Free Affiliate Marketing Ebook

Looking for a free affiliate marketing ebook? In my ebook “Affiliate Marketing For Beginners” I share some of the most important things I learned over my first several years as an affiliate marketer. Click here for access.

Affiliate marketing is one of the simplest ways to earn an income online. However, that being said, there’s many pitfalls with affiliate marketing too and a high drop out rate (around 95%).

In this post (and in my ebook) I share some of the common mistakes affiliates make and how to give yourself the best possible chance of success.

free affiliate marketing download
Access my eBook affiliate marketing for beginners for FREE here.

Free Affiliate Marketing Ebook – What Is Affiliate Marketing?

So what exactly is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is a simple business model which rewards affiliates (third parties) for sales of other people’s products online.

For example, I recommend a training course for new affiliates on this website. If you purchase the course I recommend, I earn a commission based on the sale. Affiliates can sell almost anything online providing the product has an affiliate program that they can join.

free affiliate marketing ebook
Click this image to download Affiliate Marketing For Beginners for free

One of the most popular affiliate programs is Amazon. Amazon can be a good choice for affiliates because it sells over 12 million items! So if you have a website already which attracts a certain audience, you can place certain products on your site and start selling quite quickly. For example lets say you have a Yoga related website which already gets traffic. You could place a Yoga product of some kind (such as a Yoga mat) on it and start selling it quite quickly.

People are familiar with Amazon and so there’s already a level of trust on the site. The downside of using Amazon affiliate products is that the commission level is pretty low with some of its products paying as little as 1% commission should you make a sale.

That brings me nicely on the the types of products you can promote as an affiliate. We know Amazon offers millions of physical products you can sell as an affiliate, but what about other types of product? Well I’m glad you asked that question!

Free Affiliate Marketing Ebook – Types Of Affiliate Product

The two main types of affiliate product are physical and digital products. Digital products can be a good choice for affiliates because there’s no manufacturing costs or postage costs.

Buyers of the product can download the item immediately – much like my free ebook download it here! This makes it the perfect product for affiliates because they can benefit from these reduced costs. Most digital products pay affiliates a much larger cut of the sale price because affiliates are doing the lion share of advertising (the largest cost for such products).

beginners guide

So with digital products an affiliate can earn much larger commissions -typically 30% to 40% of the sale price. Compare this with physical products and you see the immediate difference (most physical products pay between 1% and 10% commission).

Do you see how this information can shave years off your affiliate journey? I wasted so much time as a beginner affiliate because I simply didn’t know which were the best products to sell. What’s even better news is that you can also sell digital products which carry monthly recurring commissions too.

These are typically training courses or software products which offer ongoing value. Physical products simply can’t compete here because you only buy a physical product once, therefore you are only ever going to get paid once for the referral as an affiliate (per item sold).

There’s also high ticket products too, which typically sell for many times the cost of a standard item. As such they pay a whole lot more too. (More about this in my ebook).

Promotion Methods

One of the most common problems for affiliate marketers is getting enough traffic to their affiliate offers. With so many other affiliates online, it can be very competitive in terms of buying traffic or if you’re building content. With over 600 million blogs online, getting traffic for free from the search engines can be quite a task.

free affiliate marketing ebook

However, if you’re determined enough, there’s nothing that can stop you from building an income with affiliate marketing, whatever method of promotion you choose. However, if you want to build your business quickly, you’ll need to use some paid advertising.

Otherwise your choices are limited to content creation, which can take a little longer before you generate any traction. Blogging, or creating a video channel on YouTube for example are two methods of generating traffic for free. But this can take several months of content creation before you start to see your traffic growing in the numbers required to make consistent sales. More about this in my free ebook – download here.

Generally speaking, if you lack time, use paid advertising. If you lack money, create content.

Common Mistakes Newbie Affiliates Make

I made a lot of mistakes as a newbie affiliate. I simply didn’t know how many mistakes I was walking into! Shiny object syndrome for example is the name given to the chasing of a new course, rather than sticking to a specific strategy. I was a sucker for this and before I’d spend even a few weeks on one particular strategy, I would find another course which taught something different – a new “shiny object” which promised me easy riches!

But switching direction and tactic often only dilutes the effectiveness of any given strategy. You need to give affiliate marketing a chance for it to work. I was impatient and wanted it all yesterday.

what is affiliate marketing

I was a “busy fool” too! A busy fool, I later learned is a term given to the newbie affiliate who spends time on activities which although might be interesting and even fun, don’t move your affiliate business forwards. Unfortunately these activities are often the ones you will gravitate towards, rather than the ones which actually affect your earning potential with affiliate marketing.

