Using Quora For Keyword Research And Content Ideas is a question and answer website which can be used for keyword research and content marketing ideas. One of the first things you should know before you come to creating content is the answer to this question:

“what kind of content will best help my customer avatar?”

quora - Using Quora For Keyword Research And Content Ideas

Why is the customer avatar (target audience) so important? Without identifying your target audience you will likely waste a lot of time creating the wrong kind of content. What is the wrong kind of content? If you’re selling something from your website, you’ll want to attract buying customers. The right kind of content attracts buying customers whereas the “wrong” kind of content doesn’t.

When you understand your customer avatar, you’re in a much better position to create content which they are interested in digesting.

Using Quora For Keyword Research And Content Ideas – Research?

So how can you use Quora for keyword research and content ideas? Start by heading over to and typing in your main “seed” keyword. That’s the keyword which is the fundamental part of your business. So for this site, it would be affiliate marketing, for instance. Since this website is for helping affiliates.

A quick search on for affiliate marketing and the first thing I find is a heap of questions which my target audience are asking:

Using Quora For Keyword Research And Content Ideas

The same is true within any niche. If I had a golf related website, for example, I could type “how do I improve my golf” and Quora will show me related questions to this niche.

Using Quora For Keyword Research And Content Ideas

The answers not only give you ideas for keyword research, which you can plug into Google’s keyword planner, (or another planner if you subscribe to one), but they also give you content ideas.

Creating Content Based On Quora Questions

Once you’ve done a little keyword research on an appropriate question title on Quora, you can find the ones which have the least competition on the search engine results pages (SERPS). More on this in my article find long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty.

Once you find a suitable title for your blog post (based on the Quora questions you find and keyword research) get to work on creating posts which answer these questions more fully. You can also use the answers provided on to help you write them!

Quora is a great resource for this and I’ve used it for many of my blog posts. Checkout my article on increasing website traffic for free on this topic too.

By creating a huge resource of content based on Quora questions relating to your niche, you provide a resource base for your potential customers. You can share your content, optimise for SEO and provide a resource for your email subscribers. Over time and with enough effort, your website should increase its authority in the eyes of the search engines. When this happens you should start to rank for some of your keywords, according to the competition of course.


Type your main keyword into and look through the answers which come up. This should give you some good content ideas which you can write blog posts for and/or create video content. Take the questions and type them into a keyword tool, such as Google’s free keyword planner. You can cross reference this with a search on the SERPS (Search engine results pages). Look for long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty for the best chance of ranking your content.

Create high quality content which out performs existing content ranking on Google if possible. Or use YouTube/TikTok to upload videos. Rinse and repeat for all your search terms which are questions relating to your niche/product.

Good luck!