A niche affiliate marketing website is one which covers a specific topic. By doing so, it attracts a certain targeted audience. If that audience can be led to affiliate products and services which interest them, the affiliate can earn from the sales they generate.
A niche affiliate marketing website is often used to generate traffic for free. This is done by building the site around a specific purpose and set of keywords. This site, for example, is a niche affiliate marketing website. The site was built on the keywords affiliate marketing mentors.
Niche websites can get ranked on Google more easily than generic websites, in some cases. A niche website can also be targeted to attract a specific keyword search on Google. If Google ranks a niche website, it means the affiliate can get free traffic – potentially for life!

Niche Affiliate Marketing Website
A niche affiliate site is never guaranteed free traffic though. Google uses a number of criteria to determine whether or not to rank a website in its search results. These are things like content quality, backlinks, site speed, site authority, domain name and age and a number of other things besides. Google can see also how visitors interact with a site’s content too. If people generally click away after only a few seconds, this can be used to identify a potential problem, or a lack of quality of a particular website.
So if you decide to build a niche website for affiliate marketing, make sure you focus on quality content. Affiliate links also play a part in your content getting ranked. Too many links and not enough quality content and Google will likely flag you as a spammer! New sites too will generally sit on the sidelines and not rank at all on Google.

There’s what’s called Google’s “sandbox” which is used for new websites. They don’t appear in the search results at all for some time. Other search engines might index your website long before Google will show it though. So it’s worth checking whether you site appears on Bing, Yahoo, Duckduckgo and other lesser known search engines. If it appears there and not on Google, there’s a good chance you’ve been sidelined by Google while it determines your site’s quality and usefulness.
Niche Affiliate Marketing Website – Getting Started
In order to build a niche affiliate marking website which gets free traffic, you should start with keyword research. Building a site on a very competitive keyword is far less likely to get free traffic than one built on an uncompetitive one. But those longer tail keywords which are less competitive tend to drive much less traffic. So picking your keyword is an important step in building a niche website.
Ideally find a keyword which is 3 or more words long. Shorter terms will likely have a lot more competition and be harder to rank for. Longer terms will have less traffic but be less competitive. It’s also a good idea to align your keywords with the affiliate product you have chosen.

Look carefully at your keyword and ask yourself what the search query tells you about the visitor. Will the visitor buy from you if they land on your website. For example, a long tail keyword in the affiliate marketing space might be “free online courses for affiliate marketing”. Even if this keyword looks good in terms of low competitiveness and regular traffic, the term “free” indicates that you’re not targeting a buyer audience. Most of your traffic will not buy your products if you target the “free” term in your keyword selection.
Niche Affiliate Marketing Website – Keyword Criteria
So choosing a keyword to base your niche website from is the key! I choose keywords based off the following criteria:
- Must have a good amount of monthly visitors – ideally more than 100
- Low competition in terms of other websites for that keyword – less than 10 million in Google search and less than 20,000 in phrase match (in quotes). To find this look for the number under a Google search – (works on desktop computers/laptops but not mobiles)
- Keyword must have some good buyer intent – not a “free” or generic search term but buyer related

Once built, you can add value to your niche site by choosing other related search queries related to your main keyword. Write articles for all the keyword terms which come up when you type in your main keyword in the keyword planner.
A Niche Website Which Gets Free Traffic
Building a niche website which gets free traffic isn’t guaranteed! You might need to build a few websites to get the measure of what works and what doesn’t. There’s no guarantee of getting your site ranked. However, there’s a few things you can do to give yourself the best chance of free traffic:
- Spend some time looking at your keywords before choosing.
- Choose a keyword which matches your product, gives you little competition and which gets monthly searches already
- Make sure your keyword has a potential buyer intent – doesn’t contain “free” for example
- Spend time building your site and create some quality content
- Use an SEO plugin to help build your content – I use Yoast SEO
- Promote your content as much as possible. See best free WordPress plugins for some of the best ones I’ve found.
- Learn from each niche website you create and keep going – your first attempt may not work but don’t let this stop you!
See also micro niche website for more on this topic and best micro niche for blogging.
A niche affiliate marketing website can attract a lot of free traffic if you’re prepared to put the work in. Not all of them will produce the effect you want though. Many of my niche websites have fallen by the wayside! Just keep going and eventually you’ll get a winner!
A quicker way to benefit from affiliate marketing is to use paid marketing and create a Google compliant website, sending paid traffic to it and collecting emails. This can scale up much faster too because you’re not relying on organic traffic. So if you don’t have the patience for building a lot of content over a long period of time, this might be a better strategy.
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