Automated Money Making System

Anybody can build an automated money making system with only a few tools:

  • An affiliate product – someone else’s product/s which you can promote online
  • An email marketing tool – known as an autoresponder which collects email addresses and sends out email automatically
  • A marketing platform – which finds perfect customers for your product/s through paid ads.

There’s other ways to sell affiliate products online too, but this is the simplest way to build an automated money making system, which you can use to make money in your sleep! There’s other ways of product promotion, such as using banners on websites, for example, and there’s other ways of getting people in front of your products, for example blogging. However the fastest and most reliable way to build a money making system is with only three tools: an affiliate product, an email marketing tool (autoresponder) and a marketing platform which uses paid ads.


Automated Money Making System – Products

You can of course sell your own business or product/s if you have one to sell. But for most people the best way to monetise a system is with other people’s products and services. Affiliate marketing is the business of selling other people’s products and services online for a share of the profit. Anyone can join an affiliate program and promote products for a commission.

Amazon, for example is one of the most popular affiliate programs online and attracts thousands of affiliates who promote the many products from the site. But there’s many other types of affiliate program too and you don’t have to just choose Amazon. In fact, Amazon’s affiliate commissions are pretty low in comparison to many other affiliate programs.

digital vs physical affiliate commissions

Digital products pay far more than physical products typically. So if you’re considering building an affiliate business it’s worth understanding the different levels of commissions you can earn from product promotion. Physical products typically pay the least: usually between 5% and 10% of the sale value. Digital products on the other hand pay much more – 30%-40% in most cases, sometimes even more. Then there’s high ticket affiliate products and subscription affiliate products to consider. These are especially useful if you’re going to use paid marketing in your automated money making system. Since paid marketing can get expensive, you’ll want the highest possible return on your investment possible.

Automated Money Making System: Email Marketing

While you can sell affiliate products directly from a website, most people won’t buy from a website, especially on their first visit. Customers on average will need to interact with a business several times before they make a buying decision. This creates a problem for many website based businesses. How do you get more customers to your website and how do you build more trust? The answer is with email marketing. In fact, you can make many more sales if you skip the website altogether and simply send customers to your email marketing campaign.

automated money making system

What advantage does email marketing have over a simple website? On a website a visitor only sticks around for a few minutes. This means you have only that time to sell them something! But once you have someone on your email list, you can send them automated messages over a much longer timeframe. Often email subscribers will purchase something from you even months or years after joining your list.

The email messages you send out are an opportunity to build trust, offer value and help your subscribers get to know like and trust you.

A Marketing Platform

A marketing platform allows you to send qualified and interested potential customers into a lead nurture funnel – (your email marketing campaign). This can be done using any of the many paid marketing platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Google Adwords, Bing etc. Most advertising platforms allow marketers to target a specific cross section of their audience so that they can place ads in front of people who match their customer avatar.

automated money making system

For example, if you’re selling a Yoga related affiliate product, you might want to target the search term “Yoga” in your adverts. Since the people looking for information on Yoga are likely to fall within the realms of your perfect target audience. Some marketing platforms will allow you to also narrow down your target marketing by other criteria such as age, location, interests and even by their income bracket.

Not knowing who you are targeting your ads towards is a major reason why many fail with an online business.

Target Audience

Once you have identified your target audience and set up an advert, you can send visitors to a landing page where you collect their email address. Why use landing pages?

target audience

A landing page is a simple one page website which gives visitors only two choices: sign up or leave. On a website, like this one, there’s much more choice. As such, it means your visitors are less likely to opt in to your email campaign if you use a standard website. So, it makes sense to encourage your visitors to opt in and you can do this by optimising your landing pages for the best performance. This is done through cross testing different pages against each other to see which performs the best.

Other Marketing & Monetisation Methods

While paid marketing can be expensive, it’s the fastest way to build an automated money making system using email marketing and affiliate products. A paid marketing platform gives you traffic immediately, whereas other methods of traffic generation are much slower and less scalable. Blogging, for example is a very slow way to generate interest in your affiliate products. With blogging you can build a similar system but without paying for advertising.

Over time if you persevere with blogging, (or another content marketing tactic), you can build a passive income through organic traffic. However, this will take some time and effort and depending on the topic of your content it can be competitive.

