Is Being An Affiliate Worth It?

Is being an affiliate worth it? Affiliate marketing gets a bad rap but it’s a legitimate way to earn an income online, and many affiliates do very well. A lot drop out though, and the affiliate marketing failure rate is pretty high at around 95%. That still leaves 5% of affiliates who stick it out and earn an income from it. For these affiliates it definitely is worth the effort.

is being an affiliate worth it

Some earn more than others of course and generally the longer someone has done affiliate marketing for, the more they will earn. Most of the people who quit do so because they don’t see any results for the work they put in. That’s because affiliate marketing doesn’t work straight away. It takes time and effort to build an income online using the affiliate marketing business model. Even with help and support, it can take months or even years to replace an existing income with affiliate marketing; depending on the marketing strategy and business model you use. Not all affiliate marketing business models are alike either and some are better than others.

The barrier to entry with affiliate marketing is so low that pretty much anyone can give it a go. But you don’t need a “give it a go” mentality with affiliate marketing; you need a “whatever it takes” mentality.

Is Being An Affiliate Worth It?

“Being” an affiliate can really suck, or it can really kick ass! It really depends on where you are in your journey. Top affiliates can earn six figure incomes plus, live anywhere and work from their laptop! They don’t have a boss, a job or have to commute! That’s pretty good from most people’s viewpoint! But beginner affiliates don’t automatically qualify for these benefits! As a beginner affiliate you’ll need to learn and grow as you build your business.

niche blogging

The best way to get started is through a training course which offers support and help. But even with the right training, a step by step automated business system and support, it can be tough. Earnings only come when you start making sales and this can be months after you have started, (or even years – depending on your marketing strategy).

Most people don’t have the patience and discipline to maintain the necessary focus – especially when they aren’t making any money from their efforts. That’s why so many quit. But if you stick at it and start seeing some sales coming through, this can inspire you to keep going.

Is Affiliate Marketing Worth It? The Chinese Bamboo

I often use the analogy of the Chinese Bamboo tree in my articles. The Chinese Bamboo tree has a super long gestation period of 4-5 years before anything breaks the surface of the soil. Once it does, the tree can grow 90 feet in 4-5 weeks.

is affiliate marketing worth it

Affiliate marketing is much like the Chinese Bamboo tree. If you are prepared to nurture and grow your affiliate business, it can produce some amazing results. But this can take a lot of time and patience. If you’re looking for a “get rich quick” scheme, affiliate marketing is not the answer.

The fastest legit way to make money online using affiliate marketing can still take several months at least. By using a multiple income funnel affiliate program and using paid marketing, the affiliate can quickly build a list of email subscribers and promote their products. Once profitable, this can be scaled up simply by increasing the marketing budget. A much slower method of earning through affiliate marketing is through blogging and content generation. This strategy will take considerably longer then the paid marketing strategy. See also 22 ways to promote affiliate products.

Fulfilment & Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing requires personal growth and self development which can be seen as part of the journey. Many people going into affiliate marketing are put of when they don’t make money instantly, and they drop out.

But for those who are determined enough and willing to learn, there’s huge rewards both from personal fulfilment and development and of course financially too. By developing a growth mindset, an affiliate can take failures and turn them into success. A successful affiliate has failed many times and built their success on their “failures”. To “fail forwards” as an affiliate marketer is to try things you haven’t done and get feedback from them. By doing this over and over, you will eventually find something which works and generates a sale. Once you have done this once, you can learn from it and repeat it.

Successful affiliates are those who didn’t give up. They failed just like the 95% of affiliates who quit. The difference is their attitude to failure. They see failure as stepping stones to success, and keep going.

Is It Worth It?

So is affiliate marketing worth it? This of course will depend on where you are in your affiliate journey and how you perceive your success, (or lack of it!). Affiliate marketing can give you a passive income and even financial freedom. For some, the concept of being financially and geographically free, to live on their own terms without a boss, job or commute is a goal worth working for – wherever they are in their journey.

But when you’re struggling this can be difficult to remember. There’s many hurdles and struggles for affiliate marketers to overcome to even get to the point of making their first sale online. I’ve been an affiliate for several years now and it definitely has its challenges.

But it’s given me the opportunity to work on my own terms, make an income from my laptop and replace my employment income. Perhaps more importantly it’s armed me with new mindsets and skills which I can use in life and in my affiliate business too.

Is affiliate marketing worth it? It’s worth it if you see it through and commit to the journey for the long term. It can give you new skills and the ability to earn from your laptop and live on your own terms. But if you think you’ll “give it a go”, or see how it goes, it might not be for you!