Best Way To Start Affiliate Marketing

The best way to start affiliate marketing, in my humble opinion, is to build your knowledge and get help and support. Starting affiliate marketing alone is fraught with difficulties. I did this, and spent years struggling as a result. I jumped from one course to another, tried one tactic then another, and struggled for a long time.

best way to start affiliate marketing

Without proper help and support you will likely fail, as do the 95% of newbie affiliates who quit. Another useful thing to consider is the products you’re promoting as an affiliate. When I started out, I used low paying programs like Amazon and eBay which paid only tiny commissions. When I eventually did make an affiliate sale, it was for a tiny amount. If you choose to promote high ticket and subscription affiliate products, you can earn a lot more when you do finally break through and start making those sales.

Before your first sale can happen, there’s a lot to do. You’ll need to learn a lot and start out with some kind of marketing strategy. This is the period where most will quit because there’s nothing (tangible) to show for your efforts until you make a sale – which can be weeks, months (or even years) down the line after starting – depending on your marketing strategy.

Best Way To Start Affiliate Marketing – Products

It can be helpful to start with a product to sell or a topic you’re passionate about. When you align with your passion, interest or cause, you will have a much stronger reason to continue with your affiliate efforts, than if you were chasing money alone. The kinds of products you choose to promote have a large say in whether you’re going to be successful too. With some low value products, you’ll only make tiny commissions. Amazon, for example, pays as little as 1% on some of it’s products.

best way to start affiliate marketing

With digital products you can earn a lot more – often 30% to 40%. Then there’s subscription affiliate programs which pay out recurring commission. With recurring commissions you can earn a monthly income from each sale. This goes a long way towards making your affiliate business more profitable and more quickly.

Things really changed for me as an affiliate when I started promoting high ticket affiliate products. High ticket items can earn you ten times the commission of a standard product. So for what’s often the same amount of work you can earn a lot more.

Best Way To Start Affiliate Marketing – Help And Support

Most people aren’t affiliates. Neither do they own their own business. Most people are employees which means they have a totally different mindset than business owners. If you’re surrounded by like minded people, you’re much more likely to succeed with affiliate marketing.

best way to start affiliate marketing

As motivational speak Jim Rohn said “You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with”. So if you’re surrounded by people who don’t “get” affiliate marketing, think it’s a scam or that success is unobtainable to the likes of you, they will subtly (or not so subtly) sabotage your best intentions. They don’t want you to be different in many cases, nor do they want your success to out-match their own.

To succeed in affiliate marketing takes more than most people are capable of (95% quit). So surrounding yourself with positive people who want what you want is definitely a good idea.

A Job You Love

In work you love, you’re going to continue for much longer than you would if you only had a vague interest in it. If you despise your work, it’s going to last even longer. When you can align your passion with earning an income from affiliate marketing, you can sustain the necessary efforts for a lot longer.

ikigai a job you love

So finding a niche you’re passionate about can be a great way to start out in affiliate marketing. The work becomes a joy and you’ll out work anyone in the same niche who is half hearted about it.

Working on your passions is much less like work! So it’s well worth taking some time to think about how you’d like to work in your affiliate marketing business. Whether that’s building a huge email list and providing value to subscribers, or building a blog or YouTube channel, think about the type of things you would enjoy creating content around.

Learn From Your Mistakes

Mistakes are going to be made with affiliate marketing. You’ll likely do a lot of work before making your first sale. But that work is super valuable because it will teach you something, if you look on it as a learning experience. Once you’ve made a sale, you can track that sale back to the efforts you made. But until this point, you’ll largely be going off any training or coaching you have received. So make sure you’re getting good advice!

As time goes on, and if you don’t quit, you’ll get more and more feedback from the work you’ve put in. Ultimately you can make sales on complete autopilot with affiliate marketing from the work you’ve done beforehand, and the understanding you attain. But this is work and it often goes unrewarded! This is why so many affiliates quit. They don’t see that it is their “failures” which are the pathway to success! “Failing forwards” is a term used by coaches and mentors because it’s necessary to fail before you can succeed!


So what’s the best way to start out with affiliate marketing:

  • Get help and support
  • Choose a topic/niche you love
  • Use high ticket and/or subscription products
  • Keep going and don’t quit!
  • Learn from your failures.

If you’re ready to start your affiliate journey you can access training and support and a number of products (including high ticket and subscription products) here.