Internet Marketing Ninjas

“Internet marketing ninjas” are the secret assassins of the digital world! They are the new breed of entrepreneurs who are earning a living though selling products and services over the internet. Anyone can learn affiliate marketing to better equip themselves to become more financially stable and build an income from the internet.

internet marketing ninjas

But exactly how do “internet marketing ninjas” make online sales? What do they do to get people to products and services online? And how do they make sales? In this article, I’m going to discuss some of the marketing methods which internet marketing ninjas use to get free and paid traffic to their products and services.

Internet Marketing Ninjas – Free Traffic

Many affiliate marketers make a living from selling other people’s products and services on the internet. With certain products you need to find free traffic in order to be profitable. Free traffic is much harder to generate than paid traffic but unless you have high ticket affiliate products to sell, you’ll most likely need to use free strategies.

A simple free strategy which many affiliates use is blogging. This website is an example of a blog. The more content you put on your website, the more traffic you can potentially find for your products and services. But there’s a key strategy which marketing “ninjas” use to get more traffic for less work! I describe this strategy in more detail in my ebook Niche Blogging For Profit, but this is a basic overview of the strategy:

  1. Find long tail keywords which are suitably targeted to your audience and product range. I use Google’s free keyword planner to do this.
  2. Compare the competitiveness of this keyword with a quick Google search using both phrase match and a general search. This should give you a basic idea of how competitive your keywords are.
  3. Once you find a low competition keyword, you can create content around your keyword. Make sure you use an SEO plugin to help you optimise your content for the search engines. I use Yoast SEO.
internet marketing ninjas

Paid Traffic

Other internet marketing “ninjas” use paid traffic and drive tens of thousands of people into their sales funnel to make sales online. Marketers spend tens of thousands of dollars every single month in their marketing budget. How can they afford to spend this much? Simply because they have tested and measured a sales funnel and learned how to put in $1 and make $2. Once they understand this, they slowly start to scale up their marketing budget.

If their sales system makes them $2 for every $1 spent, it makes sense to spend as much as possible to increase your income.

internet marketing funnel

The marketers who do this are the real internet marketing ninjas! They spend their time building a sales funnel with a range of high ticket products in it. See SFM Digital Business System.

With a sales system which contains high ticket products, recurring commission products, multi-tier commissions and a product range, marketers can spend huge amounts (once they are profitable), knowing that they will make a profit on the back-end sales.

Internet Marketing – Social Media

There’s also plenty of scope for internet marketing “ninjas” to find customers for products through the various social media accounts available online. One strategy is to use Facebook to find suitable people online to showcase your products and services to.

Here’s a little “ninja” tactic I picked up from an online community I belong to.

Start with your basic Facebook profile and use an image which relates to your product or services in your bio. I use an ebook I put together to help people learn a little about affiliate marketing. Then link your image to a landing page where you can collect your visitors email address in exchange for the ebook.

social media marketing

Once on your list, you can send messages to your subscribers (email marketing) helping them out and leading them to your affiliate products.

In order to get people to your bio, you’ll need to do some work. Join groups through Facebook which are places where your target audience might hang out. So for example, I might join an affiliate marketing group and make connections with people.

Don’t hassle them or spam them with links or anything like that. Just be helpful in the groups, participate in discussions and genuinely connect with people. If you do this often and spend some time each day, you’ll start to generate some traction of people visiting your profile to learn more about you. Then they should see your image (ebook or other hook) and visit your website/landing page.

Marketing “Ninjas” – The Email List

To call yourself an internet marketing “ninja” you’ll need an email list of subscribers. If someone lands on your website, they only have a few minutes to browse around before they leave – potentially forever. Internet marketing ninjas know this and encourage their website visitors to opt in to their email list with a legitimate bribe. It could be an ebook, like in the previous example, or something else of value and related to your product.

internet ninjas - have no fear

Once on your list, you have the opportunity to connect with your subscribers and build relationships with them. This time period can extend to months and even years. If you genuinely offer value to your subscribers and help them, promoting products which have helped you, you can build trust and make sales. This can all be largely automated too and you can set up your emails to go out at a pre-determined time every single day, for years potentially.

As your email list grows, so should your affiliate sales. Many internet marketers use the email list with great effect, building 6 and 7 figure incomes from their list of subscribers.

Join a crack team of internet marking “ninjas” by accessing the free video series below (click on image). You’ll earn how you can build an online business from scratch.

internet marketing ninja