How To Shift A Poverty Consciousness

If you think you may have a poverty consciousness there’s a few ways to shift it. A poverty consciousness, or a scarcity mindset can severely hold you back in life. No matter what you do physically, if you’re always bringing scarcity to the table, you’ll always bring about the effects of those inner beliefs.

A scarcity mindset might have come from your childhood. Most inner and unconscious beliefs are embedded into our psyches before we are even 10 years old. Before that age, we don’t have the cognitive ability to reject ideas and suggestions. So they are absorbed by the subconscious mind and play out later in our lives, sabotaging our happiness.

Here’s a few of the beliefs you might be carrying around if you have a scarcity mindset:

  • Life’s a struggle
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • Money is always tight
  • I’m always broke
  • Why is life so hard?
  • I’m not/never good enough

How To Shift A Poverty Consciousness – What You Think About You Bring About

If you are constantly thinking how little you have, and focusing on what’s missing, you will bring about more lack and scarcity. If you’ve been focusing on lack and limitation since your childhood, chances are good that they are pretty powerful by now. Shifting them can take a bit of work. But first it’s a good idea to notice the thoughts, words and actions you are giving energy to.

how to shift a poverty consciousness

Start by noticing what beliefs you are reinforcing which are negative and which limit your ability to create more abundance and financial certainty. A useful practice to help you observe your inner thinking mind is meditation. Spending just 5-10 minutes a day, sitting quietly and observing your thoughts can bring some clarity to things.

At first, this will seem difficult. Your mind will be difficult to control and you’ll start thinking. Paying attention to your breathing can help calm the mind and create some inner space for you to observe from.

If you have a poverty consciousness, the first step is to observe your thoughts and the ideas and beliefs which you perpetually give your attention to.

How To Shift A Poverty Consciousness – Use Mantras

Mantras are useful and can help you shift a poverty consciousness. Start by observing one of your negative beliefs though paying attention to your thinking patterns for several days and observing the things you say which are red flags to the issue. It might be something a parent said a lot, and that you picked up. Here’s a couple of examples “Life’s a struggle”, or “you must work hard for money”.

How To Shift A Poverty Consciousness

If one of your negative views on money is “life’s a struggle”, you can find a mantra which gives you a better outcome such as “I choose to life in easy world“, or “life is easy for me“, “I’m always lucky” or “everything works out perfectly for me”.

Whenever you catch yourself saying or thinking one of your negative beliefs, say your new mantra 10 times. If you’ve been talking to yourself in this negative way for a long time, this will take some time to shift. Start with a mantra you can say often, and which sits right for you, but which is more positive than your old, negative belief.

How To Shift A Poverty Consciousness – Autosuggestion

When you’re stuck with a poverty consciousness, you repeat the negative ideas inside your mind over and over: life is hard, I never get ahead, I’m never good enough, I never seem to get ahead in life, etc. When you have this leaning, you are making suggestions to your subconscious mind which delivers negative results through a process Napoleon Hill named autosuggestion in chapter 4 of his book Think and Grow Rich:

think and grow rich

AUTO-SUGGESTION is a term which applies to all suggestions and all self-administered stimuli which reach one’s mind through the five senses. Stated in another way, auto-suggestion is self-suggestion. It is the agency of communication between that part of the mind where conscious thought takes place, and that which serves as the seat of action for the subconscious mind.

Through the dominating thoughts which one permits to remain in the conscious mind, (whether these thoughts be negative or positive, is immaterial), the principle of auto-suggestion voluntarily reaches the subconscious mind and influences it with these thoughts.

To shift this negative bias, you must become aware of and control the thoughts you are giving energy to and change them to more positive messages which bring about the outcome which is more desirable.


In the many books written on the mind and making money (find some of them here), pretty much all them them mention gratitude. Gratitude is an important tool to shift a poverty mindset. When you are feeling like you have nothing, you mind is filled with what is missing. You focus on the scarcity.

But with gratitude, you are focusing on the things you are already grateful for and shifting your vibration energetically. Take a look at the emotional guidance scale image below.

You’ll see near the top the feelings associated with gratitude are love, passion, happiness, belief etc. Those you might associate with scarcity are at the bottom of the chart: powerlessness, unworthiness, blame etc.

how to shift a poverty consciousness

Take the time each day to write in a gratitude journal for the things you are grateful for already. Write out 10 things which are different every day. Pretty soon, your mind will be looking for the good, the abundance you already have, rather than what you don’t have, or what you may have lost.

Shift Your Money Mindset eBook

Powerful techniques to permanently uncover and remove your success blockers and unleash your potential.

how to shift a poverty consciousness

– Questions and answers
– Uncovering your hidden beliefs
– Making the shift
– Installing New programs
– Changing the way you earn
– Gratitude
– Money Principles Of The Wealthy

Access here.