Wondering how to get traffic to your website free? There’s a number of strategies you can use to get free traffic to your website. Free traffic strategies are notoriously slow however, but over time the work you put in compounds to make a big impact. If you work steadily on a number of free strategies, you might not see the impact immediately. You’ll be tempted to stop what you’re doing, and look elsewhere. But resist this temptation and keep going.
To get traffic to your website free does take some time and effort. But once you start seeing the traffic, leads and sales coming in, you’ll want more! Free traffic isn’t as fast or scalable as paid traffic. But once you find a strategy that works for you, you can add it to your daily habits to help build your business.
Get Traffic To Your Website Free – Blogging

The first strategy I’m going to share is blogging. Blogging is a good strategy because it’s free! If you can find something you’re passionate about, and love to write about, so much the better. But don’t wait for the inspiration to hit before you start blogging. Start writing to get the wheels in motion. Once you start and make it habitual, it’s much easier to maintain the momentum needed to get traffic to your website free.
Keyword Research
To find blog titles, you can use Google’s free keyword planner. Look for keywords within your niche and which have traffic already. Then, look on Google to see the relative competition for these keywords. As you can see in the image below, typing in a “seed” keyword brings up other keywords which are being searched for on Google.

Choose a long tail keyword which doesn’t have so much competition. You can get a general overview of your competition for keywords by looking on Google doing a simple search on a desktop computer or laptop. Try the search with and without quotes, i.e. “affiliate marketing tips for beginners” and affiliate marketing tips for beginners.

I wouldn’t recommend using this keyword actually since there’s a huge amount of competition judging by the number appearing under the search query. Lets try something else which is less competitive in the same niche. Here’s another long tail keyword with considerably less competition on Google:

Of course affiliate marketing is a hugely competitive niche, so you may find another niche less competitive. Through trial and error you’ll find long tail keywords which you can get some free traffic from, if you keep at this strategy for some time.
Remember too, that other search engines can give you traffic as well. If each article only brought in a couple of searches a month, but you write 1000 articles, you’ll get 2000 hits every month for free! This adds up the more you do it, but at first can feel like it’s getting you nowhere. So keep you eye on the long term with this strategy.
Make sure you use an SEO (search engine optimisation) plugin as you write your articles too. Checkout this article for more on this strategy.
Get Traffic To Your Website Free – Niche Website Building & Keyword Domain
Another strategy you can use to get traffic to your website free is niche website building. This is a similar concept to the one described above, but you’re going to be building a website from scratch.
Once you have settled on the topic of your blog, use Google’s keyword planner to find keywords in your niche. Decide on a keyword which encompasses the idea of your blog in a keyword or phrase. If you look at this site, it’s called affiliate marketing mentors online.
This keyword has been carefully chosen because I wanted to target the keyword “affiliate marketing mentors” with my website. Have a look at the monthly traffic for this keyword:

And have a look at the relative competition on Google.

Now have a look at the phrase match competition for this keyword:

Even if I get only a fraction of the monthly traffic for the keyword “affiliate marketing mentors”, it’s still free traffic. Plus, if you use the previous strategy I mentioned to build out your blog you can target other relevant keywords based on your main theme.
Having the keywords in the domain name can have an impact on your site. Just don’t rely on this doing the work for you; you must create some awesome content too! Have a look at the article “Create Free Website and Earn Money, which talks about this concept in more detail.
Get Traffic To Your Website FREE – Snip.ly
Snip.ly is a great tool to get traffic to your website free! With Snip.ly you can create “snips”, or pop up adverts for your own content on popular articles and content online.
There’s a few ways you can use Snip.ly to get traffic to your website free. One strategy is to use it in combination with Buzzsumo.com. Buzzsumo is a website which shows you the trending articles and content on social media websites. You can type any keyword into Buzzsumo, and it will give you the top performing articles, or videos which are being shared and going viral.

You can then pick the article which is relevant to your particular niche, use Snip.ly to “snip” your advert onto it, and then share your new url “Snip” on social media. Each time someone shares your snip, they’ll be passing on your advert too.
Here’s an article which is particularly relevant to the current times which I’ve added my Snip.ly “snip” to and shared on Facebook:

To find this article, I searched for “fitness motivation” on Buzzsumo.com and the article came up as one of the most shared articles on social media. Snip.ly links can be shared all over social media.
Make A Habit Of Sharing “Snips”
Of course most visitors won’t click on your advert. But if you choose relevant content for your target audience, they are more likely to do so. Plus, if you choose articles which are going viral, or being shared a lot, your chances of getting free traffic to your website, and even leads to your email list are greatly increased.
Again, this is a strategy which can be used as a daily habit. Once you get used to doing this it doesn’t take very long to create a “snip” and share it. If you already spend time on social media, it can be worth “snipping” everything you would normally share anyway, if you regularly post and share on a platform.
Get Traffic To Your Website FREE! Quora
Quora is another great platform to get free traffic to your website. With Quora, you can answer questions which are relevant to your website niche. You can use the search bar on the top of the Quora platform to type in your relevant keywords.

