Make Money Online PDF

In this make money online PDF I’m going to discuss one of the most popular online earning methods: affiliate marketing! With affiliate marketing you don’t need any products of your own to sell because you can use other people’s products and services.

Affiliate marketing is a referral based business model where third party “affiliates” refer customers to products online via their affiliate link. When someone makes a purchase through a unique affiliate link, the affiliate earns a commission based on the sale. There’s no product fulfilment needed because the product owner handles product delivery and deals with the customer.

beginners guide to affiliate marketing

That makes affiliate marketing one of the easiest online business models you can learn. However, to make money online with affiliate marketing, you’ll need to learn a method of product promotion to promote your affiliate link. This is often the sticking point for new affiliates and so it deserves some attention because it’s often the main reason why 95% of affiliates quit!

However, before we get to promotion methods of affiliate marketing, it’s also worth discussing the different products affiliate marketers can choose from.

Make Money Online PDF: Products

There’s thousands of affiliate programs available to choose from but one of the most popular programs is Amazon’s partner program which anyone can join to promote any of the thousands of products on the site.

You can also find both physical and digital products on various affiliate platforms such as, JVZoo, CJ Affiliate Network (Commission Junction) and eBay’s partner program. A quick search online for “affiliate program” and almost any keyword will bring up programs in almost any category you can think of!

So if you have an existing website, it’s easy to join a program which offers a suitable product based on your individual topic/niche. However, different products will pay different levels of commission so it’s useful to know this before starting out with affiliate marketing. Physical products tend to pay the least in terms of commission percentages. Amazon, for example will generally pay between 3-10% commission on products you sell.

make money online pdf

Digital products can pay a lot more in terms of percentages. Typically a digital product will pay between 30-40% commission. You can also promote high ticket products which are a good idea because they carry a larger price tag and therefore pay a much larger commission per sale. The sale of a single high ticket product can give you the same amount as hundreds or even thousands of lower value product sales.

Here’s an example of a high ticket product you can sell as an affiliate to earn 8% commission.

make money online pdf

The sale of just one of these would earn you a commission of $31,600. To earn this much with a low valued product from Amazon at $100 for example, you would need to sell tens of thousands of products. You can also sell subscription products as an affiliate which can pay you a recurring income.

Make Money Online PDF: Methods Of Selling

There’s many methods of promoting affiliate products which you can use. Here’s some of the most common strategies used by affiliate marketers:

  • Blogging & other content creation: pdfs, ebooks, video blogging etc.
  • Email marketing – collecting email subscribers from a website/landing page
  • PPC – pay per click advertising, platforms such as Google Adwords, YouTube, Facebook etc offer paid marketing platforms
  • SEO – search engine optimisation – free traffic from the search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo etc.

As mentioned, your marketing strategy is pretty important and has a huge impact on your affiliate business. Unless you get it right, you can easily struggle making sales with this business model so it’s worth investing in this skill if you want to be successful as an affiliate.

niche blogging for profit

Some strategies are faster and more scalable than others too. Blogging, for example is generally thought of as a slower method of traffic generation, although you can ultimately earn a passive income once you have built a lot of content. Paid marketing strategies are much faster and more scalable. Once you have success with a paid marketing strategy, you can simply leave it running, generating traffic and sales and quickly scale it up to a larger audience.

Mindsets Of Successful Affiliates

Not all affiliate marketers are successful it has to be said and around 95% of new affiliates will quit. So it’s important to realise that if you’re starting off down the affiliate marketing journey, you’ll need to be prepared. Knowing some of the things in this article will help you but it’s also wise to get help from the outset from people who have already succeeded with affiliate marketing. Access the free video workshops and an online coaching and mentorship program here.

make money online pdf

There’s one thing which successful affiliates all have in common: they don’t quit! Quitting is the only way to guarantee failure in affiliate marketing. So if you decide not to quit, whatever happens, you’re ultimately guaranteed to have more success than the average person – unless you die first!

If you don’t have a seriously strong “why”…. You will get stuck in the “how hole”. Your “why” is why you’ll keep going, no matter what happens. Successful affiliates have a strong reason to keep going when other quit. They use setbacks as learning experiences rather than reasons to stop!

See also how to be successful in affiliate marketing.

Benefits Of Affiliate Marketing

Although this make money online pdf has focused on affiliate marketing, there’s other ways you can earn online. However, there’s a few benefits which affiliate marketing has over other online earning methods:

  • It’s a simple business model which anyone can do regardless of experience
  • You don’t need your own products
  • It’s relatively cheap to get started
  • You only need a laptop and internet connection
  • You can work from anywhere
  • Choose your own hours and working pattern
  • Work alongside a job while you build your income up
  • Selling products can be automated and scaled up globally
  • It can give you passive income, financial independence & freedom
  • It can give you geographical freedom – work from anywhere

Because affiliate marketing lets you earn by selling products online, instead of selling your time (as in a job), you can detach your working hours from your income and make money in your sleep on complete autopilot!

Access the workshops here to learn more and get started.

Drawbacks Of Affiliate Marketing

So there’s many benefits of affiliate marketing as you can see. Here’s some of the not so good elements of this business model:

  • You need to invest a lot of time initially for what seems like little return
  • It can be tough sustaining the necessary effort when things don’t immediately materialise
  • There’s a lot of competition from other affiliates who are selling the same products as you
  • There’s many “shiny objects” to distract you on the journey (courses promising the “easy” route), which never deliver!
  • You need to be disciplined and focused, setting goals for yourself and working on your business regularly.

Not everyone’s cut out to be an affiliate marketing but if you are successful it can do wonders for your lifestyle!

Access the workshops here to learn more and get started.