How To Remove Success Blockers

Wondering how to remove success blockers? A success blocker is an unconscious behaviour pattern or belief which is stopping you from achieving the success you desire. Often, no matter how hard you try on the “outside”, you just can’t seem to get to the next level of success.

But deep inside, on an unconscious level, you’re repeating an old behaviour or belief which is sabotaging your efforts. Once you can get more clarity on this behaviour or belief, you can start to see what is sabotaging your success.

How To Remove Success Blockers – Paradigms

A paradigm is a belief system you hold to be true – see paradigm shift meaning. So if you have a poor self image and believe yourself to be unworthy in some way, this can often be the reason why you can’t overcome a certain level of reality. Paradigms are powerful belief systems which we hold to as cornerstones of our world view. If our paradigm isn’t aligned with the success we say we want, it will stop us from achieving it because it is stronger and more powerful than your conscious mind’s attempts for success on the “outside”.

How To Remove Success Blockers

How you see yourself, or your self image is a huge part of this jigsaw. So if you see yourself as deserving of success, and believe you can achieve it, your journey will be much easier than if you don’t think yourself worthy.

How To Remove Success Blockers -Most Lottery Winners Are Bankrupt Within 3 Years

There’s a reason that 70% of lottery winners find themselves bankrupt within 3 years of winning. They haven’t learned to deal with success on an inner level and want to return to the safety and comfort of their previous lives. Having money is pushing friends away because there’s a different dynamic in their relationships. They don’t have the same things in common with people they know anymore. Ultimately they will find a way to lose their money so they can return to their more comfortable self image, of themselves without any money.

Our brains are hard wired to fear change and to cling to comfort. Our beliefs and thoughts therefore largely stay the same because it gives us a consistent world view. In order to change your paradigm, and alter your consistent world view you need to stop feeding your mind the same information and change your thinking.

Maxwell Maltz

Maxwell Maltz was a plastic surgeon who realised that after changing his clients appearance, many of them still suffered. They weren’t happy even though the feature they didn’t like was changed.

Maltz started working with the self image of his clients and found that many were simply not happy with themselves. Their appearance was just something they had attached to this unhappiness. When Maltz was able to alter his clients self image, they no longer wanted the plastic surgery to alter their appearance.

How To Remove Success Blockers

The Power Of Repetition

Most paradigms and belief systems are built within the first 10 years of your life. As a child, information goes directly into the subconscious mind without the filter of conscious objection. What this means is that if picked a negative belief about yourself, money, success, love or anything else, it’s likely to stick around and cause problems in your life, even decades later.

A unaware parent can easily have installed some negative programming based on their own experiences and beliefs. If they said something to you enough times, it’s very likely to become part of your unconscious belief system. You’ll then act out your life as if it were true. Here’s some examples of some commonly used suggestions:

  • “Money doesn’t grow on trees”
  • “life’s a struggle”
  • “We’re not made of money”
  • “Money is the route of all evil”
  • “You’re too sensitive”

If you’re struggling with achieving something important to you, chances are you have some unconscious programming which is holding you back from achieving it.

Cybernetic Transposition – Stuart Lichtman

stuart lichtman

Stuart Lichtman was an MIT professor who discovered a strategy to transpose success from one area of your life to another. By using the power of suggestion and attuning all areas of the brain, he developed a method of helping people overcome many of their success blockages. He explains the strategy in more detail in his book “How To Get Lots Of Money For Anything Fast“.

Using what Stuart calls a “Metastory”, you write out a story and repeat it over and over to reach your subconscious mind with an idea. Since success blockers are in the unconscious mind, that’s where you need to implant new ideas. Most people repeat their same programming when they talk to themselves in their heads. But if you change this story for a new story which you want to happen, you can create some amazing results in your life. Access Stuart’s book here.

Repetition Is The Key

Most of what we say to ourselves is simply a repetition of what we already believe. By changing our inner dialogue to more positive and self affirming words, we can alter our programming from self doubting, insecure and unsure to self assured and self affirming. By creating this positive feedback loop, we can keep moving forward and maintain consistency. When we doubt ourselves and talk negatively towards ourselves, we create a negative feedback loop which only acts as further proof to a negative self image.

How To Remove Success Blockers

So when the part of you which is full of doubt and insecurity starts speaking, notice what is being said. Learn to observe rather than enter into the dialogue. This dialogue is feeding an old belief system you might hold which isn’t serving you any more. Learn to have compassion for this voice and alter it accordingly for more life affirming dialogue which better supports your intentions for success and happiness.