Your Affiliate Marketing Mentor

Your affiliate marketing mentor is someone who shows up and is committed to helping you succeed with affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is a referral based business model in which the third party (you) gets rewarded financially for referring customers to other people’s products online. If you don’t make a sale, you don’t make any money! It’s therefore a performance related business model.

your affiliate marketing mentor

In the beginning stages of learning affiliate marketing, it can be frustrating when you are carrying a lot of doubt and scepticism. This is where a mentor can help you the most. Working with a mind filled with uncertainty is seldom going to lead you to a thriving online business. That mindset of uncertainty will undoubtedly lead to procrastination and hesitancy. When you’re unsure of your path, the affiliate journey is so much more difficult.

How can you take the risks needed in business to move forwards when you undermine your own confidence by filling your mind with doubt? The same is true of filling your mind with faith and trust. A good mentor will help you to focus on those actions which will help you the most in your affiliate business, and give you the mindsets you need to succeed.

Your Affiliate Marketing Mentor: A Difficult Journey & Mindset

The affiliate journey isn’t an easy one. If you are determined to become successful in affiliate marketing, no one can stop you. But if you are determined to fail, no one can stop you! Your affiliate mindset is therefore your biggest asset or your biggest liability.

henry ford

Your affiliate marketing mentor can only help you come to certain realisations; they can’t do the work for you. So if you are bringing any attitude with you which might be holding you back you need to adjust it. This is more difficult if you’re unaware of your unconscious biases or beliefs which may be holding you back.

It can be very easy to find information which confirms your existing belief of something. So if you’re looking to confirm to yourself that affiliate marketing does not work, you’ll find that information. If you’re looking to confirm a belief that it does work, you’ll find that information too! Without a strong desire to succeed with an affiliate marketing business, you’re much less likely to do so. If you’re just “giving it a go” and it’s not that important to you, you will probably lack the necessary motivation to overcome all the obstacles which you’ll be presented with.

On the other hand if an affiliate marketing business if your sole focus, and you absolutely must succeed with it, no matter what, you’ll pull out all the stops to make it a reality.

Your Affiliate Marketing Mentor: Get A Mentor

An affiliate marketing mentor can give you more personal tuition and help and support you. But what is better than a single mentor is to have access to others who are on the same journey as you. Access a coaching and mentorship community through this link. Here’s some of what you can access:

  • A step by step setup of an online business system with products ready to sell
  • Access to a community of like minded business owners learning affiliate marketing strategies
  • Coaches and mentors available for 1 on 1 affiliate marketing coaching/mentoring and regular group webinars
  • Training and support
your affiliate marketing mentor

What A Mentor Is Not

A mentor is not someone who can build an online business for you. Mentors and coaches can only help you if you’ve already decided to take some serious action with an affiliate business and invest in your growth. With an affiliate mentorship program you can access mentors, tools, software and other affiliates who can help you in a number of ways:

  • They can hold you accountable – going it alone means exactly that, you don’t get help or support when you’re on your own
  • Mentors and coaches can help you change your thinking and mindset
  • You can benefit from systems and software. This makes the setup process much easier and takes out the technical aspect which many struggle with alone.

However what you’ll need to bring is a commitment to building a profitable affiliate business over the long term. Affiliate marketing can be a tough business and it’s not for the faint hearted. Entrepreneurialism isn’t the same as employment where you put in a few hours and get a monthly pay packet. You take a risk in a business. You have to take 100% responsibility for the success or failure of your business. No one else is responsible and a mentor or a coach can only help you – ultimately a businesses success or failure is the responsibility of it’s owner!


Your affiliate marketing mentor is someone who you can relate to and who relates to you. ideally you will find someone who can help you given your own particular circumstances. Not every mentor is a good fit for everyone and someone who has build a successful affiliate business using one particular strategy may not be a good fit for someone who is using a different one. Ultimately aim to find someone who you think is a good fit for you and the feeling is mutual!

See my page on 1:1 coaching and learn more about getting coaching and mentoring from my recommended program.

your affiliate marketing mentor

Affiliate Marketing Coach

Getting an affiliate marketing coach could be the best thing you can do for your online business. After getting a coach, I started taking a different view of affiliate marketing. Before I found a coach, things were pretty bleak. I tried many different strategies within affiliate marketing but couldn’t get any traction.

