Focus And Inspiration – What You Need For Affiliate Success

Why do you need focus and inspiration for affiliate success? As an affiliate marketer you need focus and inspiration to succeed. You must focus on the task in hand, while simultaneously inspiring yourself towards more long term vision. One of my mentors described this as a “zooming in” and “zooming out” of your long term and short term timelines.

focus and inspiration - what you need for affiliate success

If you focus only on your long term goals, (your vision for the future), it can be difficult to actually get going with the nuts and bolts of your business. If you focus on only the small tasks it can be easy to get stuck in meaningless action which doesn’t drive your business forwards.

So, the “key” is to “zoom in” and “zoom out” between the two! Let’s start with your long term vision of what you want for your affiliate business.

Focus And Inspiration – What You Need For Affiliate Success

Your long term vision is your goal or intention for the next 5-10 years. What do you want from your affiliate/online business? Imagine how you life looks in 5-10 years having achieved everything you want from your business. Spend some time, fantasising about it. Imagine your income, lifestyle and daily routine.

How different will your life be to what it is today? It’s important to spend some time doing this regularly. In many goal setting exercises, this is a fundamental part. You are laying the foundations of what you want to achieve in your life and programming the feelings, thoughts and emotions you want to have when you’ve achieved it.

A common goal is to be earning $10,000 a month, for example. Imagine how this feels for you. It’s definitely worth doing this exercise using an aspiration which is meaningful to you.

Focus And Inspiration – What You Need For Affiliate Success – Visualisation

In this video with Jack Canfield, he explains how by using a regular visualisation techniques he started having inspiring ideas while in the shower after 30 days.

He would imagine his life in the future earning $100,000 a year, something which was way beyond his perceived reality at the time. A good inspiring goal or intention is going to push your limits. Watch the above video and set yourself an inspiring goal/intention which is beyond your comfort zone, just like Jack did!

Spend some time doing your visualisation each day. This is the “zooming out” of your long term timeline. You’re zooming out and looking at the longer term view – perhaps 5 -10 years into the future.

As mentioned in the video above, Jim Carey used this same technique. In 1985 he wrote himself a check for 10 million dollars and dated it 10 years into the future. 10 years later in 1995 he got the movie role in Dumb and Dumber and was paid $10 million for the film.

“Zoom In”

Zooming in means looking at the day in front of you and focusing on the things you can do today to move yourself closer to your longer term vision. The visualisation practice gives you the long term goal and inspiration. Your daily habit patterns keep you moving forwards by taking actions, however small they may be.

By practicing the visualisation regularly you will discover the most powerful steps you need to take action.

focus and inspiration - what you need for affiliate success
When you “zoom in” on your affiliate business, you are building the “foundations” with your daily habit patterns.

If you’re just getting started out with affiliate marketing, your first step might be to purchase a course, for example. Access my recommended course here.

Your “zoom in” actions will depend on your longer term objectives. But if the outcome is a profitable online business, your daily steps will be to do some work on that business. That might be building your website, sales funnel or email marketing campaign. You might be going through some training videos, or creating online content or running paid advertising.

The “on the ground” daily routine is building the foundations of your online business, driven by your longer term vision. See also breaking goals into smaller steps.

Away Motivation Versus Towards Motivation

A long term vision of your desired future is a “towards” motivation. When you inspire yourself towards a desirable future, it’s a lot more attractive than an “away from” motivation – away from fear, lack and disappointment, for example.

An “away from” motivation only keeps you inspired temporarily before you again attract the fear based reality you are trying to escape – poverty, lack, conflict etc. Often, we can attract the things we don’t desire if they are a strong part of our subconscious habit patterns.

So, instead of practicing visualisation in a positive way (as in the Jack Canfield video above), we unconsciously focus on lack, limitation, fear and conflict, programming our subconscious minds to attract those very things we actually dislike!

The subconscious mind is a powerful attracting factor in our lives, way more important than our conscious mind. To succeed in any endeavour we need to align our conscious plans and our subconscious minds to achieve the outcome we desire to reach. If we are subconsciously attracting the opposite of what we desire, the subconscious will always win out against our best conscious efforts.


The zooming in and zooming out of our “timelines” into long term visualisation and shorter term action is a necessary part of building a profitable affiliate business.

If we get too caught up in the “nuts and bolts” of our business, we can spend too much time on unproductive and unnecessary actions, achieving nothing; but if we spend too much time in a future fantasy, we get nothing done.

The answer is to set and practice a clear vision of the future you want to achieve. Think about it and visualise it often. You are communicating the idea to your subconscious mind. Listen out for actions you can take. which will come from your subconscious mind, and focus on actions you can take every day to move your business (and life) forwards towards your long term vision.

focus and inspiration - what you need for affiliate success