Best Blog Niche For Affiliate Marketing

What’s the best blog niche for affiliate marketing? Well since there’s over 600 million blogs on the internet today, this means there’s some serious competition, whatever your niche is!

Still, some niches are far more competitive than others. The goal of many bloggers is to rank their content and get free traffic. But this has become more and more difficult as the number of bloggers continues to rise. You can of course still earn from a blog, even without a ranking on Google. With plugins, social media shares and an email list, you can collect a following even without your content appearing on Google!

niche blogging

Initially this will take some time of course and ultimately you will want to get some traffic from multiple sources:

  • Social media accounts – where you share your content
  • Email marketing – build an email list
  • Push engage – send old visitors alerts of new content
  • Plugins such as social media share plugins and SEO plugins to help you gain traction (See also best free blog plugins for WordPress)

When you rely on Google, you’re building your blogging career on very unstable ground, but ideally you will get some free traffic from Google too and other search engines as you persevere. The longer you’re in the game, the better your chances are of collecting more followers and getting your content found. So, what ultimately is the best blog niche for affiliate marketing?

Best Blog Niche For Affiliate Marketing?

Some people will tell you to go after a topic you love. That way, you’ll enjoy blogging and therefore you’re much more likely to sustain the necessary effort to make your blogging profitable. While this is true, if you want to monetise your blog, you also need to find a topic which is profitable too, assuming you want to profit from blogging.

best blog niche for affiliate marketing

Ideally, find a niche which lets you work at a topic you at least enjoy writing about. There’s nothing worse than failing with a blog in a topic you don’t give a damn about! I tried this and it was utterly demoralising! My topic was Mushroom harvesting – which I knew nothing of nor cared about. Needless to say, it didn’t work and I gave up on the site after several months of hard work (in the wrong direction).

The “right” direction is one in which you can sustain forever! How much more difficult is it for your competition (in your niche) if you’re absolutely devoted to churning out content on a daily basis forever!? In the mushroom harvesting niche, there were so many more people who were passionate about mushroom harvesting than me – all of them in fact! They’re still blogging and creating videos today, when I gave up several years ago (in that topic).

Best Blog Niche For Affiliate Marketing

Some of the best topics available for affiliates are often the ones cited by the “experts”:

  • Money making online
  • Wealth generation and investments
  • Technology and electronics
  • Pets and Hobbies
  • Home and Garden
  • Dating and relationships.

But while these topics are generally thought of at the “top” money generating niches for affiliates, they are also the most competitive niches for blogging in. So if you’re considering building a blog, expect to be working hard for several months at least, if not years before your blogging becomes profitable. Take a look at the picture below which shows blog post activity compared to organic (free) traffic:

blog traffic

As you can see, you need to be thinking of generating several hundred blog posts to start seeing an uptick in traffic. With 600 million blogs on the internet (and climbing), you can expect this to become even more tricky as time goes on.

Think Long Term & Choose A Topic You Can Sustain

Blogging should be a passion and not a chore! While it seems like a nice idea earning passively from a blog, for most this doesn’t happen. Most bloggers will abandon their blogging when they see how much work is involved. If their sole interest is in generation money from their blog, they are more likely to quit when things don’t work out. But if there’s a bigger reason for blogging, such as sharing your passion, genuinely helping others or connecting to people for some higher purpose, you’re more likely to stay the course.

Simon Sinek explains this idea in depth in his book Start With Why. He shows how the better prepared and often least well financed can surpass those with more money but a smaller “why”. Your reason for building a blog in the first place therefore becomes the bedrock of your potential. With a strong enough reason a “why” can overcome any “how”.

If you don’t have a seriously strong “why”…. You will get stuck in the “how hole”. Your “why” is why you’ll keep going. – Stuart Ross