SFM marketing can take many forms. The Six Figure Mentors (SFM) offers a training and education community and a digital business system. The SFM Digital Business System, gives you a number of digital products, a website from which to market your products, and a ‘plug and play’ sales funnel which can be set up with a few simple steps through the modules in the back office.

SFM Marketing Strategies
Once you’ve set up your marketing funnel (sign up on this site to get started), you’ll need to market it. This is often the biggest challenge for affiliate marketers. Having a sales funnel with a range of products in it is just the first step of starting your online business. Once you have achieved this, you’ll need to sent targeted visitors to your landing page.
Marketing can be done in many ways but the main two fall into the categories of:
- Content Marketing
- Paid Marketing
Content Marketing
Content marketing is a much slower strategy than paid marketing. If you choose a good strategy and work hard at it, you’ll start to see some progress as people sign into your email list. See autopilot marketing. How long this takes will depend on your strategy, how hard you work at it, and how long you work at it for. See how long does it take to make money from affiliate marketing. Some marketing strategies which are free include:
- Blogging – creating content on a website, like this post for example. (See Niche Blogging For Profit)
- Video marketing – creating and uploading videos regularly to YouTube
- Social Media marketing – building a list of followers and offering value to your groups
- Creating and hosting webinars or creating podcasts.
- Any other form of content marketing which is used to engage an audience.

Paid Marketing
Using paid platforms for your SFM marketing strategy is arguably the best method. Paid marketing is the best because of two things:
- It is fast – Start a marketing campaign and you can have instant traffic to your sales funnel
- It is scalable – Once you ‘hit’ on a marketing strategy which works well, you can leave it running and scale it up; moving on to another campaign once doing so.
The downside of using paid marketing is of course that it costs money. If you haven’t got a lot of money to learn this strategy with, you need to be very careful. A paid marketing strategy will burn through cash pretty quickly if you don’t keep your eye on the ball. You can spend money and not get it right on your first few tried. Ideally, start with a small budget and test and measure – making sure you track everything you do. This lets you learn from your bad campaigns as much as you can from the good ones.

Over time, you’ll come to realise which marketing tactics produce the best results and which aren’t worth doing. Then, you can cut back on the ones which don’t perform, (or keep running) and scale up those which do. Expect to spend money while you’re learning this process.
If you’re using paid strategies for your SFM marketing, it’s best to at least be at Gold level in the SFM. Elite level will still give you a high ticket commission, but it will be much harder to recoup your expenditure with when using paid marketing. See Six Figure Mentors Compensation Plan.
SFM Marketing – Which Strategy To Choose?
If you’re a member of The SFM, it can be a difficult decision to make which marketing strategy to choose. There’s training and resources within the community for all kinds of marketing strategies:
- You Tube
- Blogging – Digital Bloggers
- Video Marketing
- Facebook Marketing
- And so on.
So which strategy should you choose for your SFM marketing campaign? Which digital products you place within your digital ‘store’, will give you some idea of which strategy to choose from.
For example, if you position at the top level (DEA Partner), you’ll be able to earn the most from the product range. At basic membership level, you won’t be able to access the high ticket commissions. Ideally choose paid marketing only if you can position yourself at DEA Gold or above. If you can’t do this, focus on content marketing and free strategies instead.
How Long Does It Take?
The length of time it takes to start seeing progress from a digital business system like the SFM’s, will depend on a number of things:
- Your marketing strategy – and what you can afford.
- Your success with your marketing
- The level of commitment you put in
- Your ability to learn from your mistakes
It’s impossible to say categorically how long anyone’s journey will take, since it’s different for everyone. With content marketing strategies, it will take considerably longer then with paid marketing. There’s no guarantees in business though whatever you do! The key is to keep going and learn from your mistakes. Think of failure as ‘feedback’ rather than failure and keep working on yourself, and the business.

See this article “Why affiliate marketing does not work” on this topic. Only around 3% of people will actually continue long enough and make an online business work for them and allow them to go full time with it. If you’re in the 3%, you’ll need to be stubborn, determined and very patient! A rare combination! Good luck! If you want to learn more, you can access the workshop series on this site. Sign up by entering your name and email in the sign up box.