Passive Income Ideas To Make Money While You Sleep!

Looking for passive income ideas to make money while you sleep? One of the best ways to make passive income from a standing start is through the internet. While many suggest buying property or trading and investments, those ideas are great if you have the money to invest. When I started out online, looking for ways to make a living, I didn’t have the money to invest in property or stocks and shares. I didn’t have the time to wait years until my investments matured!

I tried many online earning strategies and eventually settled on affiliate marketing because it shone out from the rest. You can earn a passive income in many ways online including through using advertising platforms such as Adsense, selling your own digital products or using the affiliate or drop shipping models. But affiliate marketing for me was the one which worked the best. It’s simple. You join a program and promote other people’s products with affiliate marketing. You don’t need a massive investment, only the time to learn some strategies, principles and techniques.

Passive Income Ideas To Make Money While You Sleep: Blogging

With affiliate marketing you can implement lots of different techniques to make sales online. When you make a sale, you earn a commission. There’s no inventory to hold, investments to make (besides your education) and you can work from anywhere! One of the cheapest ways to sell affiliate products online is through blogging.

passive income ideas to make money while you sleep

I started blogging because of this back in the early 2000’s and it wasn’t all plain sailing. But I made my first affiliate sale quite quickly through a review article. From then on I was hooked! I knew if I could make these sales consistently it would be my ticket to a passive income and more choice and freedom in life!

Blogging can take some time however, but once you have put the work in upfront, you can leverage your “body” of work to make affiliate sales automatically. This website, for example, has over 700 articles on it now. Many of these pop up through Google, Bing, Yahoo search queries and lead to affiliate sales. More on blogging in my article get paid blogging.

Passive Income Ideas To Make Money While You Sleep: Email Marketing

Another useful tool up the affiliate marketer’s sleeve is email marketing. With email marketing you can automate email messages to be delivered to tens or even hundreds of thousands of subscribers; building trust online and selling products and services online through your messaging.


Email marketing is one of the best ways to sell affiliate products online. From a website it can be quite tricky to sell something to a visitor. Most website visitors only stick around a few minutes. But once you capture the email address of a website visitor you can follow up over months and even years with your email messages. This gives you a much longer timeframe to build trust and sell your products.

Passive Income Ideas To Make Money While You Sleep: PPC – Paid Marketing

Paid marketing is one of the best and fastest ways to build up an income through the sale of affiliate products. By targeting specific search queries or individuals according to their interests, age, location and other useful demographics, you can sell affiliate products directly or by combining paid marketing with email marketing. This can be done by sending paid traffic to a landing page where you capture a visitor’s email address. From there you can automatically follow up with an email marketing campaign to sell an affiliate product. By using high ticket affiliate products and subscription affiliate products, you can much more easily recoup your advertising budget and become profitable.

Passive Income Ideas To Make Money While You Sleep

Initially it will take some time and effort learning paid marketing techniques to drive traffic to affiliate offers. But once you hit upon a winning campaign you can simply leave it running, making sales on complete autopilot! Most affiliates who run paid marketing strategies will start with a low affordable budget and slowly increase it once profitable.


You only need one strategy to make a passive income from the internet but you need to stick at it until you have mastered it. When I first started out online, I made the mistake of jumping around from one strategy to another. This meant I didn’t get much traction with any of them, since I wasn’t giving enough time towards any one given tactic.

Once you have chosen a good affiliate product to promote online, you need to pick a strategy which works for your given situation and circumstance. If you’re working full time, you’ll probably want to choose a paid marketing method which can work while you’re away from the computer. But if you have a lot of time and less disposable income, you’ll probably want to pick a cheaper strategy such as blogging or content creation.

Learn more about selling affiliate products online here and get started with your own internet based business.

Online Passive Income Streams

There’s several ways you can build online passive income streams. One of the quickest ways to generate a passive income is to buy an affiliate website which makes money already. You can find websites which earn money passively from which is an affiliate website marketplace.

