Free Affiliate Marketing Ebook

Looking for a free affiliate marketing ebook? In my ebook “Affiliate Marketing For Beginners” I share some of the most important things I learned over my first several years as an affiliate marketer. Click here for access.

Affiliate marketing is one of the simplest ways to earn an income online. However, that being said, there’s many pitfalls with affiliate marketing too and a high drop out rate (around 95%).

In this post (and in my ebook) I share some of the common mistakes affiliates make and how to give yourself the best possible chance of success.

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Access my eBook affiliate marketing for beginners for FREE here.

Free Affiliate Marketing Ebook – What Is Affiliate Marketing?

So what exactly is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is a simple business model which rewards affiliates (third parties) for sales of other people’s products online.

For example, I recommend a training course for new affiliates on this website. If you purchase the course I recommend, I earn a commission based on the sale. Affiliates can sell almost anything online providing the product has an affiliate program that they can join.

free affiliate marketing ebook
Click this image to download Affiliate Marketing For Beginners for free

One of the most popular affiliate programs is Amazon. Amazon can be a good choice for affiliates because it sells over 12 million items! So if you have a website already which attracts a certain audience, you can place certain products on your site and start selling quite quickly. For example lets say you have a Yoga related website which already gets traffic. You could place a Yoga product of some kind (such as a Yoga mat) on it and start selling it quite quickly.

People are familiar with Amazon and so there’s already a level of trust on the site. The downside of using Amazon affiliate products is that the commission level is pretty low with some of its products paying as little as 1% commission should you make a sale.

That brings me nicely on the the types of products you can promote as an affiliate. We know Amazon offers millions of physical products you can sell as an affiliate, but what about other types of product? Well I’m glad you asked that question!

Free Affiliate Marketing Ebook – Types Of Affiliate Product

The two main types of affiliate product are physical and digital products. Digital products can be a good choice for affiliates because there’s no manufacturing costs or postage costs.

Buyers of the product can download the item immediately – much like my free ebook download it here! This makes it the perfect product for affiliates because they can benefit from these reduced costs. Most digital products pay affiliates a much larger cut of the sale price because affiliates are doing the lion share of advertising (the largest cost for such products).

beginners guide

So with digital products an affiliate can earn much larger commissions -typically 30% to 40% of the sale price. Compare this with physical products and you see the immediate difference (most physical products pay between 1% and 10% commission).

Do you see how this information can shave years off your affiliate journey? I wasted so much time as a beginner affiliate because I simply didn’t know which were the best products to sell. What’s even better news is that you can also sell digital products which carry monthly recurring commissions too.

These are typically training courses or software products which offer ongoing value. Physical products simply can’t compete here because you only buy a physical product once, therefore you are only ever going to get paid once for the referral as an affiliate (per item sold).

There’s also high ticket products too, which typically sell for many times the cost of a standard item. As such they pay a whole lot more too. (More about this in my ebook).

Promotion Methods

One of the most common problems for affiliate marketers is getting enough traffic to their affiliate offers. With so many other affiliates online, it can be very competitive in terms of buying traffic or if you’re building content. With over 600 million blogs online, getting traffic for free from the search engines can be quite a task.

free affiliate marketing ebook

However, if you’re determined enough, there’s nothing that can stop you from building an income with affiliate marketing, whatever method of promotion you choose. However, if you want to build your business quickly, you’ll need to use some paid advertising.

Otherwise your choices are limited to content creation, which can take a little longer before you generate any traction. Blogging, or creating a video channel on YouTube for example are two methods of generating traffic for free. But this can take several months of content creation before you start to see your traffic growing in the numbers required to make consistent sales. More about this in my free ebook – download here.

Generally speaking, if you lack time, use paid advertising. If you lack money, create content.

Common Mistakes Newbie Affiliates Make

I made a lot of mistakes as a newbie affiliate. I simply didn’t know how many mistakes I was walking into! Shiny object syndrome for example is the name given to the chasing of a new course, rather than sticking to a specific strategy. I was a sucker for this and before I’d spend even a few weeks on one particular strategy, I would find another course which taught something different – a new “shiny object” which promised me easy riches!

But switching direction and tactic often only dilutes the effectiveness of any given strategy. You need to give affiliate marketing a chance for it to work. I was impatient and wanted it all yesterday.

what is affiliate marketing

I was a “busy fool” too! A busy fool, I later learned is a term given to the newbie affiliate who spends time on activities which although might be interesting and even fun, don’t move your affiliate business forwards. Unfortunately these activities are often the ones you will gravitate towards, rather than the ones which actually affect your earning potential with affiliate marketing.

I used to spend hours upon hours crafting a beautiful logo, when I had no traffic to my website. Or even months writing blog posts which virtually nobody found because I didn’t promote them! As an affiliate marketer you must always remember that affiliate marketing is a performance based business model. No sales means you don’t get paid! As I was from an employee background (as most people are), it’s easy to assume that time spent on your business equates to income, but it doesn’t. Only sales equate to income.


Download my free affiliate marketing for beginners ebook here. So let’s recap some of what I’ve shared in this post. There’s various products you can choose to promote as an affiliate but some of them pay better than others.

Digital products which carry recurring income are a good bet because you can earn ongoing income from each sale. This simply isn’t possible with a physical product. Then there are high ticket affiliate products too which can pay many times that of an item priced below $100, for example.

