Part Time Affiliate Marketing

A part time affiliate marketing career is something which can be built around existing work or commitments. With affiliate marketing you are promoting other people’s goods and services online in exchange for a commission based on sales you generate.

Many affiliates come into affiliate marketing on a part time basis; looking to grow their business alongside a job or career. Over time, your affiliate business can eventually replace your employment income.

high ticket funnel

The best way to do affiliate marketing part time is through using a scalable strategy. Paid marketing and a high ticket sales funnel, for example, will bring you the best results in the shortest time. To do this you can set up a digital sales funnel which has a range of high ticket items in it. Access one here.

You should also be promoting subscription based affiliate products within your product range. This gives you a monthly recurring income based on your membership/software sales, which can make your business more sustainable more quickly.

Part Time Affiliate Marketing – Blogging

But there are many ways to build an affiliate business and that’s just one of them. Paid marketing offers the fastest strategy but it’s expensive, and you’ll need a high ticket offer to be profitable while using some of the more expensive paid marketing platforms.

If this is out of reach, there’s other ways to do it too. Many affiliates work part time on cheaper marketing methods such as blogging. While blogging will take much longer than the paid marketing route, it is preferable to many affiliates because it’s low cost and you can chip away at it over the longer term.

niche blogging

Bloggers create content on a website and promote it via multiple platforms. Over time, if they stick with it, their content can attract free traffic from the search engines. When their visitors grow in numbers they should see more people taking actions on their website.

Bloggers can sell affiliate products directly from their content through contextual links in their articles. Or, they often use email lists to build relationships with their subscribers and sell products through email marketing.

Part Time Affiliate Marketing – Time Management

If you’re going to be working on a part time basis, it’s important your work counts towards building your business every time you are in front of your computer/laptop! A big problem for new affiliates is time wastage. In the initial phase of affiliate marketing you will probably be learning a lot, consuming information and studying a marketing strategy which suits your circumstances.

Once you have picked a strategy, you need to be aware of how you spend your time. A “Busy Fool” is a term which is often used within affiliate marketing. It’s easy to be a busy fool as an affiliate; working on activities which don’t move your business forwards. An example might be making your website look nice, rather than driving traffic. Or, spending time on a logo, when you don’t have a marketing strategy going.

Some jobs can be outsourced and they should be too, if they take you away from the most important use of your time. is a good source for affiliates to outsource work they don’t want to spend time on.

It’s especially important to outsource work if you’re only working part time on your affiliate business. Managing your time well will mean you can get more work done in a shorter amount of time.

Part Time Affiliate Marketing – Consistency Is Key

Whether you’re working part time or full time on your affiliate marketing business, consistency is key. Most affiliates will work for some time before they are able to start generating consistent success. This is why so many affiliates quit the look at their results far too early!

If you’re working part time on your affiliate marketing business this is important to understand. Results will take longer if you’re giving less time to your business. But you can speed up results by:

  • Using high ticket and/or subscription affiliate programs.
  • Using a marketing strategy which can be quickly scaled up (i.e. paid marketing)
  • Maintaining consistency in your marketing method, whatever it is. Blogging for example will compound over time if you stick at it, so results will grow more quickly the longer you stick at it
  • Joining a community and getting help and support

With a slower marketing strategy like blogging, it’s important to know that in the first instance, results will be slow. Over time as you grow your content, you should see the odd sale here and there which isn’t consistent. This can take some time, months or even years depending on your affiliate niche/topic. It can be demoralising if you’re unsure of your strategy. But stick with it and your affiliate business will grow if you stay consistent!

The Chinese Bamboo Tree

A good analogy for affiliate marketing is the Chinese Bamboo tree. It takes several years of gestation before shoots even break the surface of the soil! But once this happens, the Chinese Bamboo tree can grow 90 feet in only a few weeks! Affiliate marketing can be like this too, particularly with content generation which takes time to produce.

But as your content gets found and shared, and as the search engine starts showing your content more regularly, your results can snowball. The same is true of building an email list. (See free autoresponder for affiliate marketing).

chinese bamboo
The Chinese Bamboo Tree can grow 90 feet in a matter of weeks!

As you begin with building your email list you may find nothing much happens. But once you pass 1000 subscribers you should see some sales. Once you determine which habits create the most benefit to your business, you can focus your attention and time on those specific tasks. This grows your business more quickly and eventually you can leave it running without putting much effort in at all!