All In One Affiliate Program

Looking for an all in one affiliate program? A good all in one program will have products, training, software, and of course personal mentoring. It is the personal mentoring which I believe makes for a good all in one affiliate program. Without it, there’s going to be something missing for most people.

The mindset you need to succeed at affiliate marketing is pretty important. Since most affiliates will quit, in fact 95% or thereabouts, you need to take your affiliate business seriously and not expect miracles for minimal input.

all in one affiliate program

While products, training and “drag and drop” software can take the heavy lifting out of setting up your affiliate marketing “shop front”, it is the mindset you bring to your marketing which has the greatest impact on your success.

Still, a good business model will definitely help you too. So a good all in one affiliate program should have a number of products within a sales funnel which you can earn from.

All In One Affiliate Program: Products

The products you choose to sell as an affiliate has a great deal to do with whether you’re successful or not. With certain products, you’re going to need to sell thousands of products in order to make a good income. Physical products for example will pay lower levels of commission. Amazon, for instance, typically pays affiliates between 1% and 10% commission on products you sell from the platform. That’s pretty low and you’ll need to sell in bulk to make such a business model profitable.

all in one affiliate program

Digital products on the other hand pay much more; typically between 30% and 40% commission. So selling fewer digital items can actually make you more in commissions than if you chose to promote physical products.

Subscription products are something to consider as well. With a subscription affiliate program you can earn recurring commissions from previous sales. This means only a handful of sales can give you a nice monthly passive income. Whereas with one time commissions you’ll need to continually sell in order to keep those commissions coming in reguarly.

Then there’s high ticket affiliate products too which can be game changing for affiliates. With a high ticket product, whether physical or digital, you can make ten times that of a standard affiliate product, or more.

The Best All In One Affiliate Program: A Product Range

The best all in one affiliate programs offer a range of products for you to sell including:

  • Digital products – pay the largest commissions and which you can sell globally with no postage or delivery costs
  • Subscription products – pay recurring commissions so fewer sales can easily add up to more commissions and a regular income more quickly (perfect for beginners)
  • High ticket affiliate products – higher than average value products are a game changer. You can recoup ad budget more quickly and get profitable faster.

The most profitable digital products you can sell online are those within a product range which contain both high ticket and subscription items. With a product range you can sell multiple items to a single customer, plus your variety of offerings give more people the opportunity to become customers.

Here’s an all in one affiliate program which offers these plus everything else you need.

all in one affiliate program

All In One Affiliate Program: Support

Support and help is the most important ingredient in building an online business from scratch. Without it, it’s easy to lose momentum and give up. Affiliate marketing can be a frustrating business, especially if you have worked for some time and haven’t seen any sales. The journey of affiliate marketing is different for everyone but it’s normal to spend some time working before the sales start appearing. Depending on how you spend your time, results will always vary.

To stay consistent during adversity, you need to be resilient and this doesn’t come natually to everyone. Having a support system around you is important to help keep you focused and hold you accountable.

Maintaining a positive outlook and staying producive and consistent are paramount to your success as an affiliate. If you are surrounded with people who add to your scepticism and doubt, there’s a strong chance you will join the 95% who quit.

Having regular check ins with other affiliates and leaders in the field of online business gives you a massive advantage over those who don’t have it. It keeps you positive when you know you’re on the right path. When you’re uncertain, it only serves to feed your indecision, scepticism and doubt, which leads to indecision, procrastination and inaction.

Get Started

Ready to get started? An all in one affiliate program will give you everything you need to succeed online, even without anything of your own to sell and without any previous experience.

Here’s what you’ll get:

  • A step by step training resource with modules to complete
  • A product range you can promote as an affiliate
  • Software and trainings to set up a sales funnel of your own
  • Access to mentors and coaches and tailored packages to suit your commitment and budget.

Access an all in one affiliate program through this link, or the image below.

start an online business from scratch

Business In A Box For Sale

Since Covid, many are looking for a business in a box for sale; something they can use to generate income from anywhere. Several years ago I was struggling and looked for something too. After trying Forex marketing, eBay (buying and selling) and even selling my own ebooks, I discovered a clever business model known as affiliate marketing.

business in a box for sale

After buying an ebook on eBay, I noticed the simplicity of selling a downloadable product. With a downloadable product there was no need for holding products, posting them out or even dealing with customers. I tried (in vein) to sell my own ebooks and eventually discovered that I could sell other people’s products through linking to them with my affiliate link.

Affiliate marketers don’t hold products or deal with customers. Instead they refer customers to products online, and earn commissions from the recommendations they make. Affiliate marketing is the perfect “business in a box”. You don’t need your own products and you can learn everything else.

Business In A Box For Sale – Products

One of the first affiliate programs I joined was Amazon. Amazon has thousands of products you can promote as an affiliate. Later on I learned to sell digital products and then eventually sold subscription affiliate products and high ticket affiliate products. You can join affiliate programs for free and promote them in several ways:

  • Blogging – this article is an example of one of my blog posts.
  • Email marketing – affiliates build large lists of emails to promote affiliate products
  • Paid marketing – there’s multiple paid marketing platforms you can use as an affiliate
  • Video creation – videos can be uploaded to YouTube and used to generate traffic to your affiliate products
  • Social media platforms – many affiliates use social media platforms to promote their affiliate offers.

Business In A Box For Sale

The “business in a box for sale” I eventually found was an “all in one” affiliate training resource and product range. This “business in a box” gives you everything you’ll need to build an online business starting from scratch:

  • A step by step setup process to build your website, landing pages, email marketing campaign and digital product setup (sales funnel)
  • Training and resources to help you learn how to market your sales funnel
  • Access to a community of online entrepreneurs and business owners
  • Over 10,000 training courses to choose from
  • Regular live webinars and training seminars available on demand
business in a box for sale

Affiliate Marketing Business Package

Whether you want to use the affiliate marketing business model, or choose to source and sell physical products, the All In package will show you how.

business in a box for sale

You’ll get access to all the tools, technology and training you need to build a “from scratch” online business.

One of the best things about the SFM Digital Business System is it’s product range and step by step tutorials. Whatever your technical experience, you can use the step by step training to set up your very own digital business and learn how to promote it online. Some of the main advantages of the SFM system is its use of:

  • A built in sales team – helping you close sales so you don’t have to do any “selling” – (the system does the selling)
  • A sales funnel you can use to send customers into, and a ready made email follow up series, done for you.
  • Multiple digital products to use within your funnel – including high ticket products and subscription products (earn ongoing income from previous sales)

Fully Guaranteed

SFM guarantee

The Mentors All In program also has a full 30 day no quibble money back guarantee. So you’ve nothing to lose in getting started.

If you have any questions just click on the image below and scroll to the bottom of the page:

questions and answers