Affiliate Marketing Cons

What are the affiliate marketing cons? While this might seem a little negative, there’s definitely a few cons when it comes to affiliate marketing. I’ll harp on about affiliate marketing being great all day long but the truth is many will fail with affiliate marketing. Around 95% of those who attempt it drop out and that’s a startling statistic. That means only a tiny proportion of affiliates actually stick at it and make it work.

affiliate marketing cons
Attaining a nice flow of targeted traffic is one of the most difficult things for affiliates.

There’s a lot you can’t control with affiliate marketing too. You can’t determine who will buy and who won’t. Many of your website visitors will simply browse and only a few will buy. That’s quite a risk when it takes a huge amount of effort just to build a website and get traffic to it.

There’s a huge amount of competition online too and thousands of other affiliates. Many of them will be promoting the same products as you, and in the same way. So whatever your marketing strategy is, you’re going to be competing for online space. If you’re building content it’s going to take a lot of work just to get a little traffic. If you’ve buying traffic, there’s still no guarantee of a profit. You might need to spend a fortune before you’re anywhere near a profit.

Affiliate Marketing Cons – The Next Shiny Object

Then there’s the next shiny object hitting your inbox, promising an “easier” ride of it. That’s hard to resist when you’re struggling with a particular method or product. Thousands of marketers are out there offering all kinds of programs and it’s easy to bail out with one course when another one comes along.

affiliate marketing cons

This adds to the confusion for new affiliates and it makes it much more difficult getting traction. How could you get traction when you keep jumping ship before you have put the work in!? But as a beginner you wouldn’t know this. You’ll underestimate how much actual work is required to make affiliate marketing work.

When it isn’t working and another marketer promises you the “easy” system, it’s very easy to believe them, only to be disappointed again, but after having bought another shiny object!

Affiliate Marketing Cons – Psychology Of Entrepreneurianism

As an entrepreneur there’s a lot to think about. You need to keep jumping from the bigger picture back to the nitty gritty. You need vision and purpose to drive your business and the ability to work on the ground level too. Most people don’t have these skills automatically and they need to work at them.

working with affiliate marketing

If you’ve come from an employee mindset, which most people have, you’ll be in the habit of doing work which is financially rewarded by your pay packet every month. But affiliate marketing is different and this can cause problems. Most aren’t prepared for this. Their psychology givens them problems and even after months of hard work you can still have very little to show in terms of income with affiliate marketing.

Unless you have a die-hard mentality (or no choice) and refuse to quit, you’re likely to start thinking that it’s not worth all the hassle!

Affiliate Marketing Cons – Time Management

In a job too, you’re managed by your boss. You get told what to do and when to do it! In an affiliate business the “freedom” which comes with it can be a bit of a double edged sword. You can end up browsing Facebook, and watching cat videos when given the freedom to control your daily schedule. Unless you’re super disciplined, you’ll likely fall into the trap of momentum – doing things which require the least amount of effort.

You need to build habits out of things you wouldn’t otherwise do, to make a success of affiliate marketing. Otherwise, you’ll fall into the groove of the path of least resistance. Likely this path won’t take you towards success with affiliate marketing.

Money – Spending Money Without Seeing Results

When you start spending money building an online business, it can become very uncomfortable watching your money roll out, when nothing is coming in! You need software, training, products and support when building an online business. At the very least you should get a website and an email autoresponder.


If you’re paying for training and support on a monthly basis, this can add up. Then there’s advertising costs to consider. How long will it be before you feel out of your depth spending money without seeing any return?

I was several months in when I started thinking about dropping out. It was the monthly outgoings which made me want to quit! Fear is a big motivator and another reason why so many quit with affiliate marketing. You have to have a strong enough reason to keep going past this point to start generating some traction!