Video content is another way you can generate traffic online. Upload videos on a regular basis to YouTube or TikTok. Over time your channel will pull in visitors which you can send to your affiliate products. Or you can monetise in another way with Google Adsense for example. Adsense lets you monetise content on a website, or a video channel and you get paid for each click of an advert from your visitors. See also affiliate marketing vs Google Adsense.


To build an automated money making system is possible with only three things:

  • An affiliate product or products
  • An email autoresponder – get one for free here.
  • A marketing platform

Paid advertising can become expensive and you’ll benefit from using high ticket affiliate products and subscription affiliate products which pay larger and recurring income commissions.

If you’re serious about building a profitable online business using this strategy, you’ll need training, help and support and the right products in your sales funnel. Access a free video series here to learn more about the different types of affiliate products you can use.

Autopilot Passive Income

Is it really possible to create an autopilot passive income? In this article I’m going to explain how this is possible and realistic using a clever business model known as affiliate marketing. With affiliate marketing you can sell other people’s products and services online. So you don’t even need your own products! Certain products continue paying you long after you have made the sale. Recurring income affiliate programs pay you ongoing commissions for referring sales.

For products which carry membership fees such as training services and software products, the product owner stands to earn from customers who maintain their memberships for a lifetime! With a recurring fee, these customers are worth a lot to product owners. That’s why they pay affiliates recurring commissions too! As an affiliate you only need to refer a sale once to earn a recurring commission. Refer lots of customers and you earn lots of recurring revenue – effectively giving you an autopilot passive income!

Autopilot Passive Income – What’s The Catch?

The catch is you need to learn how to sell these kinds of products. That’s a learning curve but anyone can do it given the time and motivation. Checkout a training resource here. Affiliate marketers use all kinds of tactics to sell their products and services. There’s lots of types of affiliate products too and not all of them will pay recurring commissions. See affiliate marketing commission rates. But if you’re looking to make an autopilot passive income from affiliate marketing, recurring commission products give you the best advantage.


The way in which you make your sales can also be placed on autopilot. Many affiliates will run advertising sending subscribers into their sales funnels. A sales funnel is basically a marketing setup in which products are offered to subscribers through email messages. This process can be automated too and once you have become profitable, this system runs largely on its own. Here’s how it works.

Autopilot Passive Income Through Email Marketing

An online marketer or affiliate, runs an advertising campaign through a marketing platform. They send targeted visitors to a landing page where they collect emails and follow up with email messages.

This whole process is automated, although there is some work setting it up. Get started here. Emails are sent out to subscribers offering certain products and services. When a subscriber buys a product, they are automatically offered more products in the sales funnel.

high ticket funnel

With a good sales funnel you can earn from multiple products and services:

  • Subscription products – pay you a recurring income
  • High ticket affiliate products – pay you larger than average commissions
  • One time sales – earn a commission for each sale
  • Combining these three earning strategies can give you the best return

Autopilot Passive Income – Other Strategies

Once your sales funnel is running profitably you can leave it running – potentially forever! As new sales come in, you will earn ongoing commissions for subscription sales you make. With a profitable paid marketing campaign you can also increase your marketing budget and scale up very quickly – reaching more people with products which you offer.

There’s other ways to promote affiliate products too, without using paid marketing. See 22 ways to promote affiliate products. Blogging, article writing or video marketing can all be done without paying for advertising. This is a much slower route though and takes a lot of time and effort. Whereas the paid route can mean you are making sales much more quickly.

niche blogging

Many affiliates will create a blog which can become a passive source of income over time. As your blog reach grows, you should find you get more and more visitors over time.

If you are selling recurring income affiliate products from your blog, your income will grow exponentially as you make more and more sales. Blogging is quite a slow strategy to generate an income online. But it requires much less investment than other marketing methods.


Generating an autopilot passive income isn’t only available to people who can invest in the stock market or purchase property. Affiliate marketing offers the opportunity for anyone to learn how to make referral commissions through online content or running paid advertising – sending people to products online.

If those products which you promote carry a recurring commission, it’s all the easier to make a passive income. Affiliate marketing does take some time and effort to generate a single sale online. But once you have learned this skill, you can repeat it again and again. If for each sale you make you earn a recurring commission, this compounds over time.

Access a free video series and learn more about affiliate marketing here.