Time And Financial Freedom

It’s not easy to create both time and financial freedom. You’re either trading your time in a job, or spending time away from work enjoying life, but spending money. Seldom do you have both time and financial freedom.

Without a job you would have so much time you wouldn’t know what to do with it. But most people would struggle to live without a job because they wouldn’t have enough money coming in. So you work for a wage but that means you get caught up in work politics, often working for longer hours than you want to.

Life ticks away when you’re trading your time for money when all you really want is more time to do the things you want to do: spend time with family, relax, go on holiday etc.

How can you escape this trap?

Time And Financial Freedom – Sell Products Rather Than Your Time

The answer is that you need to find a way to earn money without trading your time for it. This can be done by selling products and services online. Affiliates are third party referrers who get paid even with no products or services of their own to sell.

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They refer sales to other people’s products. What’s good about this business model is that you can automate it and grow it to reach a global customer base. This gives you both time and money. It works because your time isn’t tied in with the business of affiliate marketing once you have automated the process.

Unlike in a job your time is detached from the business processes which are set up to automate sales online. This means you can automate the selling process and once you’re earning enough to surpass your employment income, you can leave your job!

Time And Financial Freedom – How It Works

When you’re working in a job, whatever level of income you can earn will always still be limited. That’s because there’s only a certain number of hours in the day. This is the same for even highly paid professionals.

But with an online business model, you can earn sales in your sleep because you can automate the process of selling. If you also use products which pay out recurring commissions, you can continue to earn long after you have made the sale.

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A typical recurring payment affiliate product might pay out only $20 a month, for example. But with 100 sales, that’s $2000 a month – and it’s passive. See recurring income affiliate programs for more on this topic.

With automated selling systems you’re also not working hard in order to make these sales come about. In fact they can work even when you’re not there. This article for example can attract an audience months or years after it is written. When someone buys from my website, I earn a commission based on the sale. This happens whether I’m physically at my computer, on my holidays or fast asleep!

Systems Versus Trading Time

Trading time for money is a traditional method of making money which is built on industrial age thinking. Factories needed workers to physically manufacture goods. But we’re now in the digital age where the technology has advanced far faster than this outdated thinking can keep up with!

Many have learned from their peers to get a job and work hard. But this old way of thinking can limit your potential and keep you stuck in the trading time for money cycle, which keeps you in poverty and/or mediocrity.

Online systems and automation can be used to generate income online through the selling of other people’s affiliate products and services. The digital revolution is already here with millions already spending consistently online. However, so many haven’t yet caught up and started learning how to tap into this way of generating an income.

ecommerce sales boom graph


If you keep doing what you’ve always done, you keep getting what you’ve always got” – Jim Rohn

Time and financial freedom is almost impossible to obtain through doing what everyone else is doing – trading time for money. Instead you need to find a way to generate income which isn’t tied to selling your time. Affiliate marketing is such a strategy. If you can earn income through using systems and automated sales, you can have both time and money.

Access a free webinar here and learn the strategies of online selling.

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