I used to spend hours upon hours crafting a beautiful logo, when I had no traffic to my website. Or even months writing blog posts which virtually nobody found because I didn’t promote them! As an affiliate marketer you must always remember that affiliate marketing is a performance based business model. No sales means you don’t get paid! As I was from an employee background (as most people are), it’s easy to assume that time spent on your business equates to income, but it doesn’t. Only sales equate to income.


Download my free affiliate marketing for beginners ebook here. So let’s recap some of what I’ve shared in this post. There’s various products you can choose to promote as an affiliate but some of them pay better than others.

Digital products which carry recurring income are a good bet because you can earn ongoing income from each sale. This simply isn’t possible with a physical product. Then there are high ticket affiliate products too which can pay many times that of an item priced below $100, for example.

e-commerce sales boom

Promotion of affiliate products can take a couple of main routes: either paid marketing or free organic traffic can be sought. Ideally use the one which you can stick to for several months. Use paid marketing if you can afford it and have little time, or use content marketing if you have the time and inclination, and/or no marketing budget.

There’s several pitfalls in affiliate marketing which I discuss in more detail in my ebook. Shiny object syndrome is the desire to find the “magic bullet” which gives you an “easy path” (which doesn’t exist). Being a busy fool means wasting time online and not focusing on money producing activities.

You can also fall into the trap of getting stuck in learning mode – spending hour after hour watching training videos and thinking it’s going to move your business forwards on its own. Sadly this isn’t true and you also need to take massive productive action once you’ve acquired some knowledge. At first you will be learning, spending 80-90% of your time studying. But once you have some information you can use, switch this to 80% of your time implementing and 20% studying.

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners PDF

In my Affiliate Marketing For Beginners PDF ebook I share some of the main things I think you should know as a new affiliate starting out. I started learning about affiliate marketing in the early 2000’s, and it’s no easy feat making an affiliate sale online.

affiliate marketing for beginners pdf

There’s a variety of strategies you can employ as an affiliate in order to generate a single sale. Here’s a few of them:

  • Blogging
  • PPC – Pay per click
  • Email marketing
  • Video marketing – both paid and free (organic)
  • Social media

As a newbie, you’ll be keen to get started and start making those commissions. But I hope you will at least read through my Affiliate Marketing For Beginners PDF guide first (access here) because it will prepare you much better for the journey. I made many mistakes as a newbie affiliate and if you read this ebook, you’ll be much better prepared for success than I was!

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners PDF – Traps To Avoid

There’s a few traps you’ll want to avoid and prepare yourself for as a new affiliate. Shiny Object Syndrome is the tendency to jump from one course to another looking for the easy win! Let me tell you there’s no easy win! I did this for years and no sooner had I started out on one particular training course than another “shiny object” caught my eye. The next course promised “faster and easier”, so I jumped ship and started again with a new strategy.

affiliate marketing for beginners pdf

The Busy Fool

The problem with this approach is that you never get any traction with any given strategy. Becoming successful with affiliate marketing is a little like push starting a freight train! Once it’s going, you can add a little more effort until it’s at full speed! But getting it going from a standing start takes some will power, belief and motivation.

Being a “Busy Fool” is another trap to avoid! It feels nice starting your own business but you have to remain vigilant. Don’t get complacent with your time and start wasting it. Affiliate marketing is a performance based business model so if you don’t make any sales you don’t get paid. Getting those sales early will give you the necessary momentum to continue on. Not getting them can mean you lose belief and encouragement, making the journey more difficult.

If you’re not used to being your own boss and managing your own time, it can be easy to dawdle and spend time on fruitless activities which you enjoy, rather than those which move your business forwards.

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners PDF – Business Models & Products

When I started out as an affiliate newbie, I chose products from websites I used such as Amazon and eBay. Both platforms have affiliate programs – also known as “Partner programs” which let you join them and send people to the various products on the sites. But you should know that these platforms offer the lowest levels of commission, from 1% to 11% commission. So if you sell a $100 product from Amazon, for example, you’ll only make $1-$11 on that sale!

See also Amazon affiliate marketing commission for details of their rates.

affiliate marketing for beginners pdf

If you’re selling low value physical products from these sites, be aware that you’ll need to sell in large volume to make a good income from your affiliate business. There are other types of products which can be much more lucrative and it’s worth considering the types of products you’d like to sell from the outset. Digital products typically pay much more in terms of commissions and can pay from 20% to even 100% commission on certain products.

Subscription affiliate products offer some of the best earnings because you can earn ongoing commissions for each and every sale. There’s also high ticket products too which offer the highest rates of commission available for affiliates.

