What is the best niche for blogging with low competition? While competition is an important factor to consider in blogging, you also need to choose how you will monetise a blog. If you’re monetising with affiliate products, for example, you’ll need to find a product (or products) you want to promote. So this can effect your decision.

While many say to choose a topic you love, you also need to align this ideal with something which sells! Even if you choose to monetise with advertising (e.g.Google Adsense), the less competitive niches will pay less, because advertising in those topics isn’t as expensive. Therefore you’ll need to generate more traffic to make your blog pay!
Some of the best blog niches for monetisation are:
- Wealth and money creation – very competitive
- Gadgets and gismos – very competitive
- Health and fitness – very competitive
- Dating and relationships – very competitive
- Pets – very competitive
Lesser known niches might not pay as well as the most popular niches but offer less competition:
- Food & recipes
- Travel related blogs
- Parenting
- Hobbies and interests
- Education
Best Niche For Blogging With Low Competition: Your Passion
Blogging is definitely a long term strategy for traffic generation. Many bloggers will make nothing from their blogs so it’s important to remember that this is going to take some serious time and commitment. In twelve months of blogging, do you see yourself still creating content on your chosen topic or not? Or, do you think you’re more likely be burned out and disinterested?
If the latter is true, you need to re-consider the purpose behind building a blog in the first place. Unless there’s inherent value in your blog posts, for your readers, it’s going to be difficult to attract an audience and turn that audience into paying customers!
When you can align your passion or interest with your blog posts, you are much more likely to be able to sustain the necessary interest in your blog topic over the longer term.
Best Niche For Blogging: Pick One Which Is Sustainable Over The Longer Term
With so many more people turning to blogging as a means of income, there’s a lot more competition than there used to be. As such, even in a less competitive niche, you should expect to sustain your blogging habit for several months at least to break through and start generating income from it.
It will take longer in a more competitive niche of course. But you should also try to align an interest in your chosen topic otherwise it’s much more difficult.

One way to do this is to choose a topic you’re interested in and then niche down and find a sub-niche which you can become an expert on. For example, affiliate marketing is a sub niche of making money online. Yoga for seniors is a sub niche of health and fitness. A sub niche is a niche within a niche which you can use to find a more targeted audience which offers less competition. What’s good about a sub niche is that you can still choose a topic you’re interested in, without compromising your choice.
When you love your topic, you love writing about it. When this happens you give yourself much more chance of success with a blog, because you’ll sustain the work needed for longer than others in your niche.
Best Niche For Blogging
The best niche for blogging therefore might not be that which offers the least competition, but one which you can sustain over a long period. Competition is a factor though still so you should definitely do your homework before building a blog. Be aware than less competitive niches are often those which are harder to monetise. Scrap booking, for example might be an uncompetitive niche, but how will you monetise it?

I once built a website around the topic of mushroom harvesting. The domain name was “whentoharvestmushrooms.com”. I thought that by finding a long tail keyword for my domain, and building a blog around it would be a good idea because it could be easily ranked. It did rank at the top of Google, quite quickly. However, it was very difficult to monetise. Within a few months I was completely burned out writing about the topic, which I knew nothing of before starting. This made it very difficult to write each post because I had to research everything before creating content.
While it’s true that writing about your passion, or something you love is more sustainable, it’s not always going to be easily monetised. So it’s worth doing some research into blog monetisation first, before you start out.
So, what is the best niche for blogging with low competition? Given the volume of blogs on the internet today, there’s going to be a lot of competition in nearly every niche. Of course some are far more competitive than others, and for good reason; those are the blogs which are “evergreen” and make money all year round. The “money making online”, for example, is one of the most competitive niches. So going into it will likely be harder than going into the scrapbooking niche, for example. However, it can be much tougher making money out of the less competitive niches, which is why they are less competitive! So what’s the answer?
Ideally choose a topic you can get behind for a good, long time. imaging writing on your blog for at least a couple of years and how that will make you feel! If you’re already dreading it, it’s the wrong topic for you. But if you relish the idea, that’s your topic. You can then go about finding a sub-niche within that topic which offers less competition, but which you can also easily monetise for the best effect.