existing Business
Before building an affiliate business with the SFM, I joined the community to help me understand marketing for my own business.
I was struggling to build a martial arts school back in 2014, when I joined The SFM. Joining several groups, I learned how to promote my martial arts school with various online marketing strategies.
If you have an existing business and want to learn the marketing strategies to grow it, there’s a variety of trainings and resources within their training curriculum which can help you. See their All In Package which offers a huge variety of trainings and resources for business owners with an existing business.

Online Business Mentors – Without A Business Of Your Own
If you don’t already have a business of your own, or any products to sell, you can build a business from scratch using SFM’s own business model. As an affiliate of the SFM you can benefit from:
- Recurring commissions from membership sales
- High ticket affiliate products – offer larger commissions and a high value to the customer
- Multi-tier commissions – earn from sales made by your referrals
- A built in sales team – closes sales on your behalf.
- A product range – means you can earn commissions from later purchases by your existing customers.

You can choose from a range of digital products to place in your own digital “store”. Earn commissions by promoting your sales funnel (you’ll learn this through the trainings and groups).
Why You Need Online Business Mentors
Depending in your background and previous work experience you may have zero experience as an entrepreneur or business owner.
Even if you own a physical business, a digital business is very different. With a digital online business your potential for growth is huge. You can access a global audience through your digital business and build a 6 or 7 figure business online.
This of course takes time and investment but it also requires personal growth to overcome any limited thinking you bring to your online business. Certain psychological factors can limit the growth of your online business. If, for example, you are transitioning from an employment role, it can be easy to bring your work habits into your business. This isn’t always a good thing, and the key skills and habits that work for a job, don’t always work in business.

A Business Is Limited By Your Thinking
Online business mentors have been through a lot of change often to grow their online businesses from nothing. They know the roadblocks and problems which stand in your way.
In contrast, you often don’t see the problems in your own thinking which dramatically limit your own progress. So without an online business mentor to help you, you’ll often repeat the same limiting thinking which controls your actions. Then, you wonder why your results don’t change!

Online business mentors can help you see and change your perspective to grow your business beyond what you believe is possible. If you don’t believe something, there’s very little change you’re going to bring it about. Your own doubts and fears will keep you inside your model of the world which is comfortable. But nothing grows in the comfort zone – especially you!
In a globally scalable business, the “glass ceiling” of it’s growth is often only the thinking you bring to it.
Access a free video series to learn more about the SFM Mentors here.
Or click on the image below to join one of my personal mentors on a live webinar.