How To Sell Your Skills Online

Wondering how to sell your skills online? Whatever skills you have, there’s people who are willing to pay to learn them, or learn from you. There’s many ways to sell skills online too; here’s some of the strategies you can use:

  • Create a course, using sites such as or
  • Build a blog using your knowledge or a YouTube channel; sell affiliate products to your audience
  • Create an ebook/digital download/pdf product and sell it on a website
  • Work as a freelancer selling your skills – use or for example to build a profile
  • Tutoring one on one – Teach classes in your local neighbourhood. Get found by using Google My Business to advertise your services
  • Promote yourself through Q and A websites – offers a platform for experts to share information in their field of expertise.
  • Write a book – writing a physical book has a double fold benefit when selling your skills online. Not only can you sell your book but it helps you grow your authority and status when trying to sell online and grow your brand. You can even self publish with Amazon self publishing.
how to sell your skills online

How To Sell Your Skills Online – Creating A Course

If you have a specific skill you can sell it by creating a course through one of the many online course creation platforms. Checkout and for course creation resources.

Course creators will often create and upload a number of videos to create a training resource of some kind. You can also add downloadable documents to this and written information. Once created and set up, you can attract an audience when using one of these sites. For example, people can find courses on with a simple search and there’s all kinds of courses you can buy:

Having your course on one of these sites can definitely help you with promotion.

If you’re not up for creating your own course, you can find a course you would like to promote and join an affiliate program.

How To Sell Your Skills Online – Existing Products & Your Knowledge

Another way to sell your skills is through building an online resource and selling someone else’s product from it. A clever business model known as affiliate marketing lets you earn commissions from selling other people’s products online.

By finding a product which aligns with your skill (or knowledge), you can attract an audience by creating either a blog or a YouTube channel for example. Upload content based around your skills and knowledge to attract an audience.

To sell affiliate products from your blog/channel, you need to join an affiliate program and place your affiliate links within your content. Bloggers often use other people’s products to monetise their blogs with, the same goes for YouTuber’s.

Building an online resource based around your expert knowledge is a great way to sell either your own product, or someone else’s using the affiliate model.

Create An Ebook & Build An Email List

Creating an ebook is one of the simplest ways to sell your skills online by creating a “digital asset” based around your knowledge. You can either sell your ebook directly from a website or use it as a freebie giveaway to build an email list with.

Email lists are a great way to build an audience to sell your products/affiliate products to. If you create a course, offer an ebook on your website to build your email list. Then sell your course through your email marketing messages.

Grab my ebook hereAffiliate Marketing For Beginners” and learn one of the best methods I’ve found to selling your knowledge online.

Freelancing –

Have a look at both and if you want to find people who are selling their skills online. You’ll find a heap of freelancers with a huge range of skills. To become a paid freelancer on either site you’ll need to create a profile and build up some reviews to attract jobs.

This can take some time and effort and there’s plenty of competition with some insanely low prices, so it can be tough even getting a paid gig. To make this work you’ll need to stick with it for a while and build up a reputation to get enough work.


There’s many ways to sell your skills online whether you want to go freelance, or create some kind of digital products to sell automatically.

Most of these strategies will take some time and effort to get the ball rolling. The beauty of online strategies though is that you can build up your online income in your own time around a job.

You can also do a few of these. Start by creating a digital product you can sell. Then automate the process. To learn more about selling products and services online checkout this online video course and download my ebook.