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners PDF – Mindset & Motivation

Although pretty much anyone can become an affiliate, not everyone succeeds and builds a profitable business through affiliate marketing. This can be for a number of reasons but the sheer volume of people “having a go” at affiliate marketing is testimony to the fact that so many drop out.

I hope that you are not simply “giving it a go” because this attitude seldom works for affiliate marketing! It takes a lot more than dipping in your toe to make an affiliate business work and something like 95% of affiliates drop out and quit! See affiliate marketing failure rate.

the mindset of successful affiliate marketers

The right mindset and attitude is therefore a massive factor in whether you’ll become successful as an affiliate. This is therefore worth cultivating and particularly in the early stages there can be a lot of hurdles to overcome. If you’re well prepared mentally, and have a “never say die” kind of approach, so much the better. You’ll surely face adversity when approaching affiliate marketing and your resolve to overcome obstacles is part of the journey!

I even believe that it is adversity which makes you improve yourself personally and that affiliate marketing is both an inward and outward journey. Often the money at the end of the “trail” isn’t the most important part, but the personal growth is!

Affiliate Marketing For Beginners PDF – Marketing Strategy

Whatever you decide to promote as an affiliate marketer, you’ll need some kind of marketing strategy. There’s many different tactics and ways to promote affiliate products so you should choose carefully. Your choice will also depend on your circumstances and if you’re time rich you may want to focus on content creation and look towards generating organic traffic. This can be done through various strategies such as blogging, video blogging and using unpaid social media marketing tactics.

If you have less disposable time, you will probably want to get things automated as quickly as possible and scale up your business fast. If this is the case you should be looking towards using paid marketing. Paid marketing platforms like YouTube, Facebook and Adwords for example are useful if you have less available time and want faster results.

Whatever method of marketing you choose it’s always worth building an email list. Email marketing is a powerful way to collect subscribers and deliver your marketing message through email messages. See also the power of email marketing. Access a free autoresponder here.

Best Business Model

Most affiliate products only pay you once. This is known as a “one time” commission. After that the customer has found the company providing the products. That company then acquires the customer and potentially earns from a lifetime of sales in the future from your referral! It’s a sweet deal for companies like Amazon who continue to lower their commissions and change terms to make affiliate’s lives more difficult! But it’s not such as great deal for affiliates who only receive tiny commissions on these kinds of referrals!

Product Ranges

If you want to give yourself a head start as an affiliate, choose programs which offer multiple products within a range of products from which you can earn. Promoting a product range as an affiliate gives you much more potential to earn in the future from sales you have generated. Up-sells are useful to affiliates particularly when a built in sales team closes sales on the affiliate’s behalf. An up-sell is another product within a range which offers more value to a customer.

The three main types of affiliate commissions are:

  • OT – One time commission, you get paid only once
  • S – Subscription products
  • HT – high ticket products pay you larger than average commissions.
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With a good product range such as the SFM Digital Business System, you can benefit from all of these kinds of commissions and a built in sales team, up-selling products on your behalf.

Timescale & Marketing Strategy

Depending on your marketing strategy you can build an online affiliate business over the course of months or years. Most affiliates will take at least a year to get traction in their affiliate business but it depends on the strategy you are using and your marketing budget; and of course product range.

With a high ticket sales funnel, you’ll earn a lot more from sales you generate and therefore you’ll be able to afford the more expensive advertising platforms. So according to your “buy in” level of a high value product range, you’ll be able to access the highest levels of commission.

affiliate marketing for beginners

Of course you don’t need to purchase affiliate products in order to sell them. But with a high ticket digital product range, the more you invest the larger your earning potential when it comes to re-selling.

If you take a cheaper approach to marketing, such as with blogging, expect it to take much longer. With a paid marketing strategy, a good marketing budget and high ticket sales funnel you can start generating traction much more quickly. Some affiliates do manage to replace their income inside of a year with this strategy; although these results aren’t typical. See also how long does affiliate marketing take.

With low value products and an organic marketing strategy, it can take years to gain traction. You’re far better off at least using subscription affiliate programs to speed up your journey!

Access Affiliate Marketing For Beginners!

If you’re serious about starting your own affiliate marketing journey, you can access Affiliate Marketing For Beginners PDF here! Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll get back to you.

You can also join a community of online entrepreneurs and start your affiliate journey by getting access to tools, training and support here.

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF

Here’s a collection of affiliate marketing books pdf format which you can access for free. I’ve created a few pdf affiliate marketing books over the years. They’re a great way to help you consolidate information you’ve learned but also great lead magnets you can use to get people to subscribe to your email list.

