Simple Affiliate System

A simple affiliate system can allow anyone to use paid marketing to send qualified leads into an email marketing campaign. Pre-made email follow ups are automatically sent out to your subscribers. You earn commissions based on products you sell through the system.

Of course using paid marketing means you’ll need to cover your costs when you do make a sale. This is much easier if you have a product range to sell, rather than a single product.

simple affiliate system

Single products like you might find on Amazon for example only pay you once. Plus they often pay peanuts too which means your potential for profit can limit your marketing strategy. It’s much more difficult to make a profit as an affiliate with low paid affiliate products using paid ads. But with a simple affiliate system which uses a product range you have multiple benefits:

  • Subscription affiliate products within the range pay out recurring commissions (on each sale) – making your business more viable immediately
  • High ticket items which offer huge value also pay out the most in commissions. One sale can bring in the equivalent amount of many thousands of small product sales.
  • A built in sales team help you with later sales in the product range. So you only need to refer the initial sale of an entry level product. The sales team helps close high value products to your existing customers – for which you receive commissions.

Simple Affiliate System – Why High Ticket?

High ticket items make an affiliate business much simpler for a beginner because it gives you more choice of marketing methods. With a low value product you might only make a few dollars in commission if you refer a sale. But with a high ticket product you can make a few thousand. This means you can more easily earn a profit when using paid marketing.

If you use low value products you might be forced into using marketing methods which are much slower and more time consuming. Blogging, video blogging and other organic marketing methods are cheap but not as fast or scalable as with paid marketing.

high ticket products

So many affiliates quit because they can’t get traction with their marketing strategy. Paid marketing is both fast, scalable and more reliable. But it can be expensive. To make an affiliate business easier, you need to overcome this barrier and one way of doing so is to use high ticket affiliate products which pay enough in commission to offset your advertising costs and still give you a profit. Subscription affiliate programs also offer this benefit of a recurring income from sales you generate. While standard affiliate products will only pay you once, so you need to continually make sales in order to be profitable.

Simple Affiliate System – Step By Step & “Done For You” Systems

A step by step modular process can also take out the hard graft for newbie affiliates who want systems to do the heavy lifting for them. Done for you affiliate systems offer benefits such as:

  • Step by step setup of email marketing system and product range
  • Ready made email follow ups
  • Push and click website setup – no need for technical knowhow
  • Affiliate link populated websites, complete with banners and links already coded to your unique affiliate code
  • Training and other resources
simple affiliate system

Access the step by step setup process through this link.

Step By Step Vs On Your Own

A step by step business system which offers benefits of setup and product range is far easier to use than if you go it alone as an affiliate.

Affiliates get all kinds of advice for building an affiliate business from scratch:

  • Build a niche website and rank on Google
  • Choose a topic you love and build an information website
  • Build an email list of subscribers and offer them value
  • Use paid marketing to build an email list
  • Use your YouTube channel and create regular videos
  • and so on…

While some of this advice can be helpful, as a beginner it can become very confusing going it alone and looking for free advice on the internet. There’s so much conflicting advice, you can spend years trying and still not get anywhere! By getting help and support, the journey towards building an income from affiliate marketing can be a lot smoother. Plus the technical side of things is largely taken care of if you use a done for your system. On your own there’s a lot more you’ll need to learn.

What’s Not Done For You?

In most simple affiliate systems there’s still much to do but a simple affiliate system should take out the harder elements of building an income online with affiliate marketing. These can be things such as the technical aspects of website building, for example, and the setup of email marketing messages. Once you have set up a simple affiliate system, you should have:

  • Landing pages to collect subscribers from
  • Email marketing autoresponder setup and pre-made marketing messages
  • A website which is pre-populated with your affiliate links
  • A product range you can profit from (links in your email and on your website etc)

What you then need to do is learn about how to market your business, which a good system will offer you training for. With a high ticket business setup, you should be looking to use paid marketing methods as these are much faster and more effective. Your ability to use theses will depend on the products in your marketing funnel and your “buy-in” level. If you invest more you will benefit from larger value sales with a bigger commission.

With a lower value product range, you may need to use other marketing methods to build your business such as blogging and other organic methods. See also 22 ways to promote affiliate products.


Affiliate marketing isn’t easy and it takes a lot more than most people realise to become successful with it. But if you’re committed to the journey and take the necessary steps anyone can do it. One of the main problems of affiliate marketing is that there’s so many different ways of doing it. This can be confusing if you’re new to it so it’s worth using a step by step system and blueprint which has already proven itself.

Paid marketing is much simpler, faster and more scalable than content marketing. If you want a simple affiliate business, use an affiliate business model which lets you more easily access the paid marketing platforms. A good model will include high ticket items and subscription products as this will give you a higher return on investment compared to other lower value affiliate products.

Access an all in one business system and training program here.