Marketing Budget vs Content Marketing

Whether you use a marketing budget to drive traffic through paid advertising, or whether you choose to create content instead, it’s a huge commitment. You’re either spending your money on ads, or spending your time creating content. If you’re in a competitive niche, where you can earn a lot, you’ll need to spend a lot too since there’s going to be so many more marketers in that same niche.

cons of affiliate marketing

Alternatively, if you’re a content marketer, it’s going to take some huge commitment to get traffic for free, especially if your niche is popular. Popular topics are over subscribed and that means you’ll have your work cut out, or you’ll need a large marketing budget to compete!

This website has over 700 articles on it and I’ve been blogging on it for a few years now. The time spent has been huge and compared to the traffic I get it’s a little disappointing to be honest! Still, that traffic is free, which is worth a lot!

It’s Not Your Business

While there’s benefits in not having to deal with customers or handle products, there’s definitely a down side to it too. For starters it’s not your business and if the company you have sided up to decides to throw in the towel there’s nothing you can do about it. If they decide to slash affiliate commissions there’s nothing you can do about it!

You can’t control pricing, product quality or delivery. So if you choose a bad product, it reflects badly on you when things don’t run smoothly. Remember also that you’re sending traffic to other businesses with affiliate marketing. If you’re not benefiting from lifetime purchases, you’re probably selling yourself short. Some affiliate programs do pay you recurring commissions for finding them customers, but many don’t! They take your customer and convert them into a lifetime customer for them, without rewarding you fairly for custom they will gain.


While there’s definitely some major benefits to affiliate marketing there’s certainly some drawbacks too, as you can see. So it’s wise to diversify your affiliate portfolio if a particular product owner which you promote decides to lower commissions, or close its doors completely.

You are never guaranteed an income from affiliate marketing and you’re completely on your own. Even with help and support, you only get paid a commission when you sell something. Maintaining a level of continual sales is difficult, especially when you’re a beginner and have no experience to draw from.

Once you make it past a few years as an affiliate you should have some data and feedback. You can then use this information to improve your daily rituals and focus on the tasks which bring in the most revenue for the least amount of work.

Disadvantages Of Affiliate Marketing

There’s many upsides, but what are the disadvantages of affiliate marketing? If you’re looking at being an affiliate, you’ve probably heard all of the upsides already. Unlimited earning potential and time and geographical freedom are often the benefits touted by those selling a program! But don’t forget that they will benefit from your participation if they sell you the course!


So of course they are going to tell you the benefits of affiliate marketing. But what about the drawbacks?! Affiliate marketing definitely isn’t for everyone despite what you may have heard. It takes a lot of commitment to build a profitable affiliate business. Most people are used to employment, whereas affiliate marketing is a performance based business model. This means you’re effectively an “entrepreneur” when you decide to build an affiliate business. There’s no safety net, it’s high risk and if you sell nothing you make nothing!

So if you want to talk yourself out of affiliate marketing, this is the article to read! For a more balanced view see the article pros and cons of affiliate marketing.

Remember also you get what you look for online too! So be careful of the material you’re reading. I almost talked myself out of affiliate marketing too after reading some negative reviews. It’s not all bad, but here’s some of the disadvantages of affiliate marketing.

Disadvantages Of Affiliate Marketing: Programs/Products

One of the disadvantages of affiliate marketing is that however good the program/product is that you choose to sell, it can always change. Programs can and do expire. This can be a bit of a disaster for an affiliate. Amazon recently changed their affiliate commission structure and often updates their API – (basically software which affiliates use to connect their websites with products).

An affiliate friend of mine had been spending huge amounts of time and energy building content which linked to Amazon affiliate products. The recent change meant his work became redundant overnight! All his backlinks were effectively worthless unless he changed all his content!

This is an extreme example of course and many affiliate programs will run for decades without any issues. Amazon is known for lowering their affiliate commissions though.

Disadvantages Of Affiliate Marketing

As an affiliate marketer the Achilles’ heel is that you’re relying heavily on the affiliate program you use to make money. Since you’re not in control of the product/program, you could get kicked out, or something could change which effects your income. So you need to stay tuned in to the program you choose to promote; otherwise something could change which effects you and your income could suddenly stop.