A coach gave me a different view of the actions and activities I should be focused on, to move my online business forwards. Everyone has different circumstances to work with, so the same answer isn’t appropriate for everyone though. Some affiliates will want to build slowly over time using only content marketing; other will want faster results with paid marketing.

According to your own personal situation, circumstances and ultimately your reasons for doing affiliate marketing, your ‘why?’, you will need to choose a path which is suitable for you.

Affiliate Marketing Coach – My ‘Why?’

An affiliate marketing coach can help you find your path and start making faster progress because they have already made the mistakes you are likely to make! There’s a huge learning curve in affiliate marketing. If you haven’t got a clear path, it’s easy to get distracted by the many ‘shiny objects’ and all the different strategies. Before you know it, you could be working for months and even years, without making any real progress.

See 23 affiliate mistakes newbie affiliates should avoid.

Knowing your ‘why?’ in affiliate marketing keeps you going when times are tough. If you don’t have a strong enough ‘why’, you could easily lose momentum and are more likely to give up. See Why I Do Affiliate Marketing And Why You Should Too!

Avoiding Affiliate Mistakes – Find An Affiliate Marketing Coach

A coach will hold you accountable and give you information which will help you. Here’s a few things which I’ve learned which have made a dramatic difference to my affiliate marketing business:

  • Your ‘state’ of mind effects your productivity. Unless you control it, it controls you. If you continually find yourself depressed, anxious and annoyed with the way things are going in your affiliate business, this can effect your productivity.
  • Subscription affiliate programs can give you a massive advantage – yes subscription affiliate programs offer ongoing commissions for previous sales. Choosing products to promote which offer a lifetime value to the customer is therefore worth the extra effort. The same sale (and effort) could make you $40 or $40 a month for life!
  • High ticket programs allow you to scale up, offset advertising costs and use more easily scalable marketing strategies. Small value items are harder to sell as a newbie because you have so much competition when using only content marketing strategies. High value items give you many advantages.
affiliate marketing coach

Affiliate Marketing Isn’t Easy!

Affiliate marketing sounds like it should be easy, but it really isn’t! You can spend time and money on affiliate marketing and still fail! Knowing what to expect from it is a useful thing. It takes time and effort and you should learn your trade if you’re going to do well. Affiliate marketing has some huge advantages over other business models too:

  • Offers a way to earn from the internet using a laptop and internet connection
  • Can be worked from anywhere globally
  • Work around other commitments and build your business around existing work
  • Uses scalable systems and strategies which can offer products globally
  • Uses automation and systems which can run, selling products 24 hours a day
Me with Jay Kubassek - affiliate marketing coach
With with co-founder 0f The SFM Jay Kubassek

So, in theory, affiliate marketing is an amazing business model which anyone can do. But there are some downsides too. It’s not always going to be easy:

  • It’s a performance based business which works both ways – unlimited earnings are possible but so is no earnings, and that’s more likely too for most people!
  • You need to fail a lot to learn what works and what doesn’t work
  • Content marketing is a slow strategy and although free, takes a lot of time and effort.
  • Paid marketing isn’t guaranteed either and although it’s fast, it doesn’t guarantee sales! You need to test and measure and learn from your failures before you can automate a profitable business.

But It’s Not All Doom and Gloom!

If your’e serious about earning money from the internet, you should get an affiliate marketing coach. Join an online community of entrepreneurs and marketers who have already failed more times than you’ve tried! You can’t fail to learn from them if you take part in regular interactive webinars. Sign up on this website for more information and to join.

See also affiliate marketing mentor.

Affiliate marketing takes time and it should do. Just because it’s an online business doesn’t change the fact that it’s a business. A brick’s and mortar business needs a lot of energy, time and money putting into it. An online business is no different. There’s much lower overheads with an online business.

Advertising is a main cost if you want fast results. If you don’t want to spend money on advertising, and you have time, expect a much longer journey. If you have little time, and you have the income to spend on advertising, you can build an profitable online business much more quickly. Still there’s no guarantees, so you need to tread carefully.

Finding an affiliate marketing coach can considerably shorten your journey to a profitable online business though. Sign up on this site for the free videos to learn more and get access. See also affiliate marketing coaches.

affiliate marketing coach Tim Halloran
See my about me page