The first of my affiliate marketing pdf books is niche blogging for profit. In Niche Blogging For Profit I discuss a blogging strategy I picked up from several online courses I took years ago. You can checkout my digital profit course review which details some of the courses I took. A few of the courses taught this strategy which is based around ranking content, (or a website) for it’s main keywords.

Niche blogging for profit

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF – Niche Blogging

Niche Blogging’s basic strategy is based around a couple of courses I took. One of them taught how to rank a website on Google using keyword domain names. The same strategy can be used when blogging, to get your articles ranked on Google and other search engines.

Basically you use Google’s keyword planner to find long tail keywords which get traffic. Then, look on Google to find the “low hanging fruit” – that is, the keywords which offer less competition than most. Then build your content, or website around those keywords. It doesn’t work every time, but if you keep at it, you’ll find some of your content will rank. Access Niche Blogging For Profit here.

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF – Affiliate Marketing For Beginners

The next ebook I wrote is called Affiliate Marketing For Beginners. I wanted to write about my experience as an affiliate and what I had learned. Specifically I wanted to share the most important things I would want to tell myself if I could go back in time and start again! It would have saved me years if I had only have found this book when I began with affiliate marketing.

I made a lot of mistakes like using the wrong products and marketing strategies; not getting help and mentorship.

beginners guide

One of the things I discuss in this ebook is to use recurring commission affiliate programs. When I started out as an affiliate, I used cheap physical products which only paid me a tiny percentage of the sale value. This was a big mistake and it took me a long time to realise I was wasting a lot of time! Just this one tip would have changed my trajectory and put me ahead. With recurring commission programs, you can earn residual income even years after you have referred someone to a program.

The Ultimate Guide – Paid Marketing Ebook

Having spent rather a lot of money learning marketing strategies through an online mentorship program, I thought writing a book about marketing would be a good way to help me remember the strategies I was learning about.

The Ultimate Guide To Online Marketing came about after several months of training courses.

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF

In this book I’ve included some free marketing strategies I discovered when learning how to build up my martial arts school. I also go into the various paid marketing strategies too such as Google Adwords and Bing. Paid marketing is the fastest way to build an online affiliate business. However, you need a good business model such as the SFM Digital Business System in order to be able to use paid marketing and make a profit.

Affiliate Marketing Ebooks – PDF Downloads

Affiliate marketing secrets came about after using the keyword research I talked about in Niche Blogging For Profit. I found that one particular keyword which offered some traffic also had very little competition.

affiliate marketing secrets pdf
40 hits a month is not much traffic, but it’s worth a shot!

So I created affiliate marketing secrets as a bit of an experiment to see whether I’d be able to rank my website for that particular keyword.

I’m still ranking for this keyword several years later! Checkout my listing:

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF

Affiliate marketing secrets pdf was born! 40 hits a month is not much traffic, it has to be said. And when it’s spread out among the top 4-5 search results i get hardly any traffic still. But with a few hundred, or thousand of similar listings, it proves the “Niche Blogging For Profit” works – and it all adds up!

affiliate marketing secrets pdf

Affiliate Marketing PDF Downloads

Here’s another book I put together for similar reasons to the affiliate marketing secrets pdf. Although no listing yet but this was a more recent creation.

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF

The affiliate marketing blueprint comes about also after following a number of successful online affiliates who have mentored me for several months and years now. Top affiliates have taught me to follow a different path that I started out with. They think differently to many affiliates who get stuck with low paying programs and slow marketing strategies.

Before Affiliate Marketing – Ebay Profit

Before I became an affiliate marketer I found a digital downloadable book and bought it from eBay. It taught me a strategy to profit from eBay by buying and selling items using a misspell search tool.

I used this method successfully for several months before putting it down. I knew there had to be a better way to profit from the internet and that eventually led me to learn affiliate marketing. But here’s the eBay strategy if you’d like to give it a go!

Affiliate Marketing Books PDF

If you’re interested in creating your own ebooks, I put together an article on how to sell ebooks on your own website.

Affiliate Ebooks – Why Create Your Own

As you get more experience in affiliate marketing, or if you already know about a topic, it’s worth creating your own ebooks. Ebooks offer a great way to build an email list by giving them away in exchange for your subscribers information.

Here’s a final ebook I recommend for your affiliate marketing journey. This one isn’t mine so I can’t offer it for free. It’s a book by a guy called Stuart Lichtman, who has helped thousands of people train their minds for success. See also Stuart Lichtman Pdf.

stuart lichtman