Low ticket affiliate marketing refers to low value products. High ticket affiliate marketing refers to the much higher priced products. A high ticket sales funnel will contain a low value “entry level” product within the product range. To sell high ticket products will usually require having built greater trust with a customer. High ticket products sell for thousands of dollars, while low ticket products are often selling for only hundreds or less. So a customer will often need to know, like and trust you before making a high ticket purchase.
Low ticket affiliate marketing products will often sell in greater numbers since more people can afford them, and there’s less financial risk in buying them. So which is better as an affiliate? Should you sell low ticket affiliate products or high ticket ones?
Low Ticket Affiliate Marketing
When I started doing affiliate marketing I would sell low value products from eBay and Amazon. I couldn’t imaging selling something for more than $100. “Why would someone buy something so expensive?” I thought! “How could they even afford it”?
Because I couldn’t afford it, I assumed that others couldn’t either. But I made a big mistake! Large ticket products sell for tens of thousands of dollars. Just one sale can make as much for an affiliate as selling thousands of small valued items.
Have a look at this submarine for example. It sells for $300,000 and pays 8% commission to affiliates from the site Hammacher Schlemmer. That’s $24,000 in commissions for a single sale!

But of course not everyone is looking to buy a $300,000 Amphibious Sub-Surface Watercraft! Selling one would be a great pay-day, but you need to find the millionaires to do so.
Low Ticket Affiliate Marketing
Many more people will be looking on Amazon for items which are much more affordable for most. There’s plenty of low ticket items on Amazon and you have a much better chance of selling something from Amazon than of selling an item for $300,000! The trouble is that you don’t earn very much from selling items from Amazon unless you do so in great numbers.
Getting a huge volume of traffic to your low value offers is tough. You can’t use paid marketing, or at least it’s more difficult to do so. Adverts will cost more than you stand to gain even if you make a sale.
Here’s a few items you might find on Amazon which are affordable and low ticket.

Low value products are typically priced from around £10 to £100 on Amazon ($12-$120). Amazon affiliate marketing commission structure pays out between 1% and 11% according to the category the product is in. So on a typical product priced at $100 you’ll only earn $5 (at 5% for example). That’s not much and you’ll need to sell a lot of products to make it worth your time and effort. So what’s the answer?
Low Ticket Affiliate Marketing
The answer is to sell a low ticket product which is connected to high ticket ticket products you can earn from.
Most affiliate programs only pay you a “one-off” commission. So once you have referred the sale, you have to keep finding new customers to keep making commissions. But with a product range or “suite”, you can refer the initial product in a range and benefit from later sales your customer purchases; even years later!

You can also promote subscription affiliate programs which pay you a recurring commission. Subscription programs are often software products or memberships. A low value subscription product can still be a low ticket product. However, it can continue to bring in commissions for years after you’ve made the sale, so it’s much better than promoting a “one time” only sale.
Should you promote high ticket affiliate products or low ticket affiliate products? Often it will require the same amount of work to do either one. So why not focus on the high ticket products? Once you learn how to target your perfect customer, by getting clear on your customer avatar. it will be much the same amount of work involved whether you promote low cost items or high ticket products.

To earn the same from a high ticket sale, you’ll need to sell thousands of a low ticket product. Even though it may be a little more difficult to sell a high ticket item, it’s not going to be a thousand times as difficult.
Access a high ticket affiliate program through this free video series.