How To Make Commissions Online

Wondering how to make commissions online? There’s huge benefits to earning an income from the internet. Firstly you can work from anywhere globally. By selling products and services instead of trading your time for money, you can use leverage and automation.

How To Make Commissions Online
Fishing for online sales!

When earnings aren’t tied to your working hours, it gives you the potential of earning an unlimited income. With a regular income from employment, there’s only so many hours in the day. So whatever you earn, your income is capped. When you can earn through selling online, you can automate sales and expand your reach globally, selling multiple products and services.

So, how do you make commissions online? With a simple business model called affiliate marketing anyone can learn how to sell online. All you need to do is use an affiliate link which tracks a product back to you. When you make a sale, you earn a commission. So you don’t need products and services of your own to make money online. What you do need is a marketing strategy which helps you find online buyers who want what you’re selling.

How To Make Commissions Online – Marketing Strategies For Affiliates

There’s many marketing styles used by affiliate marketers. Some of them create video content and some of them create written content. This article is an example of a written piece of content I use to attract people to my blog. You don’t have to be a content creator as an affiliate. You can also run paid advertising and use email marketing to build a list of subscribers to which you can market your products and services.

Here’s a quick breakdown of some of the marketing strategies most commonly used by affiliates to make money online:

  • Paid ads – Paid marketing platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook and YouTube let you target specific online users according to their browsing data
  • Email marketing – collect emails from a website or landing page and send out regular messages through an email autoresponder.
  • Social media – there’s many social media platforms you can use: YouTube, Linkedin, Facebook etc. to find customers through paid and unpaid social media marketing strategies.
  • SEO – Search Engine Optimisation is a popular strategy used by content creators to attract website visitors to their blogs or video platforms
  • Content creation such as blogging and video are two popular cheaper marketing methods used by affiliates to attract an audience online in a more affordable way than using paid advertising

How To Make Commissions Online – Products To Choose From

There’s a huge variety of affiliate programs giving you access to thousands of affiliate products you can use to earn an income online. Amazon alone has thousands of affiliate products to choose from. Anyone can join Amazon’s affiliate program and promote any of the products you’ll find on the site.

How To Make Commissions Online

Clickbank is another online product marketplace where you can promote multiple products from the site. Clickbank is a digital product marketplace. Digital products can be a good idea for affiliates because they typically pay much larger commissions than physical products. Amazon’s commission structure is from 1% -20% commission whereas Clickbank’s products will pay from 30%-40% in most cases.

Digital products also let you earn recurring commissions from certain products which carry subscriptions. With a subscription products you can earn a lot more over a typical year even with fewer sales.

High ticket affiliate products are those which pay much larger than average commissions. So a single sale of a large value (high ticket) item can earn you as much as 10 or even 100 low value product sales.

How To Make Commissions Online – Attracting Your Target Audience

Whatever you choose to promote as an affiliate it’s important to understand how you will attract buying customers. Most online users won’t want to buy your products. But certain, specific people will. Attracting these specific people towards your website and affiliate products is the key to success with selling online.


To do this effectively, you first need to identify who you want to attract. Certain types of people and specific types of online searches will be more aligned with your products or services than others. When you can identify who your customer avatar is – that is, the type of person who would benefit most from your products, you can become more proficient at attracting them to your products and earning commissions through your affiliate links.

For example, if you’re using Google Adwords to place advertising online, certain keywords will be more likely to bring in paying customers. Product review queries, for example, attract a certain type of person. Those people looking for product reviews have a strong intention to purchase something.

Email Marketing – Building Trust With People En-Mass

Email marketing is used to build trust with a large volume of people through automation. On a website most visitors leave within a few minutes. This gives affiliates very little opportunity to close the sale. But with email marketing, visitors can subscribe to an email list and get email updates over a much longer period. Even months later, you can make a sale online when using an email list.

How To Make Commissions Online

To get people to join your email list you can send traffic to a website or landing page. A landing page is best because they are more efficient at collecting email subscribers at a low cost. On a website, visitors can browse around and click about – searching through your content. But on a landing page they only have two options: sign up or leave.

With an email list you can build trust over time by offering value driven messages which help subscribers with a certain, specific problem. When your subscribers trust you, and if you offer products which help them and are carefully aligned with their needs, you can place them in your messages and sell through your affiliate links.

You don’t need to personally speak with customers or hold/deal with products yourself either. Simply link to the products through your email messages.

Get Started

Ready to get started? You can learn more and get started here. Join an online community and training resource which gives you all the tools, products and resources you’ll need.

How To Earn Commissions Online

Want to know how to earn commissions online? Anyone can earn commissions online by selling other people’s products. Your unique affiliate link is tracked and you receive payment based on what you sell.

Affiliate marketing is the business model which lets anyone promote other people’s products over the internet. You get paid based on the sales you refer.

How To Earn Commissions Online

How To Earn Commissions Online – Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is basically referral marketing. When you successfully refer a customer to a product, you receive a commission based on that sale. It’s a little like recommending a friend to a nice restaurant. Except when your referrals go to the restaurant and buy a meal, you get paid!

