Wealth Mindset Coach

If you’re looking for a wealth mindset coach, checkout my new website money mindset coach and sign up to my email list. You’ll get daily inspiration in the form of mindset questionnaires, pdfs and ideas for new income streams. You can also access my ebook Shift Your Money Mindset:

wealth mindset coach

So why would someone want a mindset coach anyway? In this article I’ll explain why your money mindset is so important and why it can be your greatest asset or biggest liability.

Wealth Mindset Coach & Affiliate Marketing

Since this website is about affiliate marketing I’ll give it a quick mention here. Affiliate marketing allows anyone to make money differently. Most people get a job to create a steady income. They build their lives around that job, and become dependant on it. A job only pays you when you are working. If you stop working, you stop getting paid. So it’s the ultimate trap.

If you’ve ever felt trapped in a job you’ll understand what I mean. If you start a family and get a mortgage, you’re all the more trapped by your income source. But with affiliate marketing you can escape this trap. You can earn money through the sale of other people’s products and services. What’s even better is that you can ultimately keep getting paid when you stop working, if you’ve put in the work beforehand and are able to generate traction.

Affiliate marketing is one of the most accessible forms of independent income and anyone can do it in their own time around existing employment.

Wealth Mindset Coach & Your Subconscious Mind

If you’ve ever felt stuck in some way, you can be assured that the subconscious mind is playing a part in it. Even with huge effort, unless you change things on the “inside” you will come up against some subconscious programming which is too powerful to overcome with your physical efforts alone. You may have been thinking things such as “the rich are greedy”, “I don’t deserve financial freedom”, “I’m not worthy” and so on. If so, you’ve probably been programming your subconscious mind with ideas which stop you increasing your financial abundance.

If you have such conflict internally, you’ll sabotage your best efforts to create more abundance. To get under the “hood” of your subconscious mind notice how you think about money, wealth, the rich, and yourself. There’s likely to be some negative ideas there. How was your early years and what messages did you hear from your parents around the subject of money?

Most of your unconscious programming went in before you were 10 years old. This means you’re acting out programs which you’re totally unaware of. The first step is to bring more conscious awareness to this programming.

Wealth Mindset Coach & Financial Intelligence

Most of us haven’t been taught financial intelligence. Most people earn their income, pay their bills and spend what’s left. The wealthy think differently. They know to pay themselves first, before they pay anything. This means they automatically set aside money for savings before anything else.

Over time their savings grow and they have money for more opportunities such as business ventures, property or investments.

This habit also teaches them to live below their means – when most will do the opposite. The wealthy know that this discipline will put more money in their savings and investments, even if it means living to a lower standard than they potentially can.

You can spend some time learning about how you spend money with a simple strategy. Simply carry a pen and notepad for a week and jot down everything you spend money on. From your groceries to small purchases. You’ll learn a lot about your spending habits. It’s crazy how we can become accustomed to spending a fortune on entertainment, booze or tobacco, and neglect to learn about our financial intelligence or invest in our health.

Assets & Liabilities – Robert Kiyosaki

In Robert Kiyosaki’s book Rich Dad Poor Dad, he outlines the differences in how the poor and the rich think. Most people think their car, for example, is an asset. But Kiyosaki says that real assets bring money in while liabilities cost money. So in fact a car is a liability. A house can also be a liability too, if money flows out because of it. Assets are things like businesses, property and investments which make money. Liabilities are things which cost money. The wealthy know to reduce their liabilities and increase their assets.

wealth mindset coach

See also scarcity money mindset and overcoming poverty mindset.

Access my free ebook “Shift Your Money Mindset” here.

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