There’s a few reasons gratitude is the affiliate’s superpower. One of the main things you’re going to experience as an affiliate is frustration. All affiliates will, at some stage, want to throw their laptop through the window! How you react in those moments will determine whether you continue to pursue your affiliate business or not!
In my darkest days, I was working hard on my affiliate business, and getting nothing back in terms of results. I couldn’t understand it. I was desperate for results! Which is perhaps why they eluded me for so long! It was the result I was looking for, and by looking, and finding none, I was placing myself into an energy of perpetual frustration and anxiety. The harder I worked, the more I was frustrated by my lack of results.
The result of all this endless work and frustration – burnout and disappointment. I wasn’t enjoying the journey, and ultimately gave up several times. Fortunately I was part of an online community and was able to reach out for some assistance on the cusp of quitting.

I wasn’t given advice on my marketing strategy. Rather, I was advised to start a gratitude journal and read a book: The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. How odd I thought! But, by this point I was ready to listen to anything, so frustrated was I.
Why Gratitude Is The Affiliate’s Superpower – Shifting Your “Vibe”
When you are running towards something, desperate to have it, you don’t get the thing, the object of your desire, you get the results of your actions, whatever they are.

Now, I wanted a profitable online business, but I wasn’t taking the actions I needed to take to achieve that outcome! I was doing more and more of what didn’t work – because those actions satisfied my criteria, not the reality!
I read the book and I started a gratitude journal, as advised. Also, I shifted gear in terms of my actions. I joined an online group and started learning about video marketing. What happened almost instantly though was a shift in my “energy”, or my “vibe”.
From being anxious and desperate, the kind of being-ness where nothing new can enter, I shifted to a more relaxed and “at ease” state of being. This shift alone I attribute to my sticking with affiliate marketing, and not quitting.

95% of affiliates will quit. And I believe this is due to the frustration and anxiety associated with the initial struggle. In particular this happens in the early days of starting an affiliate business.
But if you can equip yourself with the power of gratitude, by creating and keeping up with a gratitude journal, you have the power to shift your state.
Things won’t be any less stressful and anxiety provoking, however, you’ll be empowered to shift that stress and anxiety and maintain a positive, and more powerful and empowering state of being-ness.
Why Gratitude Is The Affiliate’s Superpower – The Tipping Point Of Frustration
If you get frustrated with your affiliate business, or anything for that matter, there’s a point where you’ll lose your shit! That’s the point where you throw your laptop through the window, or some similar outburst!
Conflict de-escalation is taught on the understanding of this idea, too. Once someone gets to a certain level of anger/frustration, it breaks over into physical violence. So to de-escalate the potential violence of a conflict it’s wise to be mindful of this image (below) and keep the individual on the left hand side of this (violent outbreak) thermostat:

If someone is verbally abusive, for example, chances are they are close to Stage 5 where they might spill over into physical violence. To keep them from “tipping” over into violence, you might for example, avoid raising your voice or becoming abusive yourself!
While this is a different situation to your own state of being when building your affiliate business, there’s definitely some pertinent similarities. Stage 5 in your affiliate business is perhaps when you’ll quit for good! It might be the fifth time you throw your laptop through the window, for example!
By understanding your state, and using gratitude, you can put yourself in a calmer and more resourceful place of “being-ness”. In this state, you can make better choices and avoid losing your shit! Knowing when it’s time to step away from the laptop is something you will learn through experience, of course, and you’ll fine tune this as you go, for optimum output/performance. But initially it can help to use gratitude and other outlets such as exercise to maintain a positive outlook and state of being.
Controlling Your State
Controlling your state is a powerful life skill, whether you’re an affiliate or not. But particularly when you’re building an affiliate business, your state is super important.
When you come up against a roadblock in your affiliate business, who do you turn to? More often than not, affiliates will have to solve their own problems. If you are always looking for help and support, whenever you get stuck, you’ll waste a huge amount of time waiting for it.
If you can solve your own problems, through online research, for example, you’ll get things moving far faster than if you’re always wanting someone else to help you.
I’ve definitely had some difficult moments as an affiliate. I’ve felt like quitting on more than one occasion. But affiliate marketing is very forgiving. You can always start again, but this time with more insight and knowledge than you had before. The main key skill though, I personally believe is to have an insight into your own mind, and maintain a positive and empowered outlook.
So that’s why gratitude is the affiliate’s superpower!
Gratitude is a super useful “tool” for the affiliate marketer’s tool box. If you can learn how to shift your mindset when things are becoming uncomfortable for you, you’re much more likely to overcome the challenges that come with building an affiliate marketing business.
If you find yourself in a frustrated and anxious state, it’s much more difficult to be resourceful and clear-minded. With a simple shift, and the ability to step away and come back with a calmer head, you can overcome many of the obstacles which would be seen as insurmountable to those who quit.
When I reached out for help and support, I was in a desperate “groove” of depression, anxiety and frustration. I didn’t see it at the time, but these days, through having gone through it, I’m able to maintain a much more productive and resourceful state of being-ness.
You can too by utilising the power of using a gratitude journal. Write in it every day just 10 things you’re grateful for. Make those things different every day. Soon your mind will be searching out things to be grateful for, and positive about. Just watch as your life changes when you keep up this habit for several months in a row!