The magical compounding effect of blogging can give you complete autonomy, freedom to be your own boss and work from anywhere! There’s magic in blogging. At first it can be quite an uphill struggle. But over time, a blog can give you a means of expression and time and financial independence, even financial freedom. But it comes at a cost and the cost is hours upon hours of content creation. To do it, you need to pick a topic you’re happy writing about. I’ve had blogs I was unenthusiastic about, and they didn’t last. But if you can hit upon a topic which you enjoy writing about, you’re already half way there!

Blogging for me took some time. I tried different topics and initially it was only about the money. When I hit on a topic I was truly passionate about, blogging became a habit. I started enjoying the process of creating content I was enthusiastic about. I was no longer checking to see whether my posts were ranking on Google or whether I’d made any sales. I just loved blogging for the sheer creative experience.
The Magical Compounding Effect Of Blogging – Finding Your Niche
One of the problems I encountered was finding my niche. I was always jumping from one topic to another. I needed the money which is why it took me so much longer. This need put me in a desperate state. No matter what I did, I was always struggling financially.
Initially with my blogs I didn’t make any sales and didn’t even get any traffic. I would write a single blog post and sit back, waiting for the magic to happen! Still no sales! Hmm, I would think. Perhaps I’ll write another one in a week. Why isn’t it working, I would think. Perhaps that course I bought was a scam – I thought!

This happened again and again and occasionally a sale would drop in. This gave me more confidence in blogging for a living. With new found belief in what I was doing, I would get to it. I would blog every day for several weeks in a row. Then sit back and look for the evidence that it was working! Ah, no sales! Why not I thought, I have worked so hard! I would lose interest and stop blogging, only to see a sale drop in a month or two later.
This stop start insecure way of working was the cause of my problems. I was unsure of my direction. Once sales started coming in, I knew I was working. The new found belief in what I was doing gave me the motivation to work even harder, creating more and more blog posts!
The Magical Compounding Effect Of Blogging
Blogging is tough in the beginning. There’s a lot to be done for not much reward. But over time as the volume of your blog posts grow, you get rewarded with more visitors. They come from social media, shares, backlinks from visitors and various other sources. The more posts you have out there, the more chance you have of adding another visitor to your daily traffic.
There’s other things which compound over time with a blog too. If you build an email list from a blog, (you should definitely do this), you can send your subscribers to your newer posts. Each time a subscriber visits your content they will gain more trust in you. Their level of scepticism will diminish and they’re more likely to buy from you too!

If you use push engage on a blog it allows you to notify subscribers of your newly published posts. This gives you another stream of traffic which compounds over time as more and more visitors subscribe, just like with email marketing.
With more content the effects of your SEO (Search engine optimisation) gain momentum. More backlinks, more content, more shares equals improved rankings for your content. Each little trickle of traffic can be built on and improved the longer you stick with it as a blogger!
The Magical Compound Effect Of Blogging – Self Improvements & Software Tools
As a blogger I’ve definitely improved as time has gone on too. Whether you think so or not! I’m a faster typer for sure. I come up with new blog ideas faster because I’m “in the groove” blogging most weeks. It’s at the stage where not to blog feels wrong to me, because I’ve made such a strong habit of it.
It wasn’t always like this and I was pretty unsure of blogging of a means to make a living. But once my blogs started generating an income, I was able to focus more fully on blogging as a living, and worry less about picking up other work. This gives you more clarity, and you have more time and money to invest in blogging. You can invest in SEO tools such as SEM Rush, for example. The Push Engage plugin is an investment too and costs more the more subscribers you have – although you can access it for free. Aweber is an email autoresponder I use, (free to access for up to 500 subscribers)

Once you start earning from blogging, you can even test some paid advertising to bring in more traffic instantly.
There’s one thing which makes blogging more effective and it’s to find a niche which you can blog about and never grow tired of! When you can keep going when everyone else gives up, you know you have an edge! Some people blog only for the fun of it and as a creative outlet. But if you can find a niche you’re passionate about, which can become a life long hobby, and which earns you an income too, you’ll never have to work again a day in your life!
Working on a blog you love doesn’t feel like work. You get to choose what you write about. You can blog from anywhere so it can give you complete geographical freedom to be earning from a blog.
Blogging can be magical. Start with a blog post and share on social media. Add some plugins which automate this process. Use email marketing and push notifications to amplify your traffic. Add some paid advertising. Use an SEO plugin. Keep learning and growing your knowledge and soon your small trickles of traffic will be massive rivers! Turn this traffic into leads and sales, and before you know it you’ll be earning an income from your blog!