With a lifetime commissions affiliate program you get paid recurring commissions for software products and memberships. Most affiliate products will only pay you once. But with recurring commission affiliate programs, you can keep earning from sales you’ve made previously.

Some programs will only pay you recurring commissions for a set time, such as the first year. But others offer commissions for the lifetime of the customer. This can be years and even decades, with the right products and customers.
The main keys to earning lifetime commissions is in choosing the right products and finding the right customers! When a customer truly values a product, and it becomes an essential part of their life, they’re going to keep paying for life!
Lifetime Commissions Affiliate Program
Products which offer lifetime value are often those for online businesses.
Here’s a few contenders:
- Lead pages – Is a business tool which lets you build custom made landing pages. Earn 30% commissions
- The Six Figure Mentors – Offers training, tools and software for building online businesses from scratch. Commissions of up to 40% on a high ticket product range and 20% recurring commissions.
- SEM Rush – Is an SEO (search engine optimisation) and SEM (search engine marketing) tool for website development and traffic generation. Earn 40% commissions.
- Convertkit is an email marketing services, again a business tool. It offers 30% commissions
- Elegant Themes – Offers WordPress Themes and Plugins for use with websites. 50% commissions are offered.
- ThriveThemes – Again WordPress themes offering 35% commission on sales and 25% recurring commissions.
- Social Pilot – Social media scheduling marketing and analytics.
- Live Chat – Live chat support offering tools for increasing conversions through websites. 20% commission.
- Rose Hosting – Website hosting offers 50% for the first month and then 20% recurring commissions.
- Shopify – Online store builder – 20% recurring commissions.
- Aweber – Email marketing service offers recurring commissions of 30%

As you can see, these programs are business tools for business owners who operate websites and/or online businesses. Once someone starts generating income from using a particular product, or improving their business, they’re going to be a customer for life. So products which offer the most amount of value for the customer are the ones to go for.
Lifetime Commissions Affiliate Program -The SFM
Before finding a lifetime commissions affiliate program, I struggled as an affiliate for some time. I used both Amazon and eBay affiliate programs when I started out because they were the most well known programs at the time (early 2000’s).
But they only paid tiny commissions and however hard I worked I was left with a measly drip of an income from my efforts.
In 2014 I found a company called The Six Figure Mentors which was created in 2010 by Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek. The SFM offers a variety of products and services to help affiliates build profitable online businesses. They even offer their own product range which members can promote.

The SFM offers a lifetime commission structure and built in sales team to help you generate an income through its products. If you promote the free account membership, and someone accesses it through your affiliate link, they are locked in for life. Should they leave and later return, you’ll still be their referring affiliate, whoever they return through!
Plus The SFM offer a range of digital products valued up to $20,000. At the top level of membership, you can benefit from a 40% commission on a sale! That’s $8000! However, you’ll need to purchase the product yourself in order to benefit from the top level commissions.
Multi-Tier Commissions & High Ticket
The SFM also offers multi-tier commissions too. Multi tier commissions allow you to make commissions from the sales made by your referred members. If you partner with The SFM you can earn commissions based on what your members sell. Get started here.
You can earn $10 a month for memberships your members have referred and 10% of the high ticket product range.

High ticket products can make a massive difference to your earning potential too. With a high ticket product range, you can earn $1000 on a single sale with the lowest valued high ticket product. With the top valued product (Mastermind Experience) you can earn from 5% to 40%, according to your positioning in the business.
A high ticket product range can allow you to use more expensive advertising platforms too. With paid marketing strategies, you can get a digital business system going very quickly. Other tactics such as organic marketing, blogging or organic video can take much longer to gain traction.
Traffic Generation
Using a lifetime commission affiliate program is definitely a good idea. With recurring commissions coming in every month, it’s much easier to build a sustainable income. Even if your sales are sporadic at first, while you’re learning, you can benefit from membership sales forever. Using business tools and software products can give you the best advantage as far as longevity is concerned.
Of course there’s a drop out rate which you’ll need to contend with. But over time your attrition rate should be less than your intake. How you do this will depend on the traffic generation strategy you implement. If you’re not sure of the direction of your marketing strategy, or what products to choose, it’s definitely worth getting help and support if you want to build an income online.
Access The SFM’s digital business system and support community here if you want to get started.