Once you find relevant questions, you can’t just post links to your website. Quora will probably delete your answers if you only attempt to get your links placed without adding any value to the site.
Quora doesn’t allow direct affiliate links either, so if you’re an affiliate you can’t link directly to your products through Quora. But if you answer questions and give some value, you are allowed to link to relevant resources. Those resources can be your website – providing it adds to the answer and that you’re not obviously spamming the site for free traffic! See also affiliate marketing on Quora.
Quora’s links are no-follow which means your links don’t count towards SEO (search engines optimisation). Google doesn’t therefore recognise your backlinks as a ranking signal. However, Quora can be a great place to add value, and drop links back to your content, where appropriate. It’s another tool for your free traffic “box”. Make a habit out of dropping links as you answer questions on Quora. Be careful not to be a spammer and make sure you give some real value in your answers first though. Otherwise your efforts will be for nothing (if Quora deletes your answers)!
Free Traffic From YouTube !
YouTube is yet another platform where you can find traffic for free to send back to your website. I have videos which are years old and they still give me traffic even though I haven’t focused on (organic) YouTube as a marketing strategy very seriously, or for very long.
With YouTube, you want to create great content which will help your potential customers in some way. You can use YouTube in a similar way as the blogging strategy mentioned above. To find keywords which are already being searched for on YouTube you can type in your main “seed” keywords into the search bar. The drop down menu will show popular searches relating to your main keyword.

Identify a keyword you want to create a video for, and once you’ve recorded it, upload it to the site. Tag your video with the keywords you want to to show up for and add as much content as possible to your description under the videos you upload.
Here’s one of my videos I uploaded several years ago, showing up under the keyword I targeted:

Of course there’s thousands of videos on YouTube already so it’s a good idea to find the long tail keywords which offer less competition than most.
Here’s the video, in which I’m talking about the previous (Snip.ly) strategy I mention above:
“How To” videos are a great place to start if you are wondering what content to create.
Get Free Traffic From Facebook
Facebook is another great platform where you can get traffic to your website free. To use Facebook for free traffic, you can offer an enticing image on your Facebook profile which shows the main reason why someone would want to visit your website. I have an image of an ebook on my Facebook profile which visitors can access if they click on my profile link. Here’s what it looks like:

You can also change your profile background to something which is relevant to your website niche and place links to your website in your profile.
To find people who are relevant for your particular business, you can join the various Facebook groups. Ideally write down a few ideas of the kinds of people you would want to attract.
This is your customer “avatar” – someone with the ideal traits and characteristics of your perfect customer. Once you know what kind of person this is, where they live, how old they are and so on, you can look for them by joining the groups on Facebook where they are likely to hang out.
Use the group search tool on Facebook to find relevant groups and join them. Once in, you can interact with other members and develop conversations and relationships.
Don’t shove yourself at people and spam them though, as it’s a massive turn off for most people. Just get to know people, join in and genuinely help and interact. Over time, you’ll build relationships and add new friends. As you do so, people will see your profile and your links. Those who are genuinely curious will click on your link and visit your website.

Getting Free Traffic Using Postplanner
Postplanner is a social media tool which lets you post your content on social media channels automatically. Although not completely free, it’s well worth joining at the minimum rate of $3 a month if you’re going to use it. At the higher plan costs you can syndicate content out to 30 social media accounts, and automate the process.
But if you just want to use the tool for a single social media account, you can still get almost free traffic to your website using it.

I use postplanner to syndicate older content which I’ve created. You can even queue up your content to post automatically for months if you have enough of it. You can even use the cheaper plan, and copy your posts across manually to your other social media accounts, if you have the time.
Auto-posting Your Content Across Social Media
While we are on the subject of auto-posting content on social media, there’s a great little plugin offered by Nextscripts.com (SNAP), which allows you to post your content throughout your social media platforms automatically as you publish them. SNAP stands for Social Networks Autoposter For WordPress. It’s a great plugin and although there’s some setup involved to connect it to your social media platforms, once you’ve set it up, it’s done forever!
Whenever you post something on your website and publish it, SNAP syndicates it automatically across your social media. It’s a huge time saver if you’re doing your sharing manually.

Mindset For Your Free Traffic Strategies
Hopefully now you have some ideas to get traffic to your website free! There’s a few here but there’s many others. The key is to pick a few strategies which work for you and keep doing them for the long term. Small amounts of activity simply won’t have a massive impact when you’re using free strategies. You need to keep up the work and maintain several weeks or months of consistent effort before you can reap the rewards.
Keep a diary of your activities each day and don’t look for results too early. Otherwise you can become discouraged and doubt what you’re doing will work.
Reward yourself for the small wins such as hits on your website and leads. Make sure you collect your visitor’s emails and build an email list. Building a list is the best way to make the most out of your website visitors. Once on your list, you can follow up with your visitors via email. This allows you to keep in contact with someone who would otherwise have only have spent 10 minutes on your website, and then left.

Remember free traffic is a long term strategy. You need to keep putting the work in and create habits out of the strategies. Initially, you’ll only see small effects. Over time, you should learn which strategies you’re leaning towards and those that have the most impact. Remember Pareto’s principle which states that 80% of outcomes come from only 20% of their causes.
As you learn from your data, and track your website visitors to know where they came from, you should be able to determine which actions have the greatest impact for you. Then, you can focus your efforts on those particular actions which you are getting good at and which work best for you.
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