Purpose Of A Blog For Business

What’s the purpose of a blog for business? The purpose of a blog is to attract people to a website. From there visitors can get to know your business. If a blog is successful, it can attract many thousands of customers by creating content.

Businesses can use blogging as a marketing tool by creating content which their potential customers are looking for on Google. Typical content which relates to a business is that which answers customer’s questions about your products or service. So a good place to start if you’re thinking about building a blog is Google’s keyword planner.

Purpose Of A Blog For Business: The Keyword Planner

Google’s keyword planner can show you which keywords are being searched for which relate to your business. So for example, if you were selling an online Yoga course from your website, you can create a bunch of content which your potential customers might be searching for. To find the keywords which will attract your target audience, you’ll need to create content which attracts them by helping them answer their questions.

purpose of a blog for business

There’s just a few of the keywords which are being searched for already on Google. You can see the average number of monthly searches besides the keywords. This indicates the number of people looking for that particular phrase every month. So by creating content for your chosen keywords, you can potentially attract more visitors to find your products/service.

Purpose Of A Blog For Business: Main Issue

The main issue with this as a strategy is that there’s millions of other competing websites which also want to get found for those keywords too. The more competitive your topic is, the more other websites will have similar content to your own. This can make it difficult to get your content found as a blogger. A solution is to target the long tail keywords which have low SEO difficulty.

niche blogging

For shorter keywords such as “Yoga classes online”, there’s going to be a huge volume of search traffic. To get your content to the top of the search results will be difficult. But if you target the long tail keywords which have less SEO difficulty, you can more easily rank your content and get found.

So, for example instead of writing content targeting “online Yoga classes” you could target “free online Yoga classes for beginners” instead. Because this is a longer tail keyword, it will typically have less competition than the shorter phrase of “online Yoga classes”.

Building Authority & Trust

A blog is also useful for building authority with your potential customers. By creating a lot of content which answers your customers questions, you can build your search engine authority over time. It can take months or even years to work your way up the Google rankings for your keywords. But the longer you blog for, the more authority you’ll build and this means free traffic.

blog traffic

It can take a while for Google to recognise you as an authority in your niche. But once it does and your content starts to get more traction, this can mean more post shares and more backlinks will naturally be built to your content. When this happens your search engine presence can have a sudden spurt of power! Your traffic can go up exponentially.


The purpose of a blog for business is to attract more customers through content creation. Once a blog becomes established and trusted by Google (and other search engines), it can attract a huge volume of potential customers to your business. From your website you can offer a telephone number, a booking form or an email opt in offer which helps your visitors with some problem they might have.

Many business owners offer discount codes or some form of freebie from their website. By giving something of value away on your blog, you can get your visitors to give you their email address and you can follow up with an email marketing campaign. See the power of email marketing.