How To Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Business

Wondering how to grow your affiliate marketing business? There’s many ways you can grow your affiliate business. By focusing on getting more traffic and sales, you can grow a business. But there’s other ways to grow your business too, and it’s by growing and developing yourself.

Your business will never outgrow the thinking you’re bringing to it. So if your thinking is somehow limited, your business will reflect that. One way to grow your mindset is to get around other affiliates through an online community of growth orientated online entrepreneurs. Learn more here and get a mentor.

“You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with” – Jim Rohn. Are you surrounded by entrepreneurs who are pushing you to grow and exceed your expectations. Or are the people around you limiting you with their ideas, habits and beliefs?

how to grow your affiliate marketing business

How To Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Business – The 80/20 Rule

Pareto’s principle states that the 80% of your results come from only 20% of your activities. As an affiliate marketer your job is to discover what 20% of your activities are generating most of your results and do more of that! If you’re new to affiliate marketing you might be at the stage where you haven’t got results yet. If so it’s a case of following some training and “failing forwards”. This means keep trying things to give you feedback. Armed with some positive feedback you can use Pareto’s principle – the 80/20 rule.

This rule is very significant to affiliates because a lot of work can amount to not much in the way of results. But once you discover a strategy which gives you sales, you can focus your work on those areas. This is why tracking your sales is so important. If you don’t track sales, you can’t focus on the activities which brought about your results.

How To Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Business – Focus “On” The Business, Not “In” The Business.

As someone who has transitioned from employment into affiliate marketing, I’ve made the same mistakes a lot will make. It’s easy to become a technician in a business, doing the day to day superficial activities which make you feel like you’re busy (and productive), but which don’t drive your business towards the heights you really want, or “move the needle” as Sabri Suby puts it in his book “Sell Like Crazy”.

how to grow your affiliate marketing business

This is an easy trap to fall into for affiliates and I’ve personally wasted a lot of time on small activities which don’t “move the needle”! But by becoming aware of this, you can see the bigger picture and focus on more meaningful action steps!

Another great resource you should get is

how to grow your affiliate marketing business

In Michael Gerber’s book you’ll discover some of the reasons which hold you from growing your affiliate business and what you can do about it.

How To Grow Your Affiliate Marketing Business – Small Steps Grand Vision

While just dreaming about your large affiliate business won’t make it so, just taking tiny steps might not get you there either. While daily actions steps are fundamental to your success, it’s also important to zoom out and see the larger picture. For example, is your current strategy scalable? Are you using high ticket and subscription products which give you a greater outcome for the same/similar amount of work? Are you using an email list and building a source of traffic which you control, rather than simply trusting Google for traffic? Are you getting the help and support of a community/mentors and coaches?

It’s useful to look at why you started affiliate marketing in the first place. Was it to make a small income or a large one? Is your current strategy taking you to where you want to go? If the answer is “no”, it might be time to pause and have a think.

I’ve personally found that I become overwhelmed with too much information. It stalls me, so the first thing I do every day is write a blog post! That way, I’ve already done something useful before I can get confused and overdosed with information. But still, blogging isn’t as scalable as PPC (pay per click) but it’s not as expensive either!

Focus on the big picture often (of what you want to create with your affiliate business for your life), but zoom back into the day and take the small daily step towards your vision! Grow “you” as well as your business and grow your thinking because that’s the ultimate “glass ceiling” of your business.

the big leap - Gay Hendricks

Technical Stuff

There’s loads of technical stuff on this website too. Checkout some of my posts of the things you can actually do to promote and grow your business technically:

But I’d say your mindset is the most important asset or liability you can bring to your affiliate business:

Get help and support and access to a range of high ticket and subscription related affiliate products.


So, how can you grow your affiliate business to levels beyond your imagination? Well, your imagination is the limit and if you continue to think the way you are, you’ll likely experience similar results. To change your thinking, read the books I’ve recommended in this post. Join a community and get help and support. Surround yourself with those who think bigger than you and who have achieved what you want to achieve. Continue to upgrade yourself by attending regular webinars and connecting with like minded people who lift you up!

On the “ground” (the technical stuff), you can implement strategies and techniques to increase your website traffic such as PPC (pay per click) advertising, creating content, sharing on social media and building an email list. Keep learning and improving and when the results start flowing, focus on the 20% of your actions which bring about those results! Affiliate marketing can be tough, but so are you! Before you know it, you business will be booming!

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