Raymond Holliwell Working With The Law PDF is one of my favourite books on the law of attraction. Download it at the bottom of this article.

Working With The Law PDF – If You Are Not Succeeding
Here’s a short exert from Raymond Holliwell’s book Working With The Law:
“If you are not succeeding, if you lack any good thing, look more closely to the cause. It is not outside; it is somewhere within. See where you fail to use the Law correctly or where you fail in your consciousness to think rightly. There are three points common in everyday life where one may fall into a snare and a delusion. “
First of all:
First of all: Do you expect something for nothing? Does it make you feel good, pleased, when you get something without paying for it? If so, you are violating the Law. Your returns will always be unsatisfactory. No matter where you go, be willing to pay your way. Have you known some people who hang back when you go out for an evenings entertainment? They stand back and let the other fellow pay for the show. People like that lose hundreds of dollars when they themselves a paltry fifty cents. The quality of thought they entertain repels many dollars they rightly could attract. If you, knowingly, cheat another one of a dollar, it may cost you many dollars for the mistake.

Second: Do you hunt for things that are called cheap? Are you a bargain hunter? Cheap thoughts can only bring cheap returns. You who wait for bargain days will always have to take bargains, but remember, there are no bargains in life. If you have gained monetarily, you may have lost in other ways. You place yourself in a vibration that lowers your present state. It forces you below your proper level. It limits your thought to a state where you support underselling, cutting, bankruptcy and dishonesty on the part of the seller. He must lie, or deceive, or cheat somehow about the price of the bargain or some other article, because he is in business to make a fair profit. Thus, you become a party to the violation and come under its penalty.
Third: Do you begrudge spending money? Do you hate to pay your bills? Release your money cheerfully even it if be the last dollar you have. Decide what your need is; if it is of more value than the dollar in your purse, then spend the dollar cheerfully. In this way you comply with a law. Often when we get to a low level we begin to tighten up on pour purse strings. We begin to hold back. This is like closing the faucet, limiting the supply from pouring in to you. I remember a man telling of a time when he had an urgent need for a thousand dollars.
He had but a ten dollar bill in his purse and he was holding on to that bill like a drowning man to a straw. For days, he said, he carried it about with him, afraid to spend it for fear of being broke. Suddenly it occurred to him that he was pinning his faith more on the ten dollars than he was on the true source of supply. He was closing his faucet with a mere ten dollar bill; it had grown to become a fearful obstruction.
When he realised this truth, he sat down at once and mailed the bill to a nearby church, and following the release of the bill, supply began to flow in to him. Before that week was out, he received his thousand dollars, enough to pay the months obligations. He added “Never since has supply failed to flow to me, for I learned a lesson.”
From Chapter VII – Law Of Compensation (Raymond Holliwell – Working With The Law)
Working With The Law PDF – Download Here
You can download Working With The Law PDf here. Also please visit motivation books pdf free download for some other similar books within this field of the law of attraction. See also the law of attraction sceptic.
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