Why It Pays To Be Consistent

Why it pays to be consistent with affiliate marketing? Consistency allows you to build momentum, without which, you’re likely to stall. If you’re an affiliate, one of your best advantages is consistency. If you’re inconsistent in your actions, it will take much longer to achieve success. In the beginner stage of learning affiliate marketing, you’ll need to be consistent at learning. You’ll be going through videos and training materials. This can take some time to get to grips with. If you only work sporadically, it’s going to take much longer to get set up with your website, marketing funnel and sales materials.

Why It Pays To Be Consistent

Once you have completed some training, you’re going to need to choose a marketing method of some kind. This next “phase” of affiliate marketing is arguably the most difficult. Marketing is where the “rubber meets the road” in terms of making sales online. Without a marketing strategy, and consistent effort, you won’t make any headway with affiliate marketing.

It’s difficult learning a marketing strategy as a beginner because much of the effort you put in initially doesn’t lead to the outcome you want – sales. But your focus should be on mastering a marketing method here, and learning still. But rather than learning from training videos, you’re learning from your own trial and error marketing methods.

Why It Pays To Be Consistent

Again, if you’re inconsistent here, you’ll slow down your progress. Inconsistency also means you fail to gather any momentum. If you spend time every day on some form of marketing, eventually you’ll break through and get some insights, whether that’s a sale, a lead, or a website hit. These insights will drive your future behaviour as you figure out what actions are going to bring you the best results in your affiliate business.

Consistency with your marketing method gives you clarity and momentum and eventually insight. If you’re inconsistent, each time you come to set up an ad campaign, or write a post, or create a video, it’s much more difficult getting started. You lose the “flow”. But if you’re in the way of doing something each day, it’s much easier to keep up with that activity over the longer term. This is pretty difficult in the early days because you’ll wonder what actions you should be doing.

Choose a strategy and stick to it for at least a few months, before deciding whether you should change route. It will usually take at least this long before you can effectively judge whether a particular course of action is the right one, or not. Without consistency, expect this to take much longer.

Why It Pays To Be Consistent – My Journey

If it takes longer to start to gather information and glimpse some insights into your course of action, you’re going to stall all the more. You’ll doubt and procrastinate, leading to further inaction. It’s a downward spiral which leads to quitting. Conversely, once you have gathered momentum with some affiliate strategy, your actions lead you to more actions. Eventually if just feels wrong NOT to take a daily action step towards your goals.

Why It Pays To Be Consistent

I’ve been blogging for several years now but I wasn’t always consistent with it. I would write a few posts and then start looking for results. I would sit on the sidelines, wondering whether my blog posts had been found, whether they would be found by Google, and I would sit and wait, looking for evidence that what I was doing “worked”.

Let me tell you this isn’t a good idea and although it’s worth gathering data and looking at your websites hits, leads and “feedback”, inaction isn’t going to help you! It’s actually your enemy! After a few days of looking for my website to suddenly make a sale for me, I would become disappointed. This led to my state falling downwards towards inaction again, through the thought processes of fear, scepticism and doubt.

Why It Pays To Be Consistent – My Blogging

A month or so later, a sale would drop in from my previous work. I’d finally have some positive feedback and this would fuel my belief again. So I’d start blogging again, sure in the knowledge that I was on track in my daily regime of blog post writing! A month of blogging might pass, and I’d start to doubt my path again, looking for those sales! Doubt crept in, and I’d stop taking daily action because I doubted my strategy.

It took a long while for me to realise that it was my pattern of behaviour which led to my lack of sales. I was always full of doubt. Only when a sale dropped in, did I pick up again and start writing.

This is why belief is so important for success with an online business/affiliate marketing. Without belief, you won’t do the work. You won’t even try:

Henry Ford: “Whether a man believes he can or he can’t, he’s right”

Instead of looking for results, before you’ve done the work, (like I used to do), find a way to fire up your belief and focus on what you can do every day, to drive your affiliate business forwards.


Consistency is one of the keys to becoming successful as an affiliate marketer. In the beginning, you need to consistently study a course or education program. Then you need to pick a marketing tactic and stay consistent with applying it, whether that is paid advertising or content marketing.

Why It Pays To Be Consistent

As you stay the course, you’ll experience some feedback, which will allow you to find tune your efforts and become better at it. While some will see this “feedback” as a lack of sales, or as “failure” those who use these insights to make better decisions are those who succeed at affiliate marketing.

If you’re not consistent, you will slow this process down and you’re much more likely to get stuck in procrastination and inaction without the momentum you build from consistent action. Consistent action will give you more momentum, which you must keep up. When you commit to the affiliate journey, stay the course and build momentum, that’s where the magic happens and you start to see sales coming in faster and faster.

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