You’ll find affiliate marketers all around the internet. They recommend products and services which you might have already purchased through their affiliate links.

affiliate marketing for beginners

Not all affiliates earn the same amount of commissions though and, depending on how you go about an affiliate marketing business, you can have varying levels of success. Affiliates choose products to promote and then promote them through various means and strategies:

  • Blogging – writing content on a website or blog
  • Paid marketing – Using the various paid platforms available
  • Email marketing (list building)
  • Video marketing (YouTube)
  • Using various social media platforms
  • Offline marketing – using traditional marketing strategies such as newspaper advertising, leafleting etc.

How To Earn Commissions Online – Automatic Selling Systems

The best way to advertise online is to use automation in your marketing strategy and automated online selling systems to sell. With an automatic marketing method, you can run adverts 24 hours a day on complete autopilot. By selling other people’s products online using automation, you can earn a scalable income and all without trading your time for money.

first learn, then earn
First learn, then earn..

In most jobs, people trade their time for money and are paid by the hour. Since your time is finite, and there’s only so many hours in the day, there’s always a cap to what you can earn; even on a great income. But with products and the internet, which offers a global reach, automation and selling can replace your income and create an uncapped income potential.

Affiliate products work well for this too because you don’t personally have to handle products or deal with customers. Affiliates just create pathways to send customers to products. Postage and customer service is handled by the company with the products, so your only concern is referring customers.

How To Earn Commissions Online – Types Of Affiliate Products & Rates

There’s many types of affiliate products on the internet. Choosing the right products and services can be a bit of a mine field. One way to discern which products are the best to promote is by looking at the affiliate marketing commission rates.

How To Earn Commissions Online

Most physical affiliate products pay between 3% and 10% commissions. This means you’ll earn $10 for a sale of a $100 item at the most, or $3 at the least. But with digital products you can earn a lot more. Digital products can pay out between 40% and even up to 100% commission in some cases.

A 100% commission product is often part of a product range. So companies can afford to pay this much because the lifetime value of a customer will recoup this loss. Digital products don’t need to be physically posted. This saves a lot of money. Manufacturing costs are low also with digital products.

Once a product is created, it can be sold and re-sold again and again without incurring any more costs. With a physical products, manufacturing costs are much higher because you need to create every product you sell.

Savings made can be passed on to the affiliate marketers who promote the products. Hence why digital products are often better payers than physical ones.

How To Sell Products Online

Earning commissions online happens when you successfully sell other people’s products. To do this does take some time and effort. But once you’ve done it once, you can do it again and again using automation.

a landing page example
A landing page collects subscribers information, and gives them something useful in return – like this ebook.

This can be done through a sales funnel. A sales funnel is used to collect subscribers information through a landing page. When someone enters their details on a landing page, they enter the funnel.

the sales funnel
The funnel is an email marketing system which delivers email messages, value and products which might be useful to subscribers

From here they receive a number of email messages which contain affiliate links. When someone purchases a product from an affiliate link, the affiliate earns a commission based on the sale. See affiliate marketing funnels and done for you affiliate funnel.

The lead magnet which is offered on a landing page should be aligned with the product range within the sales funnel. For example, my ebook lead magnet is “affiliate marketing for beginners“.

How To Earn Commissions Online

The products in my sales funnel are products which help people learn how to earn online such as software and training products.

Step 1 – Set Up Your Sales Funnel

You can set up a done for you affiliate funnel using the SFM digital product range. The SFM program will give you landing pages, products and all the software you’ll need to get started earning online. Once setup, you’ll need to promote your sales funnel.

You can do this via various strategies according to the products you place in your “digital storefront”. With more expensive products you’ll be able to use more expensive marketing strategies. Click the image below to set up your account.

the sales funnel set up
Access The SFM Dashboard by signing up for a free account. (You can access module 1 only with a free account). Full access requires a membership.

Paid marketing platforms can be very expensive, so you’ll need a high ticket product range in order to use the more expensive platforms which offer more reach and the ability to scale up quickly. Paid marketing is the fastest way to grown an online business. But it’s not the only way. You can also use cheaper and free marketing strategies such as blogging or video marketing. These types of strategies are typically much slower and more time consuming though, but free!

Step 2 – Choose Your Products

Within the SFM back office you’ll be able to choose a product range you can sell through your sales funnel. The more expensive products give you more personal training, and they also give you larger value commissions you can access through sales you make.

As an SFM Essential member you get the following commission structure in your sales funnel product range:

the SFM product range
(With the Essential membership you can also earn 100% commissions on sales of the All In Package)

If you purchase other products within the range (see the chart above), you can access higher levels of commission. More info on the SFM Commission Structures.

Step 3 – Marketing Your Funnel

Once you’ve set up your sales system, you need to send qualified leads to your landing page/s. This is done through marketing and you can choose from a number of marketing strategies.

niche blogging for profit

One of my marketing strategies is blogging. This article is an example of blogging. By creating lots of content around your products and services, and leading your readers into your sales funnel, you can attract customers for your products.

You can also use paid marketing strategies too, video marketing, social media marketing and so on. In the SFM training area you’ll find lots of training and support with all aspects of marketing online. You can even access 1 on 1 affiliate marketing coaching and training through some of the courses.

Get Started

You can access Module 1 of the SFM back office here for a free trial, or dive straight in with Mentors All In which gives you full access and you can set up your sales funnel straight away.

If you want to learn more about The SFM, you can sign up for a free video series here.

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