Affiliate marketing is simple – just get people to your affiliate link! Well, ok it’s a little more complicated than that. But that makes for a good starting point. Once you learn how to get more people to your affiliate link, and more of the right type of people, you will understand how to make money with affiliate marketing.

It’s easy to complicate things. You procrastinate on your direction, your marketing method or you want everything to be perfect before you start. You spend hours straightening out your desk and tidying your room. Then, when it comes to actually doing the work, you hesitate. Suddenly the house needs tidying. Or you need to do some other urgent activity, such as sorting out your sock drawer!
If you’re ever finding yourself in procrastination mode, just remember: get people to your affiliate link!
Get People To Your Affiliate Link
I’m no stranger to procrastination and have recently been through some life turmoil which has thrown my affiliate habits into disarray. But the one thing I know which will help me climb back up into productive action steps is to get people to my affiliate links.
Fortunately for me I’ve already made some sales. This means I have some habits and evidence to back up my beliefs around the topic. If I were a complete beginner, I would have all sorts of conflicting beliefs holding me back – see goal setting and identity shift if that’s you.
But once you have cleared the mental baggage, it’s time to roll your selves up and do the work. That’s much harder when you’re in some kind of mental conflict over it, which incidentally I have been for some time.
People Only Care About WIIFM – What’s In It For Me
Here’s an important point when you’re attempting to get people to your link. They only care about themselves. Not to judge, but that’s just how people work. You don’t care about a blog post you’re reading and whether an affiliate makes a sale from you. You only care about what you can get from it. When you’re trying to sell something online, this important fact is worth bearing in mind.

So before you promote your affiliate “link” you need to know who is serves the best and how you can help them. People don’t buy from “links” because there’s a link there. They buy when there’s something in it for them. So don’t sell the product sell the outcome. This is what affiliates mean when they say focus on the benefits rather than the features.
A feature of the program I promote, for example, is that it lays down step by step video tutorials which are easy to follow. The benefit is that it can help you to make a living online.
People don’t care about features, so don’t talk about them. Focus on the benefit to the customer because that’s the reason they buy from you.
How To Get People To Your Link
There’s lots of ways to get people to your affiliate link and here’s just a few:
- Use email marketing – promoting affiliate products through links in email messages
- Use pop ups on your website to offer some giveaway (lead magnet) which encourages someone to sign up to your email list
- Blogging – this blog post is being used to attract potential customers (I’ll share this on social media and send it out to my email list)
- PPC – pay per click advertising gives you a fast way to generate traffic to a piece of content, and email list or some kind of offer.
- SEO – Search Engine Optimisation is a way to rank content online and find traffic from the search engines
Of course different methods produce different outcomes and paid advertising is much faster than SEO for example. But the main thing to focus on is some activity which produces momentum you can maintain and add to over time, even if it’s only a small action daily (such as writing a blog post).

Finding Motivation For Daily Action
To get more and more people to see your offer, and therefore click on your affiliate link, you need to create momentum. It’s so easy to lose this by focusing on the negatives. You mind harbours beliefs around many things. The ideas you focus on will either drive you towards action or away from it fuelled by the thoughts you are giving energy to.
So make sure the content you absorb is giving more weight to the actions you need to take to build your affiliate business. If you’re focused on bad news, endless conflict on social media, it’s not going to help. But focus on positive content and you’ll soon shift you thinking and therefore actions.
Small daily steps you take are much better than grand ideas which never happen! When you take these steps daily, it becomes a habit. This is hard to break over the long term the more established it becomes.
As Bruce Lee once said, “long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity“.
One Step
So write down one thing you can do now, today which will attract more people towards your affiliate link. Even if it’s only one person, just make the commitment to do that one little thing.
Do it now!
Did you do it?
When you do this rather than procrastinate around the large things which are much further from your grasp, you begin to create momentum towards your goals.
Break big goals into small achievable chunks and they become much, much easier.