Of course the websites which earn more money are more expensive to buy. The cheaper ones tend to earn very little or nothing! You’ll find a host of digital assets you can purchase on from blogs to online businesses, from apps to e-commerce stores.

Do your due diligence before making a purchase and remember that a website’s income can go down over time, so it pays to research any website you are interested in buying.

online passive income streams

Online Passive Income Streams – Blogging

Owning your own blog is another way you can generate a passive income. Bloggers create content on a website and over time they can generate free traffic from social media and the search engines. If you’re on a tight budget, blogging might be the way to go. But with over 600 million bloggers on the internet, you’ll need to have a lot of patience and put the hours in if you want to build a passive income from blogging.

niche blogging

A new blog won’t generate much traffic but longer term bloggers can build a passive income over time by using advertising or affiliate marketing on their blog posts. Using ads on your site generates income from advertising clicks from your visitors. Affiliate marketing is a referral based business in which affiliates make money by product recommendations. See affiliate marketing vs Google Adsense.

If you intend to make a passive income from blogging, expect to create a lot content over a long period of time. Only then will you generate enough traffic to make it pay. See also passive income from blogging.

Online Passive Income Streams: Recurring Revenue From Subscription Products

Another way to make a passive income stream online is through the use of recurring income affiliate programs. With a recurring income product you can generate ongoing income from each referral sale you make. You can use multiple different strategies to generate affiliate sales online:

One of the fastest ways to grow a passive income from affiliate marketing is to promote a high ticket sales funnel which has a number of products within it. One of the products should be a subscription product from which you can earn a recurring and passive income.

high ticket

The advantage of a high ticket product range is that you can more easily tap into paid marketing as a strategy. Paid marketing is much faster than blogging in terms of generating traction from an affiliate business. With lower value affiliate products, it’s much more difficult to make a profit while running paid ads. But with high value items, you can more easily recoup advertising budget and make profit.

Paid marketing is also much more scalable than blogging, for example, or any other slower organic methods.

Drop Shipping

Drop shipping is another online business model whereby you can promote a third party product and become a “middle man” to make a virtually hands off business. Drop shipping is similar to affiliate marketing in that you become a third party referrer of products and services. By finding customers and making sales you can earn money from making sales and then sending products directly from the distributor to the customer.

online passive income streams

Drop shipping is slightly more involved than affiliate marketing in that you need to create a platform to make sales, deal with customers and order products as necessary. With affiliate marketing you simply refer customers directly to the product. When a sale is made with affiliate marketing, you’re credited with the sale through your affiliate link. So drop shipping is slightly less passive than affiliate marketing. However you can outsource much of the day to day workings of the business with both models.

See also drop shipping vs affiliate marketing.

Video Blogging

V’logging is another method of generating an online passive income stream. A video blog is another way to generate free traffic from the YouTube or TikTok search engines. Like blogging, expect to build a library of content before you’ll earn anything from v’logging.

To monetise YouTube with affiliate marketing is easier than to join YouTube’s partner program because you’ll need to be well established to do so. You’ll need over 1000 subscribers in order to partner with YouTube and earn through monetising videos with ads.


Getting traffic for free on YouTube or TikTok can be tough too. Although there’s less competition than on Google in the case of blogging, v’logging can be a long road to a passive income. See blogging vs vlogging for more on this strategy.


The faster methods of earning a passive income online require a lot more investment. Buy a profitable site from for the least amount of work, just be careful and do your homework beforehand! You can purchase a high ticket sales funnel and promote it with paid marketing. This is one of the best ways to build an online business which is scalable globally from which you can earn passively.

Blogging, v’logging and content creation is more time consuming but if you’re on a budget it might be a good fit. It does take considerable time and effort to build enough content online to start generating a passive income from though. So if you’re going this route choose a topic you’re passionate about so you enjoy the journey! See also best niche to blog about.