How To “Flag” Your Goal To Your Unconscious Mind

How To “Flag” Your Goal To Your Unconscious Mind? “Flagging up” your goal to your subconscious mind is an important part of attaining something you strive for. We know the things we truly want, because we think about them a lot. But the reason why so many people struggle with their goals and desires is because they are in conflict with them.

without a target there's nothing to hit

Take the gym for an example. You join a gym to get in shape and get that “beach body”. But within a month, you’re bored of it. Your old habits kick in and you’re eating pizza and having a few beers. The “six pack” never arrived not because you didn’t desire it, but because you didn’t desire it enough to get over all your competing desires such as slobbing out, drinking beer and having a pizza whenever you felt like it!

The same can be said when you’re attempting to build an online business. There’s the desire to have more money, and create more freedom, for example. Perhaps your goal is to quit your job or make $10,000 a month as an affiliate. But there are also counter desires which don’t fit with your goal such as to slack off and watch TV.

The competing parts of your self want to maintain the status quo, so you put your feet up and don’t do the work. What happened to your dreams of building a profitable online business? They took a back seat to the status quo. What’s the payoff? You don’t have to do the work. You tell yourself you’ll do it tomorrow, but secretly you know nothing will happen!

How To “Flag” Your Goal To Your Subconscious Mind – Negative Payoffs

Perhaps you want to get fit, but you like a beer now and then. Maybe you want more control and freedom, but you don’t want to do the work. You want more money, but you like time off. The negative payoff of not getting your stated goal is that you don’t have to do the hard work in attaining it.

goal setting

You want it but you don’t want it badly enough! Or, perhaps you just don’t know how to get it. Why do you want a better body, or to “get fit” or to make $10k a month?

Friedrich Nietzsche — ‘He who has a why to live for can bear almost any how.’

Find your “why” and get clear on it. With an online business, the ones who succeed and build large incomes from affiliate marketing/online businesses are those with a big reason to do it. So if your job is “ok” and you don’t mind your boss, you probably aren’t motivated enough to build an online business to quit your job. If your fitness or body is “ok” you’re probably not motivated to get fitter or in better shape.

Be honest enough to admit that you don’t always want the “goal” you say you do badly enough to put down those habits and behaviours which stand in the way of your attaining it!

Set A Goal

Without a tangible goal, how will you know whether you have hit it or not? If your goal is to “make more money” or to “get fitter”, you’ll never know when you have arrived. You can’t hit a goal which isn’t well defined.

These goals are poorly defined and as such not much use. “More money” is always future bound and you can always be wanting “more money” no matter how much you attain. Similarly, “getting fitter” can always be your goal, forever! You’ll never arrive at “get fitter” because again it’s future paced and there’s no measurable “end-point” to it.

comfort zones

So define what you want by writing it out in specific terms. A SMART goal has:

  • S – Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Attainable
  • R – Realistic
  • T – Timebound

There’s also the notion that SMART goals can become too cerebral and that DUMB goals are the way to go! A DUMB goal, by contrast to a SMART goal can be more motivating because they are “moonshot” dreams which inspire and lift your spirits. Either way, jot down a goal or aspiration you currently have and give it a time and a date to accomplish it by.

How To “Flag” Your Goal To Your Subconscious Mind – Setting A Goal

Did you write something down? Writing down a goal makes it tangible. If you only carry ideas in your head and don’t get them on to paper, they are less definite and tangible. So make sure you write something down just to start off with.

e.g. I now make $1000 a month from my affiliate business. It is January 1st 2025.

How To "Flag" Your Goal To Your Unconscious Mind

Now, have a look at your goal. Does it inspire you? How do you feel about it? Mark it out of 10 for desirability and out of 10 for achievability – meaning how easily do you think you can achieve it? If you don’t believe you can achieve your goal, you’re unlikely to work towards it.

If you goal isn’t desirable enough to you, you won’t want to push yourself towards it either. You want your goal to be a 10/10 in desirability and a 10/10 in achievability. Perhaps you believe you need more time, so alter the date. Or perhaps your goal doesn’t really motivate you, so change it to a more desirable goal:

e.g. I now make $10,000 a month from my affiliate business, it is January 1st 2026!

How To “Flag” Your Goal To Your Unconscious Mind – A Goal

Spend some time altering and “tweaking” your goal because unless you find a goal which is highly desirable, and you really believe you can achieve it, you won’t be motivated to work at achieving it.

How To "Flag" Your Goal To Your Unconscious Mind

Your goal must be a 10 out of 10 for desirability and a 10 out of 10 for achievability. Your goal might not be about building a business, or money. It might be about a relationship or a situation, a new job or a new house or car. Whatever it is, make it highly desirable and achievable and realistic to you.

Once you have tweaked your goal so it’s high number for both these factors, write out your final goal. Now write it out 10-20 times. As you do so, notice if anything feels “off” about it. Do you really want this, or is there something you can change to increase its desirability or your belief in it?

As you write out your goal multiple times, you’ll likely want to change a few things to align it with your values and genuine intentions. Keep going until your goal is clearly stated, has a definite outcome which can be measured. It should excite you and still be within the realms of possibility for you.

Writing Out Your Goal

Ok so you have your goal and you’ve tweaked it to a 10 out of 10 for desirability and attainability. Now write it out 100 times! It’s this repetition which will clearly install your goal in your subconscious mind.

Once you have done this, you’re unconscious mind will “flag” your goal and your mind will start searching for ways to make it happen. The subconscious mind is powerful, but most of us don’t know how to use it properly.

How To "Flag" Your Goal To Your Unconscious Mind

Make a habit out of repeating your goal daily and write it out at least 10 times a day. Don’t want to do this? You haven’t chosen a big enough goal/ you don’t want it enough. Choose a big enough goal to motivate you into this exercise. Write it out every day at least 10 times. You’ll be amazed at the power of your unconscious mind to deliver results when you do this.

Be on the lookout for “packages” of information pertaining to your goal which you’ll receive from your unconscious mind when you start doing this regularly. They’ll come in as brainwaves, brain farts and inspiring actions. Make sure you take them!

The best book I’ve found on this process is Stuart Lichtman’s Lots of money for anything fast. Stuart Lichtman was an MIT professor who came up with a goal setting formula called Cybernetic Transposition. It’s a process where you align all parts of your brain with an outcome you desire (a goal). You repeat it to yourself regularly and train your brain to look out for opportunities and ideas pertaining to your goal. Do the work and you won’t be disappointed.


So how to “flag” your goal to your unconscious mind? Firstly you must define your goal in terms which are specific and measurable. A vague goal such as “have more money” or “get fitter” can never be measured so you won’t be able to “hit” it!

Once you have defined a tangible goal, spend some time writing it out. How does it feel to you? Is it desirable enough to go for it? Do you genuinely care about your goal? How about believability? Do you believe you can attain your goal? With a strong desire and belief you simply won’t follow through on the actions needed to attain your goal.

Once you have defined a goal which is specific to you, write it out many times. At least 100! As you do so, keep tweaking to align your goal even more with what you really want and how strong you believe you can have it.

Read your goal out daily, and watch for ideas and inspirations coming from your subconscious mind as it processes your daily mantra. So that’s how to “flag” your goal to your subconscious mind.