Why Is It Important To Post A Blog Regularly?

Why is it important to post a blog regularly as a blogger/website owner? Blogging regularly is primarily important because you’ll want to attract a larger audience to your website. At first, it can be difficult to attract website visitors to a blog, particularly for free.

niche blogging

Once you commit to regular blogging, and if you blog in a certain way, you can attract free website visitors from the search engines. It can take some time and commitment to make this a reality but a regular blogging habit will give you more authority with Google and the like. If you’re only a sporadic blogger, this will have an effect on your ability to increase your domain authority and therefore ranking positions of your blog posts with Google.

Why Is It Important To Post A Blog Regularly?

Posting regularly on a blog establishes you as an expert on your topic too. The more content you have created on your blog, the greater your website authority will appear when Google and other search engines assess you.

As your authority increases so will your ability to rank your content on the first page of Google. Older content can also rank so as your content volume increases you should hit upon a point where website traffic increases exponentially.

blog traffic

A good blogging habit will make it much easier to create the necessary volume of traffic you want to increase revenue from blogging. If you try and create a lot of content at once, it’s going to be very difficult to maintain your post quality. Posting regularly means you can maintain article quality and provide value to your readers while building up your blog post volume over time and increasing your website’s authority in the view of the search engines.

Why Is It Important To Post A Blog Regularly – Use Of Push Notification Plugins

It can be a good idea for bloggers to use push notification software on their blogs. This lets visitors opt in and they will be sent pop up notifications when you create a new blog post.

Here’s another reason why it’s a good idea to keep creating new content. As your subscriber base increases with a push notification, you’ll spend more on your subscription.

So building regularly daily blog posts means you’ll get a lot more visitors as they are sent these notifications. Since you’re paying a subscription for this, it’s worth creating the content to draw your subscribers back to your site. This software works wonders for traffic and sales!

Email Subscribers

If you’re collecting email subscribers from your blog, you’ll want to keep them updated with your regular posts too. Again, building a large email subscriber base comes with costs so it’s well worth keeping your email subscribers updated on your latest posts.


Posting blogs regularly shows your subscribers that your business is current. If you regularly post new, informative content on your blog, you show your visitors and subscribers that you are active in your business and the information is up to date.

Not Posting Regularly Means Losing Traffic

If you’re a blogger and only post occasionally, this will be noticed by the search engines. They may downgrade your content compared to other bloggers in a similar niche. With over 600 million blogs on the internet, it’s hugely competitive out there! So by posting regular content you not only increase the volume of your potential traffic, but your authority with Google and the other search engines.

This has a knock on effect – greater authority means higher rankings. More content means more potential high rankings and a greater volume of traffic. However it’s also important to maintain a high standard with your content. So it’s not always a great thing to post in high volume if that means your quality is going to suffer. See also how many articles should a blog have and how many blogs should you post a month.

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