Who are The SFM Mentors? The SFM (Six Figure Mentors) are an online digital training and education community. Their purpose is to help people transition into the digital economy by building a business from the internet, or learn digital skills which can be used to build an existing business.

SFM Mentors – Founders
The Six Figure Mentors was founded by Stuart Ross and Jay Kubassek, two successful online entrepreneurs who have created a support network for people who wanted to escape their jobs and live more fulfilling lives.
Here’s Stuart Ross explaining some of the software used to set up an online website which can be used to generate an income from the internet. Click on the image to watch the video.

Here’s a picture of me with jay Kubassek at a London training event:

What The SFM Mentors Can Do For You?
The SFM Mentors have built an online training and education facility and community. They run events globally to help their members learn and develop their online businesses. If you are interested in starting an online business with The SFM, you can sign up to the free workshop series of videos on this website.

From anywhere in the world, anyone can now learn how to use their laptop and internet connection to earn an ongoing income. This can eventually replace their full time job. This isn’t an easy thing to do; but the SFM Mentors offer the means to achieve this; if they are committed enough.
What Is Affiliate Marketing?
The business model used within the SFM is affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a kind of referral marketing in which anyone can sell someone else’s product over the internet; and earn a commission on the sale. This model, combined with online marketing strategies, can be used to build an ongoing and scalable income from anywhere.
Who Is The SFM For?
The SFM Marketing training offered within Stuart and Jay’s program can also be used to market any business. When I joined the SFM, I used the program’s training to market my martial arts school. So, you can use the training offered with an existing business, or you can use the products and services which are built into the SFM Digital Business System, and learn online marketing strategies to build an income even without an existing business.
The SFM is an ‘all in one’ business system and training and education tool. It offers a means to connect with many other people who are also building online business. The online community is incredibly valuable too, because you can network and connect with other like minded people through the community.

How Difficult Is It To Build An Online Business With The SFM?
It’s definitely not an easy thing to build an online business from scratch with no experience. You need a strong work ethic and it will take at least 12 months before you can experience any results. There’s a few things standing in the way for most people:
- Hard work – This isn’t some magic ‘pill’ system. It’s a genuine business and so it takes time and effort to make it work
- Mindset – most people have been programmed to follow the herd and this means usually work a 9 to 5 job. Although the time period is arbitrary, this also trains you to do a nominal amount of work and get paid for it. Affiliate marketing is different because it’s based on performance related pay.
- Old habits – so you’ll need to learn new mindsets and habits to become an effective affiliate marketer. Time spent doesn’t automatically translate to income, like in a job. You need to focus on money producing activities.
See also how long does it take to make money with affiliate marketing.
What’s The Point In Doing Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing offers a means to an end. Most affiliate marketers choose this path because it leads to more choices. If you can make an affiliate business work, it means you can choose your own hours, work from anywhere, and write your own paycheque.
For many it means:
- Escaping a job of boss which is no longer tolerable
- Never having to do the 9 to 5 commute and sit in traffic hours on end each side of the day
- Choose how to spend their time and work around existing priorities
Affiliate marketing can also be used as a side business which can be built up around existing work in order to provide an ‘escape route’ from a job, career, limited income or boss.
Over time, if you take the right action steps, you can use affiliate marketing to build a good stable income which can replace your current income. This means the same money or more, but no longer needing to have to go to work in a job.
Many of the systems and strategies used in affiliate marketing can be automated and scaled up too. This means once you start earning, you can repeat the same actions and automate sales globally. Over time, and with the right products, you can earn an ongoing income from sales you made previously: subscription affiliate programs.
See also Why I Do Affiliate Marketing And Why You Should Too!