Scalable Jobs

Scalable jobs are not really jobs they are businesses. In a normal job, you only get paid for your time. So when you stop spending time in your job, you stop getting paid. There are scalable jobs though which factor in elements of scale. Such jobs might be software development in which you own the product and you can sell at scale. Or Forex marketing is another scalable job. With trading, you can learn a skill which can be applied at scale. The skill of trading small amounts can be applied with a larger amount in order to scale up your efforts when you are regularly profitable.

scalable jobs
Forex candle sticks – Forex traders trade movements of the markets for profit

Trading the markets however is an entrepreneurial endeavour and arguably not a job, as such. You use your own capital and therefore place your money at risk, unless you trade for a company, in which case you are salaried. Other scalable jobs could be mentioned are those which offer royalty incomes such as actors, writers and performers. They receive money through royalty payments and if their work does well they can receive a percentage of the value of the product. Some actors have been known to wave their regular payment (acting salary) in exchange for a larger percentage of the product value if a film does well.

Scalable Jobs

Most jobs though only pay when you work. The average worker, whether they are tradesmen, carpenters, doctors or lawyers only get paid when they work. So even on a high salaried position, they still only earn while working. If they take some time off, their income stops. If they lose their job, their income stops.

Software developers who have their own product/s are an example of someone who might have a scalable job. But they will only be able to make a scalable income if they are able to market their product profitably.

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James Dyson with his vacuum cleaner – inventors can market their products globally and effectively have scalable jobs.

Scalable jobs therefore are not really jobs – since a job usually implies working for a wage which is limited to the hours you work. Scalable jobs are businesses in which there is a product creation which you have some element of ownership over.

A job which is scalable therefore comes with some capital risk or the commitment of years of hard work to create something unique which is globally marketable.

Scalable Jobs – Affiliate Marketing

One of the most scalable jobs I found was that of affiliate marketing. Although affiliate marketing is actually a business, and differs slightly from a job in which you draw a salary. Unlike a traditional job, affiliate marketing is a performance based business in which the affiliate refers customers to other people’s products on the internet.


Most scalable type of work involves creating a product, or selling something en-mass to a global marketplace. But what if you don’t have anything to sell? What if you’re not a software developer or able to make royalties in your work? The most accessible way to generate a scalable income without your own product or service is through the use of the affiliate model. With affiliate marketing, you don’t need you own products and services. Instead, you can generate sales of products and services which offer affiliate programs.

Once you join an affiliate program you can promote products and services globally, even if you don’t own them personally.

How Do Affiliates Work?

Affiliate marketers work in a variety of ways. Some create content and use it to find customers for products. Others build email lists and run advertising campaigns; sending people to various products and services online. Affiliate marketing is scalable because you can sell products globally through using automated marketing strategies which can be scaled up.

Although affiliate marketing takes some time to learn (learn here), it’s one of the most popular earning methods on the internet today. Most affiliates won’t earn much when they begin. Sadly this means many quit before things start getting going.

niche blogging

But once you discover a strategy which works for you, affiliate marketing can be a great way to earn an income which can be scaled over time. The fastest legit way to make money online (with affiliate marketing) is through purchasing a high ticket program and using paid marketing.

Paid marketing is fast, but expensive. So you’ll need a good product range in order to profit when running paid campaigns. Once profitable, you can scale up quickly by increasing your marketing budget.

Paid Marketing Vs. Organic Content

Although paid marketing is probably the best way to use affiliate marketing, there’s many other ways too. Content marketing is a slower and cheaper route which can compound over time. Blogging, or creating videos to upload to YouTube are two organic strategies.

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With blogging, you create content and upload it to a website. This article is an example of a blog post. Although one blog post won’t generate a huge business, over time if you build content regularly, your content can generate traffic and sales from a website. With 100 article on the internet, you won’t get much traction with affiliate marketing. But with 1000 you should see some traffic landing on your content. You then can use this content to promote various products and services.

As the volume of your content grows, so does your income. Over time, older and newer content can bring you a trickle income which continues even when you stop working. Content marketing is a scalable job of a kind in which you can generate an income over time through creating content which becomes an asset.

Affiliate Marketing Versus a Job

In a normal job you only get paid when you work. You are effectively trading your time, or loaning out your labour for a limited amount. Generally the more difficult it is to gain a level of expertise in a role, the more you are paid on a daily basis. Brain surgeons get paid more than carpenters because the job requires a greater level of expertise and skill. Whatever your earning power in a job, you still have a capped income. With a scalable job, or a scalable business, you are a creator of something which can be sold multiple times to a global audience.

Entrepreneurs are able to earn far more than a brain surgeon because of the ability to sell their product to a global audience. A brain surgeon’s pay, despite their ability to earn large amounts, is still capped by their available time, which is finite.

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Scalable jobs therefore offer the ability to use some form of leverage to enable someone to escape the trap of trading their time for money continually.

If you’re interested in learning how to escape the trap of trading time for money by using the affiliate marketing business model, access a free video series here. It explains several strategies you can use to earn online.