Blog Post Inspiration

Looking for blog post inspiration? If you ever experience writers block as a blogger, you’re definitely not alone. Coming up with constant ideas for blog posts can be tough, especially if you’re blogging within a certain topic. I often find the best blog posts I write are those I’m passionate about. It’s far easier to write about something you love compared something you’re indifferent to. Plus if you choose a topic you know well it’s so much easier write spontaneously.

So whatever your blogging topic, here’s a few strategies I’ve found helpful to come up with consistent new ideas for content creation on a blog.

Blog Post Inspiration – Google’s Keyword Planner

Google’s keyword planner has been a huge source of inspiration for my blog posts on this website. The keyword planner is free you only need an Adwords account to use it. You can start by typing in your main “seed” keyword. For me that might be “affiliate marketing”, for example, since this site is about that particular topic. But you can also veer off topic slightly if your blog covers other areas. Some other topics I cover include blogging, keyword research, psychology of affiliate marketing and so on.

blog post inspiration

Once you have found a good “seed” keyword, type it into the keyword planner and it will give you a heap of other keywords related to your main keyword. Since SEO (Search engine optimisation) is a main strategy for me, I look to find long tail keywords with low SEO difficulty.

These are often the keywords which show fewer monthly searches. The most popular keywords are much more difficult to rank your content for, so I look for the low hanging fruit! To find them, do a search and click on the tab for “Avg. monthly searches” until the menu changes. You should find some longer tail keywords which have more chance of getting found in the SERP’s (search engine results pages).

I’m inspired by the thought of getting free traffic so this helps me get motivated about writing content!

Blog Post Inspiration – is a question and answer website and if you’ve not already used it you can find it a great source of inspiration. It’s also useful in combination with the above strategy too!

On you’ll find the most popular questions which are asked in any given topic. As such it’s a great source for inspiration for your blog posts. Start by typing in your main keywords into the search bar at the top of the website.

blog post inspiration

You’ll then see a number of questions which people ask within that topic. I use Quora both as a traffic generating tool but also as a source of inspiration for blog post ideas. See also affiliate marketing on Quora.

The more content you have on your blog which answers questions your customers would be likely to ask, the better. Once you have written some good content, you can also answer the question directly on Quora and link back to your article. This is a great way to start generating traffic to your blog and promoting it.

Blog Post Inspiration – is another great place if you’re looking for inspiration for your blog posts. Buzzsumo shows the most popular articles which are trending on social media sites. It’s also a great source for blog post titles since the title is often what attracts people to click on the post when they see it.

blog post inspiration

Head over to Buzzsumo and type in your main keyword into the platform. You’ll then be shown the top trending articles for that particular keyword. You can also do this multiple times for different keywords. The website is free with limited functionality but you can upgrade to see more results.

If you want your content to go viral, this is a good place to start as it can give you an idea about which topics work well and what kinds of topic headings do the best.


Yes of course Google will deliver content based on a keyword search too! Why not use this search engine or any other others: Bing, Yahoo and for example.

I often will search for other blog posts and read about a topic I’m interested in writing about. You can also use this strategy in combination with the keyword planner idea at the top of this article. Once you’ve found your keyword heading, go do a Google search for the keyword you intend to write an article for. Look for the top listing on Google, which is ranked number one on the first page.

using google for ideas

Have a read of the article and take a note of how long it is. Then, create some better content which is more in depth, longer and offers more value than the best listing on Google! Just looking now there’s some fierce competition for this particular keyword (blog post inspiration), so I doubt I’ll rank for this article on Google!

Read Books!

I find writing about something I’m uninterested in incredibly difficult and cumbersome! So I write about what inspires me! Since I’m a big fan of self help books, I tie this interest in with many of my blog posts! Here’s a few self help books I have uploaded to this site: motivation books pdf free download.

If you’re feeling uninspired, it’s perhaps not the time to write. Get inspired first by finding books which inspire you on the topic you want to write about. Here’s a few of my favourites:

books for inspiration
paradigm shift book
lots of money