Disadvantages Of Affiliate Marketing: Competition

There’s a tonne of competition online from other affiliates who are promoting the same products as you. Although there’s many products you can promote as an affiliate, there’s also going to be a lot of other affiliates who are doing the same things as you. So if you’re building a blog, for example, chances are good that thousands of others are doing the same. If you’re running paid ads on YouTube, guess what, thousands of other affiliates will be doing the same too!

This competition can be a major problem if you’re going after a certain market. If you’re attempting to rank your website for a certain keyword, for example, there’s a lot of noise out there competing for the top place! If you’re using social media to advertise, others are doing the same.

Disadvantages Of Affiliate Marketing

When people are inundated with marketing messages they get more discerning about what they buy and who they buy from; so you need to be a better marketer in order to sell in this kind of climate.

More competition also means advertising becomes more expensive. So even if you’re using the faster method of paid marketing to build an affiliate business, you can expect it to become more costly if there’s a tonne of people competing for advertising space.

Cons Of Affiliate Marketing: Customer Base

With most businesses you can connect with customers and establish a customer base. But with affiliate marketing you’re simply a third party who connects customers directly with the products they want. The customer can’t be loyal to you, the third party referrer. Should there be other products and value offered by the company you have referred the customer to, you can’t benefit from these relationships you have effectively created.

The exception to this rule is with a product range from which you can earn commissions from. But with most affiliate programs, you refer a customer once, and they become a lifetime customer of the company which offers the products, not the affiliate.

Subscription affiliate programs do offer the potential of lifetime commissions from having made a referral. So these are better to use than off-off commission products which only pay you once.

No Guarantees

With affiliate marketing there’s no guarantees. If you sell nothing, you earn nothing! It’s a performance based business model and you’re effectively working for yourself. If your marketing efforts produce no sales you’re out of luck! Plus, you could spend thousands on marketing and still not make a sale if your marketing efforts don’t produce the desired outcome.

Marketers spend huge amounts on their marketing budget just learning how to sell affiliate products. So if you’re on a tight budget it’s difficult to compete in this environment.

If you’re a content creator you can spend months or even years building content (blogging or video blogging) to no avail! It takes more than most people realise to become consistently profitable with affiliate marketing and there’s a huge drop out rate at around 95% – see affiliate marketing success rate.

Discipline & Consistency

Disadvantages Of Affiliate Marketing

Whatever path you choose as an affiliate it will take a lot of discipline and consistency to break through the initial phase of learning and failing! As a beginner, you start with nothing; no email list, no traffic, no leads or sales. You build the blocks of knowledge first and then start to implement that knowledge in building your business. It can take months to even get off the starting blocks. After that you need to apply what you have learned consistently for a long enough time to make your first online sale.

When results aren’t forthcoming, this can be psychologically very difficult. To overcome this you need to be good at a number of entrepreneurial skills which most people have never learned:

  • Mindset – see also psychology of affiliate marketing.
  • Time management
  • Self discipline
  • Self motivation
  • Controlling your mental state
  • Vision, purpose and goal setting etc.

Most people don’t have these skills or the long term vision needed to overcome the most common barriers to success. So they see it not working and give up.

Bad Press

Affiliate marketers get a bad press and are often associated with spammy tactics to make quick wins.

There can therefore be a stigma associated with the affiliate marketing business. Most people are employees and don’t know many, if any entrepreneurial or business owner types. They are mostly not familiar, not comfortable with risk.

So if you venture into the unknown world of affiliate marketing, you can expect some friends and relatives to try and talk you out of it! This can be tough and without help and support as an affiliate, particularly if you’re already struggling, you may have the added pressure of your family or friends not being very supportive.

If you’re not supported, and are having a difficult time anyway with affiliate marketing, it’s very difficult maintaining a positive attitude when those who you lean on want you to quit!

disadvantages of affiliate marketing