How Does Blogging Work To Make Money?

How does blogging work to make money? Bloggers make money from their content usually from a couple of methods. They can partner with an advertising platform such as Adsense and make money from placing adverts on their blog. When visitors click on their ads, they earn a small percentage of the advertising revenue.

niche blogging for profit

The other most often used method of monetising a blog is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing involves linking out to other people’s products and services. You can promote affiliate products directly from the text in your articles/blog posts, or use banners and images to sell other people’s products from a blog. Often, bloggers will give something away for free on their blogs too, in exchange for their visitors email address. They can then follow up with email marketing messages, promoting affiliate products.

How Does Blogging Work To Make Money? Traffic

The main problem many bloggers face is finding enough visitors (traffic) to make their blog profitable. Depending on their niche or topic, this can take several months or even years to accomplish! Even with great content and a great product to offer their visitors, without enough visitors, it can be tough to make a blog profitable.

So the challenge for bloggers is getting their content in front of more and more people over a long period of time. This can be accomplished through first creating a lot of content in your particular niche or topic. Over time, if you’re successful, your content with gain momentum and your traffic will increase. This is accomplished by building good quality content in the first instance. Bloggers should also share and promote their content as much as possible.

getting traffic for blogging

If you stick at it for long enough Google, and the other search engines, will reward you with free traffic from the SERPS – the Search Engine Results Page’s. When this happens your traffic can explode and you can suddenly have a large uptick in visitors. But typically this won’t happen without a lot of content and content promotion first.

How Does Blogging Work To Make Money? Why Bloggers Quit

If you’re intending to start a blog and earn money from it, expect to work at it for several months before you see consistent visitors coming to your website. This can be tough, especially if you are unsure of your topic. So it’s well worth taking some time and finding a blog topic you can stick with for quite some time. It’s very easy to rush in and choose a blog topic and give up on a blog when nothing happens.

Your choice should be something you can continue generating content in for a really long time. That way, your blog will continue to grow because you’ll never run out of enthusiasm for it!

how does blogging work to make money

This is an image from James Clear’s book Atomic Habits. It’s a good book to read if you’re considering becoming a blogger. It clearly shows what he calls the “valley of disappointment” where your expectations don’t meet the reality! I think this is also a great illustration of what a blogger goes through!

Blogging for income seldom goes the way you expect. There’s so much competition on Google that it’s hard to get traffic. When it does come, it comes very slowly from blogging. But over time your work can compound and previous blogs posts will get found as you create more and more. This shows in the picture too as the “what actually happens” line gains momentum and moves up exponentially.

How Does Blogging Work To Make Money? Write About Your Passions & Interests

A simple blogging strategy is to write about things which you have an interest in. Make your blog specific to a single topic, rather than a range of things which aren’t connected. That way, you can direct your visitors to products which will be suitable for them. With a generic topic, you are less tangible for visitors, so it can be harder to monetise with affiliate marketing.

how does blogging work to make money

With Google’s Adsense program you can still make money regardless of your subject area, since you are placing clickable adverts on your content with this strategy. However, this can be tough because you only make tiny amounts per click. So you’ll need a huge amount of traffic to make Adsense profitable with a blog.

With affiliate marketing, you can promote high ticket affiliate products and subscription affiliate programs which pay you recurring commissions. This can make a blog more profitable more quickly.

Targeting Your Content To A Specific Audience

Since affiliate marketing requires you to refer customers to products online, you’ll need to match your product with your subject in order to make money from it. For example, if your blog is about car exhausts, you will need to sell something related to that on your site. People don’t buy flowers from a car exhaust website!

To find an affiliate program which is suitable for your topic, you can do a simple online search for “{your subject} affiliate program”, where {your subject} is your chosen blogging topic. You can find affiliate programs for all kinds of products, so choose a product wisely which will work well in your subject area.

Join the affiliate program and use the banners and/or links given to you to sell the products/service.

An SEO Strategy

Bloggers use Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) to help search engines find their content and rank it in the search results. They often use plugins to help them with this so they can write more SEO friendly content. (See best free blog plugins for WordPress).

Typically the main keywords you may want to be found for as a blogger are hugely over-competitive. A two word keyword will likely have hundreds of thousands of competing websites, so it can be very difficult to rank your blog post for it. A key strategy therefore for many bloggers is to find the long tail keywords which offer less SEO competition.

See also how to rank your blog post on Google.

SEO - search engine optimisation

This can be done using Google’s keyword planner. Type in your main keyword and look for longer phrases which come up. Compare them on Google with a simple search and a “phrase match” search (in quotation marks). Google will give you a number if using a laptop or desktop computer and this correlates to the number of competing websites for that particular keyword.


So, how does blogging work to make money? Bloggers create content on a website to attract an audience. They promote it as much as possible to get more and more visitors over time. This is done through sharing content on social media, linking to their content from other websites and platforms, paid promotion, SEO and various other methods.

Over the longer term, if they have done the right things, bloggers will see more and more traffic coming to their site for free from the search engines: Google, Bing etc. They can monetise their blog either with their own business, or through using affiliate marketing products or an advertising platform, such as Google Adsense.

how does blogging work to make money

Bloggers also build email lists from their website too. This can help them build more authority with their subscribers and let them know about their affiliate products over a longer time span. From a website/blog, a visitor only has a small time to make a purchase. But on an email list this time period is extended to weeks, months and even years! See also the power of email marketing.