Affiliate Success Blueprint

If I could sum up my “affiliate success blueprint” advise, it would be to follow those who are already successful; do what they do and model their success.

My affiliate journey began back in the early 2000’s and there wasn’t a lot of affiliate marketers around at the time. I certainly didn’t know any other people personally who were doing it. As such, there was a lot of scepticism around affiliate marketing.

I took a few courses to learn the basics but everyoneI knew who I talked to told me to stay away “it was a scam”! So I got quiet and learned to keep it to myself. The negativity affected my own belief, and I knew it was the future!

affiliate success blueprint

Affiliate Success Blueprint – Avoid The Pitfalls

Each course I took claimed to be the next “affiliate success blueprint“. I learned something from every course I did though, despite not getting the results which were claimed. There always seemed to be something missing from the courses I took. I wandered from one course to another and changed my strategy every 6 months or so if nothing seemed to be happening.

This, of course was part of the problem. Jumping from one strategy to the next meant that I didn’t get traction in any of them. It’s what’s known as “shiny object syndrome”.

affiliate marketing blueprint

Another common mistake affiliates make is to get caught up in learning mode. I fell for this one too; jumping from one strategy to another and constantly spending all my time watching videos and listening to “gurus”.

Affiliate Marketing Blueprint – Models

When I began I had no clue about affiliate marketing. I didn’t know which were the best products to promote, or what strategies worked best in promoting them. I had no money so I got most of my information for free from YouTube or through reading blog posts.

Amazon was one of the first affiliate partner programs I joined along with eBay’s partner program. Looking at Amazon’s commission rates now makes me wonder why I even bothered! I must have sent tonnes of people to Amazon through my website content over the years. And it all amounts to a very small amount of money. If only I had known better from the start. Here’s the breakdown of Amazon’s commission rates. (1-10% commissions).

affiliate success blueprint

Still you don’t know what you don’t know and as I gained information over the years I considered my many failures and shortcomings in affiliate marketing as learning tools: stepping stones if you will! Later I learned to use digital products instead which paid more in terms of commissions: 40-50% in many cases. Plus there’s recurring commission products and high ticket products which can make all the difference.

Amazon’s products are easy to sell though and as an affiliate starting out, ease is a factor. But it shouldn’t be. Ideally you should spend your first few months learning; gathering data.

Abraham Lincoln was quoted as saying “ Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the ax. ” An ax is a strength multiplier. You can be the strongest lumberjack in the world, but with a blunt axe, it’ll take you much longer and be much more difficult.

affiliate marketing meet up
Me at an affiliate event in Chester (UK)

As an affiliate marketer, your knowledge is your axe, so it’s worth investing in. The trouble is, everyone wants it now, now now, and they often rush in too soon without the preparation needed for long term success.

Affiliate Marketing – Get Help

The problem with affiliate marketing back in the early 2000’s is that there was no help available. There were courses and training, yes, but no-one was at the end of the phone to help. The course providers were hiding!

That’s changed today. You can get more personal help and it’s well worth investing in if you want to make it a serious income. Since joining an online community I’ve been able to move my online business forwards in much greater leaps and bounds than I even could working on my own without the support I needed.

Joining websites, getting 1 on 1 affiliate marketing coaching and taking part in live meetings does a lot for your confidence and belief in what you are doing.

affiliate success blueprint

Take It Seriously

Take your affiliate marketing business seriously and you can make some serious money from it. Treat it like a hobby, and your returns will be of like mind.

Anything is possible with affiliate marketing. With the right products, support and marketing strategy, you can change your life and the lives of others too. But don’t take my word for it. Join an online community who are learning and helping each other to become online business owners and entrepreneurs. Access a free video series to learn more or join the webinar by clicking on the banner below to meet my personal mentors Stuart:

Belief In Affiliate Marketing

Henry Ford said: “If you think you can do a thing or think you can’t do a thing, you’re right.

Many quit affiliate marketing saying “it doesn’t work”. But this means they only found a strategy which didn’t work or they didn’t keep learning and improving.

In the beginning affiliate marketing is tough because you have no personal evidence of success. This is why it’s important to follow and model those who are already successful. You can struggle struggle with affiliate marketing and because you don’t fully believe in it, your action steps are timid and uncertain. It’s a bit like driving with the brakes on.

But once you see results for yourself, and make progress, the brakes come off. Once you know for certain that what you are doing leads to the results you want, you can take the brakes off!

affiliate success blueprint
Me on a trip to Sri Lanka

Working On Yourself And On Your Business

Many business owners and affiliate marketers make the mistake of working “in” their business and not on themselves. Their thinking stunts the growth of themselves and their business. They work as “technicians” in the business but don’t develop themselves beyond the same level of thinking they habitually bring to the table.

A business can never grow beyond the level of thinking which the business owner brings to the table. This is why it’s important to get the help of coaches and mentors to help you change your thinking processes and challenge your limiting beliefs around money, growth and personal development.

Access a community of online mentors, coaches and entrepreneurs who can help you take your life to the next level. Your affiliate success blueprint is waiting for you!
Access an all in one mentorship package by clicking the image below:

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