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Promotion of affiliate products can take a couple of main routes: either paid marketing or free organic traffic can be sought. Ideally use the one which you can stick to for several months. Use paid marketing if you can afford it and have little time, or use content marketing if you have the time and inclination, and/or no marketing budget.

There’s several pitfalls in affiliate marketing which I discuss in more detail in my ebook. Shiny object syndrome is the desire to find the “magic bullet” which gives you an “easy path” (which doesn’t exist). Being a busy fool means wasting time online and not focusing on money producing activities.

You can also fall into the trap of getting stuck in learning mode – spending hour after hour watching training videos and thinking it’s going to move your business forwards on its own. Sadly this isn’t true and you also need to take massive productive action once you’ve acquired some knowledge. At first you will be learning, spending 80-90% of your time studying. But once you have some information you can use, switch this to 80% of your time implementing and 20% studying.

Affiliate Marketing Ebook Free Download

Looking for an affiliate marketing ebook free download? An affiliate marketing ebook free download has some magical properties! Both as a visitor and as an affiliate marketer, ebooks are great!

They can give you some useful information but also they can be used as lead magnets. Ebook lead magnets are used by affiliate marketers to build their email list and link to affiliate products. So for affiliate marketers, it’s well worth creating your own ebooks! Here’s an ebook in which I share some of the main secrets I’ve discovered over several years of being an affiliate.

affiliate marketing ebook free download
Affiliate marketing ebook free download (Click on the image for access)

Affiliate Marketing Ebook Free Download – How They Are Used

A free download is one of the best ways for affiliates to promote themselves, and show authority. They also get people both onto their email list and clicking their links! So for affiliates creating an ebook is a great thing to do.

You can of course also sell your own ebook on a website. But this can be challenging, especially when so many marketers and affiliates are already giving away ebooks for free.

Most affiliates use ebooks to build an email marketing list of subscribers. Then, they promote affiliate products through their list. List building is one of the best ways to do affiliate marketing because it gives you control over your audience. As a beginner in affiliate marketing, getting people to your affiliate links is the greatest challenge. An ebook is a good place to start because it’s something you can offer to get people to subscribe to your email list. See the power of email marketing.

This is done using an email capture page like in the image below.

affiliate marketing ebook free download

Affiliate Marketing Ebook Free Download

Once you access an affiliate marketing ebook free download, you’ll usually see some links in there. These can be to other resources online and also affiliate products. So affiliates can do well by offering free ebooks because they get three major benefits from giving them away:

  • They get instant authority with their readers and are perceived as someone who knows something about the topic. This helps build trust.
  • Once someone accesses their ebook, they also subscribe to an email list in order to access and download it
  • If someone downloads an ebook, they are usually going to read it. This means they are digesting your content, which has your affiliate links in it!
affiliate marketing ebook free download

A downloadable book is ofter preferable to people on the move who don’t want to read long articles while online. An ebook can be downloaded and read later on, even without an internet connection.

Affiliate Marketing Ebook – Getting People To Your Ebook

If you do decide to create your own affiliate marketing ebook as a list building tool, you’ll still need to get people to it. This can take some time as a beginners and there’s two main strategies to do it:

  • Free marketing – creating content and sharing it
  • Paid marketing – buy traffic and send it to a specific website or landing page.

Paid marketing can work very quickly in building an email list. But you’ll need a good return on your investment in order to make it profitable. Free marketing takes much longer and is much more time consuming than paid marketing. One free marketing strategy is blogging. With blogging, you create content around your ebook and drive traffic to it by sharing your content around the internet.

Here’s another affiliate marketing ebook free download, which deals with blogging as a free marketing strategy:

niche blogging for profit

If you’re going to pay to get people to an ebook, it’s worth sending them to a specific landing page and not a website blog. This is because a landing page is designed to get people to subscribe to your email list. With a website, they have more choice and so you’ll waste money as less people will opt in. They’ll just browse around your website instead. With a landing page they only have two options: sign up or leave.

Affiliate Marketing – What Is It?

Affiliate marketing is a business model which lets anyone promote and sell other people’s products and services online. It’s great if you don’t have any products and services of your own to sell. You don’t need to handle the products yourself either; simply refer people to products they want.

This can be done in several ways:

  • Create content (like this article) and link to products in your text
  • Offer downloadable ebooks with your unique affiliate links in them
  • Build email lists of subscribers who might be interested in your products
  • Direct link to products from paid marketing
  • Use personal relationships to promote products directly
affiliate marketing secrets pdf

Beginners often struggle with affiliate marketing because they don’t know how to market products over the internet. Blogging, for example, is a long term strategy which can take months or even years before you get traction online. Paid marketing is much faster but expensive and you can still get it wrong.

One of the main keys is to know your target audience. Once you get specific on who a customer is for a specific product, you can work on finding ways to target them with your online advertising efforts.

As you get better at this, you can learn how to automate sales online and scale up your campaigns to reach an ever growing group of targeted customers.


I hope you’ve enjoyed this article affiliate marketing ebook free download. As you can see, downloadable ebooks are a great way to show authority, get eyes on your content (and affiliate links), and build an email list of subscribers to market to.

If you’re a beginner at affiliate marketing, it’s a little difficult to create ebooks because you’re still learning. But consider what you do know about and write about a topic you have knowledge or passion in. Then, you can find affiliate products which are aligned with your passions.

For more training on becoming an affiliate, you can access a free video series by clicking on the image below.